Rhodesians oor Fins


Plural form of Rhodesian.

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The Rhodesians, as a consequence, were ousted from the Games in a move Brundage termed “naked political blackmail.”
Sen vuoksi rhodesialaiset häädettiin kisoista tavalla, jota Brundage kutsui ”paljaaksi poliittiseksi kiristykseksi”.

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Rhodesian ridgeback
Rhodesiankoira · rhodesiankoira
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian man
Homo rhodesiensis · Rhodesianihminen


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Independence in 1962, though, created different political circumstances, and in October 1963 two Northern Rhodesian special pioneers were successful in obtaining a three-month visa, which was renewed without difficulty.
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Dale LeBaron organizes the first Rhodesian District Presidency.
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Later a specialist on African affairs from Belgium visited the Northern Rhodesian branch office, and an opportunity was afforded to give a detailed explanation of our work and our message.
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From 1932, Malawi (then Nyasaland) used the Southern Rhodesian pound.
Haluan todeta, että parlamentti hyväksyi 25. syyskuuta 2003 päätöslauselman, jossa komissiota vaadittiin vastaamaan Lloyd's of Londonin sääntelyä koskeviin kysymyksiin ja antamaan asiaa koskevat tiedot 15. marraskuuta 2003 mennessä.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rhodesian Special Forces trick.
Kanneperusteet: Asetuksen N:o #/# # artiklan # kohdan b alakohdan virheellinen soveltaminen sekä perustelujen puuttuminen tai riittämättömyys saman asetuksen # artiklan a kohdan soveltamista koskevan pyynnön osaltaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since the Rhodesian authorities were searching for him for the murders he had committed, he was arrested, judged, and hanged.”
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He was a longstanding member of the Southern Rhodesian Legislative Assembly, although his career was interrupted by other posts and by illness.
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You attacked the Rhodesian Mission.
Miten olisi,- henki hengestä?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most current researchers place Rhodesian Man within the group of Homo heidelbergensis, though other designations such as archaic Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens rhodesiensis have been proposed.
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He has a wife and a child and a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
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5 November – 38 African states demand that the United Kingdom use force against the Rhodesian government.
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The Rhodesian farmers’ union refers to the 50-percent drop in crop production as a “national tragedy.”
Komissio toteaa myös, että muihin jäsenvaltioihin verrattuna Alankomaille on ominaista, että hiukkaspäästöjä tulee enemmän sisävesien laivaliikenteestä ja meriliikenteestäjw2019 jw2019
Yes, but not altogether unique, for that the good news of God’s kingdom has this effect on children is also seen from what a five-year-old Rhodesian child wrote the Watch Tower Society’s branch office at Salisbury: “Dear Brothers, Here is my donation to the Society for 1/ - [one shilling; value, 14 cents] that my Daddy gave me for sweets.
Onko sinulla nälkä?- Mahdotonjw2019 jw2019
I earned the right to be a voice when I went after the Rhodesians.
Hei, katsos mies, mihin helvettiin tarvitset minua?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Rhodesians, as a consequence, were ousted from the Games in a move Brundage termed “naked political blackmail.”
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Because of the migration of people between Congo and Northern Rhodesia, however, some Rhodesian brothers were able to enter Congo, usually for brief periods.
kyseisen alan järkevän kehityksen varmistamiseksi ja tuottavuuden parantamiseksi on yhteisön tasolla annettava säännöt terveyttä ja eläinten terveyttä koskevista ongelmista kaninlihan ja tarhatun riistan lihan tuotannossa ja markkinoille saattamisessajw2019 jw2019
Smuts had a large army (for the area), some 13,000 South Africans including Boers, British, Rhodesians and 7,000 Indian and African troops, a ration strength of 73,300 men.
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From here men went to work in the Rhodesian copper mines.
Alan pitää tästä paikastajw2019 jw2019
He was crucial in the negotiation of the 1961 constitution, which increased black representation in the Southern Rhodesian parliament.
Ennen kaikkea on ratkaistava nykytilanteelle ominaiset epäjohdonmukaisuudet: # prosenttia omista varoista tulee bruttokansantulosta, jolla on ainakin muodollisesti toissijainen asema, ja noin # prosenttia kokonaisvaroista ei itse asiassa ole omia varoja eli niitä ei osoiteta suoraan unionilleWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sir Edgar Cuthbert Fremantle Whitehead, KCMG, OBE, (8 February 1905 – 22 September 1971) was a Rhodesian politician.
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The Rhodesian pound was introduced following the break-up of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, when Southern Rhodesia changed its name to simply Rhodesia.
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The Rhodesian Sunday Mail of October 1, 1972, states that a “prominent Malawi businessman” was “beaten to death.”
Euroopanparlamentin lainsäädäntöpäätöslauselma #.lokakuuta # ehdotuksesta neuvoston asetukseksi yhteisön syrjäisimmille alueille rekisteröityjen kalastuslaivastojen hallinnoinnista annetun asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# muuttamisesta (KOM#- C#-#/#- #/#(CNSjw2019 jw2019
November 6 – The Rhodesian parliament passes pro-Apartheid laws.
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As Robert Nisbet put it: “The opposition from both the government and many white Rhodesians had been, humanly speaking, overwhelming.”
Luonnonmullistuksista, poikkeuksellisista tapahtumista, epäsuotuisista sääoloista ja sairauksista johtuvien tappioiden korvaaminenjw2019 jw2019
20 December – Harold Wilson withdraws all his previous offers to the Rhodesian government and announces that he agrees to independence only after the founding of Black majority government.
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74 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.