Gustav III of Sweden oor Fins

Gustav III of Sweden

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As a Lieutenant in the Russian armed forces he fought in the Russo-Swedish War against King Gustav III of Sweden.
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In 1772, after Gustav III of Sweden had seized power, a new constitution was made, giving power back to the king.
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However, King Gustav III of Sweden cut them down to two, because the nobility and bourgeoisie believed that long holidays made the workers too lazy.
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1792 – King Gustav III of Sweden dies after being shot in the back at a midnight masquerade ball at Stockholm's Royal Opera 13 days earlier.
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During the Riksdag of 1786 he openly opposed Gustav III of Sweden, at the same time engaging in a secret and treasonable correspondence with the Russian ministers with the view of inducing them to assist his plans for an independent Finland by force of arms.
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King Gustav III of Sweden laid the foundation stone of the Crownwork Ehrensvärd in 1775.
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It was named for King Gustav III of Sweden.
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It was named after King Gustav III of Sweden.
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Tampere Workers’ Theatre’s director Lasse Pöysti is seen on stage as King Gustav III of Sweden.
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The second part of the series travels with Gustav III of Sweden through the then Finland.
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1792 – King Gustav III of Sweden is shot; he dies on March 29.
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He was the son of Gustav III of Sweden by his wife queen Sophia Magdalena.
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When King Gustav III of Sweden visited Hatanpää manor, he gave the order to establish the city of Tampere.
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In 1776, King Gustav III of Sweden, made Heinola the administrative centre of the newly divided Province of Kymenkartano.
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The second oldest museum in Sweden is the Gustav III's Museum of Antiquities in the cellars of the northeast wing, which open up for the public in 1794.
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Established in 1775 by King Gustav III of Sweden, Tampere began as a small town on the banks of the Tammerkoski channel.
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The legend has it that King Gustav III of Sweden proposed to Empress Catherine II of Russia during the 1783 negotiations in Hamina.
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On 20 March 1779 Colonel Yrjö Maunu Sprengtporten sent a written petition to Gustav III of Sweden to establish a permanent military academy.
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In 1774, Armfelt became an ensign in the guards, but his frivolous behavior involving a duel provoked the displeasure of Gustav III of Sweden.
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By decision of King Gustav III of Sweden a new town by the name of Tampere was founded in the Swedish Kingdom in 1779.
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Favourable economic development continued under King Gustav III of Sweden and increased prosperity started to make itself felt, particularly in Ostrobothnia and in west and southwest Finland.
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A graveyard dating back to the Russian War (1788-90) of Gustav III of Sweden, where the soldiers who fell in the battle of Siikakoski in 1789 were buried.
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The exhibition includes several rare works that have not previously been displayed in public, including Lorens Pasch the Younger’s (1733–1805) portrait of King Gustav III of Sweden (1783).
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It is one of the best preserved Rococo houses in Finland, and has had an illustrious history, having had King Gustav III of Sweden and Tsar Alexander I as guests.
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King Gustav III of Sweden had come into power two years earlier and he wished to become acquainted with the eastern parts of his kingdom; its administration, defence and roads.
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39 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.