Persone oor Fins


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


You' ve the photograph of my girlfriend, I was showing to Person the other day?
Onko sinulla kuva tyttöystävästäni, jonka näytin Personille tuossa yksi päivä?
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

personal space
personal estate
clumsy person
kömpelys · tohelo · törppö
anal retentive personality
anaalinen persoonallisuus
personal assistant
henkilökohtainen avustaja
person agreement
personal record
person responsible
vastaava henkilö


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
For instance, the person speaking with us can let his face “talk” in a pleasing manner.
Rehuviljan yhteisön hinnat vahvistetaan kerran vuodessa kahdentoista kuukauden määräajaksi, joka alkaa # päivänä elokuuta, kyseisen viljan kynnyshintojen ja niiden kuukausittaisten korotusten perusteellajw2019 jw2019
Only a few hours after the official functions were provisionally transferred to prime minister Meciar as an interim measure, he had two personal assistants sacked, recalled over half of Slovakia's ambassadors - or at least gave notice of his intention to do so - and suspended the trial of the suspected abductor of the former President's son.
Ehdotettu poikkeus eliminoi alv-menetykset, koska verottaja ei ole maksanut alv:tä kummallekaan osapuolelleEuroparl8 Europarl8
Member States may exclude the individual concerned from their territory pending the redress procedure, but they may not prevent the individual from submitting his/her defence in person, except when his/her appearance may cause serious troubles to public policy or public security or when the appeal or judicial review concerns a denial of entry to the territory
Mitä haluat minusta?eurlex eurlex
Identities of the shareholders or persons (natural or legal persons), that exercise direct or indirect control over the management of the CSD or that hold participations in the capital of the CSD and the amounts of those holdings
Tätä tukea myönnetään yhteisön sääntelyssä vahvistettujen yhteisten vaatimusten mukaisille tuotteille tai tuotteille, jotka ovat hankintasopimuksiin sisältyvien vaatimusten mukaisia, jos vahvistettuja vaatimuksia ei oleeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The customs office of guarantee shall notify the revocation to the guarantor and the person required to provide the guarantee.
Palvelut ja muut ovat sisäisiä ja horisontaalisia toimintoja, joita tarvitaan yhteisöjen toimielinten ja muiden elinten toiminnan ylläpitämiseenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Would not the unilateral introduction of such a system contravene the rules on the free movement of persons and goods?
Samasta syystä se ei estä vetoketjujen käyttöä, vaikka vetoketjut tavallisesti sisältävät tekstiiliainettanot-set not-set
Nevertheless, the Court considered that the fact that the affected consumers were informed of this right only through the official journal of the Member State but not personally by the relevant court (435) created a significant risk that the time-limit would expire without the consumers' being able to exercise their rights, which infringed the effectiveness principle and thereby the UCTD (436).
En tiedä mitään tästä lehdestäEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The data subject's right to transmit or receive personal data concerning him or her should not create an obligation for the controllers to adopt or maintain processing systems which are technically compatible.
Ne eivät siis tottele toisen komentoaluksen käskyjäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Judgment of the Court of 15 January 1998. - Kalliope Schöning-Kougebetopoulou v Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg. - Reference for a preliminary ruling: Arbeitsgericht Hamburg - Germany. - Freedom of movement for persons - Collective agreement applicable to public sector employees - Promotion on grounds of seniority - Professional experience acquired in another Member State. - Case C-15/96.
Tavaramerkki- tai merkkioikeus, johon väitemenettelyssä on vedottu: Saksan sanamerkki SHE luokkiin # ja # kuuluvia tavaroita varten, Saksan kuviomerkki She luokkiin #, #, #, # ja # kuuluvia tavaroita varten sekä kansainvälinen kuviomerkki She luokkiin #, #, #, # ja # kuuluvia tavaroita vartenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An employed person must possess housing for his family which is regarded as of normal standard for national employed persons in the region where he is employed, but this provision may not lead to discrimination between national employed persons and employed persons from the other Contracting Party.
Se tuhoaisi uskon Kaihin,- ja ilman vahvaa Kaita Bajor ei selviydyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When the institution of the Member State under whose legislation the person suffering from the disease last pursued an activity which might cause the occupational disease in question ascertains that such person or his survivors do not satisfy the conditions of that legislation, taking into account the provisions of Article 57 (2), (3) and (4) of the Regulation, the said institution shall:
Jos en saa varjoani auki, sinäkin kuolet!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
5th part:‘condemns, in particular ... those stateless persons;’
Ihan seIkäpiitä karmiiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The document of origin shall be deemed to have been duly endorsed if it specifies the place and date of issue and the final date of validity, and if it bears the stamp of the issuing authority and the signature of the person or persons empowered to sign it
Ei, hän häiritsee jo nyteurlex eurlex
The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum, immigration and the prevention and combating of crime.
Voin paljastaa ampujan, ampumisen järjestäjän,-- kaikki ihan ylös astiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- to another person who, without any processing (which alters the nature, properties or composition of the substances), uses them as to 100% in a manufacturing or refining process, for example in place of raw materials hitherto used, but
Ei, ainoastaan rikkaiden homojen elämäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) the acquisition of goods is made by a taxable person who is not established in the Member State concerned but is identified for VAT purposes in another Member State;
Minne asti Alice meni?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The intense personal and professional relationship between the EU and US negotiators contributed immensely to this positive outcome.
On sattunut hirveä erehdys!not-set not-set
79 Dunamenti Erőmű complains that the General Court failed to examine the question of its legal personality and that of Electrabel in order to respond to its argument that any aid resulting from the PPA at issue had been repaid by virtue of its privatisation.
Interventioelin voi kuitenkin nimetä yhdessä tarjouksen tekijän kanssa muita varastoja tarjouksessa mainitun määrän saavuttamiseksiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If it considers appropriate, the Committee may invite any other person to provide information relating to the matter before it.
On erittäin suositeltavaa, että aina saadessasi annoksen Viraferonia valmisteen nimi ja eränumero kirjataan ylös, jotta säilytetään tieto käytetyistä eristä. evnot-set not-set
The right of every person to follow a religious conviction, or even none at all, must be safeguarded and respected by everyone.
Miksi Long Duk Dong on pukeutunut lääkäriksi?Europarl8 Europarl8
natural or legal persons, entities, bodies and groups associated with ISIL (Da'esh) and Al Qaida, and
Murdoch pani hiton miliisin perääniEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
In any event, suspects or accused persons shall have access to a lawyer from whichever of the following points in time is the earliest:
En olisi itse pystynyt paljon huonompaannot-set not-set
Person subject to judicial investigation by the Tunisian authorities in respect of the acquisition of movable and immovable property, the opening of bank accounts and the holding of financial assets in several countries as part of money-laundering operations.
neuvotteluohjeissa olisi edistettävä assosiaation puitteissa sisäisiä mekanismeja ja yhteisiä toimenpiteitä kehitysstrategioiden täysimääräiseksi hyödyntämiseksi siten, että ne edistävät yhteisiä kehityshankkeita etenkin EU:ssa oleskelevan siirtolaisväestön kanssaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) communications relating to the goods, services or image of the undertaking, organisation or person, compiled in an independent manner, particularly when provided for no financial consideration.
A copy of all instructions to be sent to those persons who are to perform the repair.
Korvatipat, suspensioEurLex-2 EurLex-2
205 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.