Hermès oor Fins


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


In that context, Mr Hermès granted Sanoma authorisation, on an exclusive basis, to publish those photos.
Hermès antoi tässä yhteydessä Sanomalle yksinoikeuden kuvien julkaisuun.
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It's either a Lanvin or an Hermès.
Lupasin ruumiini eräälle naiselleOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
a) From Hermès to Van Parys
kussakin datansiirtotyypissä (ajoneuvojen välinen, ajoneuvon ja infrastruktuurin välinen ja infrastruktuurien välinen) tarvittava viestintäinfrastruktuuri on määriteltyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It will be recalled that, in such cases, the Court has jurisdiction to interpret the provision in the context of a preliminary ruling, even as regards situations falling within the scope of national law (Hermès v FHT, cited above, paragraphs 32-33; see also Case C-89/99 Schieving-Nijstad and Others [2001] ECR I-5851, paragraph 30).
Ne palaavat!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(5) That rule, established in the Court’s case-law since Hermès, (6) and continuously upheld until Merck Genéricos, has meant that the complexity of the system of distribution of competences prevailing between the European Union and the Member States has necessarily been carried over into the area of jurisdiction.
Minä vilkaisen.Ei mitään ongelmaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The judgments in Hermès and Dior left a considerable number of questions unanswered.
Ehkä ruusunväriset lasit ovat viimein poissaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the final analysis, in the instant case the Community and national situations to which the contested provision of TRIPs may be applied do not in any way have the particular interrelationship, from a regulatory point of view, possessed by the corresponding situations in Hermès.
Me kaikki poistummeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is inferred, first, from the judgment in Demirel,(35) where the Court derived its power from the fact that the Association Agreements cover all the matters included in the EC Treaty, (36) a view confirmed, secondly, in the judgment in Hermès, (37) which inferred the Court’s power to give a ruling on Article 50 of the TRIPS Agreement (38) from the fact that both the Community and the Member States were competent to conclude that agreement.
Hän vastustaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He therefore granted Hermès' application and ordered FHT to cease any present or future infringement of Hermès' exclusive copyright and trade-mark rights.
Palomiehet hälytettiin paikalle, mutta ei virallisestiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
52 – With regard to the difficulty in interpreting all agreements, including the different categories of mixed agreement, in a uniform manner, the opinion delivered by Advocate General Tesauro in Hermès, cited above, is helpful, especially point 18.
Kirjaimellisestiko?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
18 The Court has previously ruled that a measure whose purpose is to put an end to alleged infringements of a trade-mark right and which is adopted in the course of a procedure such as that provided for by the provisions of the Code referred to in paragraphs 13 to 16 of this judgment constitutes a provisional measure within the meaning of Article 50(1) of TRIPs (Case C-53/96 Hermès [1998] ECR I-3603).
Oliko teillä asiaa?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
18 The Gerechtshof Amsterdam (Amsterdam Court of Appeal, the Netherlands) set aside that decision, finding that, by posting the hyperlinks on the GeenStijl website, GS Media had not infringed Mr Hermès’ copyright, since the photos at issue had already been made public before they were posted on the Filefactory website.
Hän kuvaa aika hyvin ihmisten paskamaisuuttaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
36 – See in particular the Opinion of Advocate General Saggio in Portugal v Council and the Opinion of Advocate General Tesauro in Case C‐53/96 Hermès [1998] ECR I‐3603, points 28 to 37.
Purseriamme on puukotettuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 In particular, the Court has jurisdiction to interpret Article 50 of TRIPs in order to meet the needs of the courts of the Member States when they are called upon to apply national rules with a view to ordering provisional measures for the protection of rights arising under Community legislation falling within the scope of TRIPs (see Hermès, paragraphs 28 and 29).
Oletko jo testannut Vincen chilin?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That judgment, being based on a dualist concept of the relationship between the Community legal order and WTO law, is also irreconcilable with the judgment in Case C-53/96 Hermès International [1998] ECR I-3603, which takes a monist approach to the question of interpreting WTO law.
Pitäkää hänet poissa tieltäniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(26) - Hermès, cited in footnote 22 above, paragraph 32, and Leur-Bloem, cited in footnote 14 above, paragraph 34.
Rosenbergin luento venyiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
19 Nevertheless, the President of the Arrondissementsrechtbank is uncertain whether a period should be fixed within which Hermès must initiate proceedings on the merits.
Korvataan # kohdan b ja c alakohta seuraavastiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In fact, the aforementioned judgments in Leur-Bloem and Hermès clearly state that, `where a provision can apply both to situations falling within the scope of national law and to situations falling within the scope of Community law', in other words where it has a dual nature, as Article 6 of the EEA Agreement has, `it is clearly in the Community interest that, in order to forestall future differences in interpretation, that provision should be interpreted uniformly, whatever the circumstances in which it is to apply'.
Tutkikaa Verestä lääkeaineetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Judgment of the Court of 16 June 1998. - Hermès International (a partnership limited by shares) v FHT Marketing Choice BV. - Reference for a preliminary ruling: Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam - Netherlands. - Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation - TRIPS Agreement - Article 177 of the Treaty - Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice - Article 50 of the TRIPS Agreement - Provisional measures. - Case C-53/96.
Minulla on kysyttävää Jon ForsteristaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hermès also requested the adoption of all measures necessary to bring the infringement definitively to an end.
Ole kiltti ja aja talliinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
32 The WTO Agreement was concluded by the Community and all its Member States on the basis of joint competence and, as the Court has earlier remarked in Hermès, paragraph 24, without any allocation between them of their respective obligations towards the other contracting parties.
Sioilla ilmenee kuumetta, syömättömyyttä ja vaikeissa tapauksissa ilmenee koordinaatiohäiriöitä, ataksiaa ja siat saattavat jäädä makaamaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
14 On 21 December 1995, Hermès, believing that FHT was marketing copies of its ties, seized, with leave of the President of the Arrondissementsrechtbank te Amsterdam, 10 ties in the possession of FHT itself and attached 453 ties held by PTT Post BV to the order of FHT.
Tule nyt töihinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
after hearing the oral observations of Hermès International, represented by L. van Bunnen, the Netherlands Government, represented by M.
poistumistullitoimipaikalla tulliviranomaisten tullisäännösten mukaisesti määräämää tullitoimipaikkaa, jossa tavarat on esitettävä, ennen kuin ne poistuvat yhteisön tullialueelta, ja jossa niille tehdään poistumismuodollisuuksien suorittamiseen liittyvä tullitarkastus sekä asianmukainen riskiin perustuva tarkastusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
218 Even if Article 109 of the OCT Decision were, so far as possible, to be interpreted in the light of the text and purpose of the Safeguards Agreement (see to that effect Case C-53/96 Hermès [1998] ECR I-3603, paragraph 28, and Joined Cases C-300/98 and C-392/98 Dior and Others [2000] ECR I-11307, paragraph 47), it would be necessary to find that the Commission has adequately shown the existence of a correlation between the exponential increase in imports of sugar and mixtures under the EC/OCT cumulation of origin regime and the threat of deterioration in the Community sugar sector (see paragraphs 122 to 155 above).
Miten kauan olette olleet täällä?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the Netherlands, `Hermès' neckties are sold by Galerie & Faïence BV and by the boutique Le Duc in Scheveningen and Zeist respectively.
Mennään sittenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 By virtue of international registrations R 196 756 and R 199 735 designating the Benelux, Hermès is proprietor of the name `Hermès' and the name and device `Hermès' as trade marks.
Murtauduin etsimään niitä, enkä löytänytEurLex-2 EurLex-2
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.