Revolutionary People's Struggle oor Fins

Revolutionary People's Struggle

an extreme leftist terrorist group formed in Greece in 1971 to oppose the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974; a revolutionary group opposed to capitalism and imperialism and the United States

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Revolutionary People’s Struggle

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The whole affair in the meantime smacks of the unremitting power struggle between the reformist camp around President Khatami and the conservatives around revolutionary leader Khomenei - by trampling on a defenceless Jewish minority of about 30 000 people.
Olet varmasti erehtynyt henkilöstäEuroparl8 Europarl8
And so if, during the revolutionary struggle people choose to proceed according to this view, are they not simply imitating the methods used by the capitalists, and thus furthering the destruction of human beings?
Jos yrityksen vaikeudet johtuvat sen omistajaohjausjärjestelmän puutteista, järjestelmää on muutettava asianmukaisella tavallaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In all previous revolutions a small minority of the people led the revolutionary struggle, gave it aim and direction, and used the mass only as an instrument to carry its interests, the interests of the minority, through to victory.
Tästä tulee hauskaa!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Mayday 2013, the AKP government, which talks of the “solution process” in Kurdistan and carries out fascist attacks and detentions and is banning demonstrations in Takism, has shown both that its deceitful attitude in the “peace process” is continuing as well as its intention to frustrate the growth of the united revolutionary struggle of our peoples.
Ainakaan israelilaiset eivät saisi syitä tappaa meitäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
[8] In this case, not strictly sports hooligans, but marginalized and rowdy youth, as distinguished from people who consciously and habitually participate in social struggles, revolutionary projects, activist campaigns, or politics.
Yhteisön ja jäsenvaltioiden olisi allekirjoitettava komission neuvottelema sopimus ja sovellettava sitä väliaikaisesti kansallisen lainsäädännön mukaisesti sillä varauksella, että sopimus mahdollisesti tehdään myöhemminParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Only now are the broad sections of the people actually receiving a chance fully and openly to observe the policy of revolutionary struggle for peace and to study its results.
Ettekö te tiedä mitään kulttuurista?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This struggle must be organised, according to “all the rules of the art”, by people who are professionally engaged in revolutionary activity.
Kiiruhtakaa.Palatkaa kalastajan mökkiinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The French bourgeois of 1789, too, declared the emancipation of the bourgeoisie to be the emancipation of the whole human race; but the nobility and clergy would not see it; the proposition – though for the time being, with respect to feudalism, an abstract historical truth – soon became a mere sentimentalism, and disappeared from view altogether in the fire of the revolutionary struggle. And to-day, the very people who, from the “impartiality” of their superior standpoint, preach to the workers a socialism soaring high above their class interests and class struggles-these people are either neophytes, who have still to learn a great deal, or they are the worst enemies of the workers-wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Kaikki, mihin uskomme ja mitä olemme, on tarjottimella heilleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The French bourgeois of 1789, too, declared the emancipation of the bourgeoisie to be the emancipation of the whole human race; but the nobility and clergy would not see it; the proposition — though for the time being, with respect to feudalism, an abstract historical truth — soon became a mere sentimentalism, and disappeared from view altogether in the fire of the revolutionary struggle. And to-day, the very people who, from the “impartiality” of their superior standpoint, preach to the workers a Socialism soaring high above their class interests and class struggles, and tending to reconcile in a higher humanity the interests of both the contending classes — these people are either neophytes, who have still to learn a great deal, or they are the worst enemies of the workers — wolves in sheep’s clothing.
äänestystulokset: Äänestysten tulokset-liite, kohtaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Ireland this is a hundred times easier, because the economic struggle there is concentrated exclusively in landed property, because the struggle there is at the same time a national one, and because the people there are more revolutionary and more embittered than in England.
Edellä # ja # kohdassa tarkoitetut valaistuksen arvot kankaalla on mitattava valokennolla, jonka valoherkän alueen on oltava neliön, jonka sivu on # mm pitkä, sisälläParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the northern end of The Bund, along the riverfront, is Huangpu Park, in which is situated the Monument to the People's Heroes - a tall, abstract concrete tower which is a memorial for the those who died during the revolutionary struggle of Shanghai dating back to the First Opium War.
korostaa, että on tärkeää vahvistaa yritysten sosiaalisen vastuun periaatetta, Kansainvälisen työjärjestön (ILO) normien ja sopimusten tiukkaa noudattamista sekä kansainvälisten ympäristöä ja ihmisoikeuksia koskevien yleissopimusten noudattamista ja varmistaa kestävä kehitys siten, että nämä periaatteet sisällytetään Euroopan unionin kahdenvälisiin ja monenvälisiin kauppasopimuksiinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the same time, we must tell them openly and frankly that a state of mind is by itself insufficient for leadership of the masses in a great revolutionary struggle, and that the cause of the revolution may well be harmed by certain errors that people who are most devoted to the cause of the revolution are about to commit, or are committing.
Tässä sinulle rahaa, poikaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Naive and quite inexperienced people imagine that the permissibility of compromise in general is sufficient to obliterate any distinction between opportunism, against which we are waging, and must wage, an unremitting struggle, and revolutionary Marxism, or communism.
Kerro nimesi, piru vie!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Since the essence of a revolutionary struggle fitting with anarchist ideals is the reappropriation of life by individuals who have been exploited, dispossessed and dominated, it would be in the process of this struggle that people would decide how they want to create their lives, what in this world they feel they can appropriate to increase their freedom, open possibilities and add to their enjoyment, and what would only be a burden stealing from the joy of life and undermining possibilities for expanding freedom.
Älä avaa sitä juttuaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To us, February and March could have the significance of a real revolution only if they were not the conclusion but, on the contrary, the starting-points of a long revolutionary movement in which, as in the Great French Revolution, the people developed further through its own struggles and the parties became more and more sharply differentiated until they coincided entirely with the great classes, bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie and proletariat, and in which the separate positions were won one after another by the proletariat in a series of battles.
Koska nämä toimenpiteet ovat laajakantoisia ja niiden tarkoituksena on muuttaa direktiivin #/#/ETY muita kuin keskeisiä osia, ne on hyväksyttävä päätöksen #/#/EY # a artiklassa säädettyä valvonnan käsittävää sääntelymenettelyä noudattaenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The reply is manifold: we Social-Democrats will organise these nation-wide exposures; all questions raised by the agitation will he explained in a consistently Social-Democratic spirit, without any concessions to deliberate or undeliberate distortions of Marxism; the all-round political agitation will be conducted by a party which unites into one inseparable whole the assault on the government in the name of the entire people, the revolutionary training of the proletariat, and the safeguarding of its political independence, the guidance of the economic struggle of the working class, and the utilisation of all its spontaneous conflicts with its exploiters which rouse and bring into our camp increasing numbers of the proletariat.
kehottaa poliisiakatemiaa, OLAFia ja komissiota ilmoittamaan vastuuvapauden myöntävälle viranomaiselle OLAFin tutkimuksen tuloksista viipymättä, heti kun ne ovat saatavillaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Engels deliberately emphasized the words "in relation to the state" as a straight thrust at at German opportunism, which had declared religion to be a private matter in relation to the party, thus degrading the party of the revolutionary proletariat to the level of the most vulgar "free- thinking" philistinism, which is prepared to allow a non-denominational status, but which renounces the party struggle against the opium of religion which stupifies the people.
Sitten menet odottamaan linja- autoa, jasaat rankkasateen niskaasiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Lastly, the civil war which was started by the Cadet-Kaledin counter-revolutionary revolt against the Soviet authorities, against the workers’ and peasants’ government, has finally brought the class struggle to a head and has destroyed every chance of setting in a formally democratic way the very acute problems with which history has confronted the peoples of Russia, and in the first place her working class and peasants.
Hän aikoo lopettaa koulun ja karata kotoaanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fundamental political temper of the ’Majority’ is abstract revolutionism, rebellion for the sake of rebellion, an eagerness to stir up insurrection among the popular masses by any and every means and to seize power immediately in their name; to a certain extent this brings the ’Leninists’ close to the Socialist-Revolutionaries and overshadows in their minds the idea of the class struggle with the idea of a Russian revolution involving the whole people; while abjuring in practice much of the narrow-mindedness of the Social-Democratic doctrine, the ’Leninists’ are, on the other hand, thoroughly imbued with the narrow-mindedness of revolutionism, renounce all practical work except the preparation of an immediate insurrection, ignore on principle all forms of legal and semi-legal agitation and every species of practically useful compromise with other oppositional trends.
Ne kaikki ovat teidän hattujanneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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