Palestinian Arab oor Fins

Palestinian Arab

a descendant of the Arabs who inhabited Palestine

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palestiinalainen arabi

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UNRWA has over 25 000 Palestinian Arabs on its payroll.
Tajusin nopeasti, että monella niistä oli pelottavia voimianot-set not-set
In 1936–39 Palestinian Arabs opposed to Jewish mass immigration revolted against British rule.
b) lähetys ei ole ollut kosketuksissa muiden eläinperäisten tuotteiden eikä elävien eläinten kanssa, jotka olisivat voineet aiheuttaa vakavan tartuntataudin leviämisriskinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is Zionist politics, they say, that displaced from their native lands thousands of Palestinian Arabs.
He haluavat muuttaa maamme historian, ja se ei käyjw2019 jw2019
It obviously augurs well that Israel is prepared to accept the participation of Palestinian Arabs in this project.
Kaikkien aikojen ensimmäinen kiinniottoEuroparl8 Europarl8
At the start of the 1936 disturbances the British Mandate authorities used Auja as a concentration camp for arrested Palestinian Arab leaders including Awny Abdul Hadi.
Elämä olisi jonkin arvoistaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Belgian and Italian governments have directly donated sums for the purchase of such books (Funding for Peace Coalition, Managing European Taxpayers' Money: Supporting the Palestinian Arabs - A Study in Transparency, August 2004, p.
Ennen kaikkea on ratkaistava nykytilanteelle ominaiset epäjohdonmukaisuudet: # prosenttia omista varoista tulee bruttokansantulosta, jolla on ainakin muodollisesti toissijainen asema, ja noin # prosenttia kokonaisvaroista ei itse asiassa ole omia varoja eli niitä ei osoiteta suoraan unionillenot-set not-set
This would be a positive message to the Palestinians, the Arabs and the international community.
Sinä teit ennen niin jatkuvastiEuroparl8 Europarl8
What matters now is the political will to implement it among Israelis and Palestinians, among Arabs and the wider international community.
Sen jälkeenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Is the Commission aware of these facts, and does it recognise that such developments are damaging to a balanced approach to Israeli NGOs on the one hand and Palestinian/Arab NGOs on the other within the complex situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories?
Euroopan komissio julkistaa ehdotuspyynnön (viite ECFIN/A#/#/#) toteuttaakseen EU:n yhteiseen yhdenmukaistettuun yritys- ja kuluttajakyselyohjelmaan (jonka komissio hyväksyi #. heinäkuuta #, KOM #) kuuluvia kyselyjä #:ssä EU:n jäsenvaltiossa ja ehdokasmaissa (Kroatia, entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia, Turkki ja Islantinot-set not-set
This is home to the Arabs; this is home to the Palestinians, and Jerusalem's policy of conquest and expulsion of the Palestinians and Arabs is a real catastrophe.
Tämän ajanjakson päättyessä komissio päättää joko keskeyttämisen lopettamisesta ilmoitettuaan asiasta # artiklassa tarkoitetulle komitealle tai sen jatkamisesta tämän artiklan # kohdassa tarkoitetun menettelyn mukaisestiEuroparl8 Europarl8
“Most galling to the Arabs,” noted Time magazine of November 24, 1975, “is Israel’s Law of Return, which grants instant citizenship to any Jew who immigrates to Israel from anywhere in the world, while Palestinian Arabs who fled their homeland during the 1948 war are still, in most cases, prevented from returning.”
Guys And Dolls menee paikalleenjw2019 jw2019
If the aim had been to find a balance here, instead of attempting to blame Israel in this biased way, mention could perhaps have been made of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier who has been deprived of human rights for 1 720 days as a prisoner of the Palestinian Arabs or Hamas.
Neuvoston päätösEuroparl8 Europarl8
Not the Israelis, not the Palestinians, not the Arabs.
Että olet sairaalassaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We do take a neutral policy position between Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab and Muslim countries.
Kumpaakin järjestelmää käytetään säännöllisestiEuroparl8 Europarl8
This is why serious obstacles to achieving a peace which is just, such as the constant establishment of Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory or the lack of respect for what East Jerusalem means to Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims in general, have made the road to peace a difficult one. Peace is a concept which should not be defined as merely the absence of war.
Minähän olen ikuinen romantikkoEuroparl8 Europarl8
What are the Commission's existing and future measures that will ensure greater protection of human rights in Israel and the Occupied Territories, with particular regard to the rights of Palestinians and Arab Israelis?
Tiedän että teitä väsyttää, olette kaukana kotoaja ahdistuneitanot-set not-set
Answering my previous question on funding of NGOs (E‐2209/06), the Commission writes that the objective of funding under the Middle East Peace Projects is ‘to provide a solid foundation at civil society level for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East by strengthening and increasing direct civil society relationships and cooperation based on equality and reciprocity between Palestinians/Arabs and Israelis, including the Arab Palestinian minority in Israel.’
Näkemiin, kultaseni.not-set not-set
The Palestinian Authority has adopted a new law providing for convicted Palestinian and Israeli Arab terrorists in Israeli prisons to receive a monthly salary.
Dexia leikkaa käyttökustannuksiaan # prosenttia # päivään joulukuuta # mennessänot-set not-set
Lastly, I would remind you that there is an Arab plan that offers Israel a prospect of peace, not only with the Palestinians but with Arab countries as a whole.
Komissio totesi menettelyn aloittamista koskevassa päätöksessään, että ensimmäistä kokousta, joka järjestettiin # päivänä tammikuuta # Hessenin viranomaisten sekä maatalouden ja maaseudun kehittämisen PO:n virkamiestenkesken, voidaan pitää tapahtumana, joka keskeytti asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # artiklan mukaisen vanhentumisajan kulumisenEuroparl8 Europarl8
In my opinion, one thing is clear: since Madrid and Oslo, the dividing line no longer lies between Israelis and Palestinians, or Arabs in general, but between those who wish to support and those who wish to torpedo the peace process.
Hän seuraa Ben Lo Pan limusiiniaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The European Union has an important role to play in the peace process, as all sides - Palestinians, Israelis, their Arab neighbours and the United States - have acknowledged.
Ei oleellinenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Mr President, Arabs and Palestinians have committed terrible historical errors and injustices, but they have also paid the price for them.
Jäsenvaltioiden on toimitettava komissiolle (Eurostat) mikrotason tiedot sisältävät puhtaat tiedostot kuuden kuukauden kuluessa kansallisen tiedonkeruujakson päättymisestäEuroparl8 Europarl8
Manifestly the settlement policy is undermining the peace process and the confidence of both Palestinians and all other Arab countries in it.
Liikennettä piisaaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Since the 1960’s, terrorism has gathered momentum, especially in relation to the problems of Israel, the Palestinian refugees, and the Arab states.
Normaaliarvojw2019 jw2019
Just as the Jews have a right to their country, their state, in the same way the Arabs, the Palestinians, have a right too.
Seuraamme häntäEuroparl8 Europarl8
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