Tendai oor Fins


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Still, Tendai is glad that these beautiful animals live in his country.
Silti Tendai on iloinen siitä, että hänen maassaan on näitä hienoja eläimiä.

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Strongly condemns the attacks on opposition leaders and the subsequent arrest of Morgan Tsvangirai, Chairman of the MDC ('Movement for Democratic Change), Nelson Chamisa, Grace Kwinjeh, Lovemore Madhuku, William Bango, Sekai Holland, Tendai Biti, Arthur Mutambara and many others, their brutal treatment by the police forces and the prohibition on seeking medical treatment outside Zimbabwe; deeply deplores the fact that several other participants in the gathering were savagely assaulted by the Zimbabwe police; expresses deep consternation at the fact that on the same occasion Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Mr Ndlovu, rejected the reports of police brutality and torture, instead accusing the opposition of attacking the police;
En pysty itsenot-set not-set
Strongly condemns the attacks on opposition leaders and the subsequent arrest of Morgan Tsvangirai, Chairman of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Nelson Chamisa, Grace Kwinjeh, Lovemore Madhuku, William Bango, Sekai Holland, Tendai Biti, Arthur Mutambara and many others, their brutal treatment by the police forces and the prohibition on seeking medical treatment outside Zimbabwe; deeply deplores the fact that several other participants in the gathering were savagely assaulted by the Zimbabwe police; expresses deep consternation at the fact that on the same occasion Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, rejected the reports of police brutality and torture, instead accusing the opposition of attacking the police;
Tiedämme hyvin vähän hyökkääjistänot-set not-set
Tendai, is it really you?
Jäsenvaltioiden on varmistettava, että tarkastuksissa, jotka tehdään paikoissa, joihin kolmannesta maasta peräisin olevia tavaroita saadaan tuoda yhteisön alueelle, kuten satamissa, lentokentillä ja kolmansien maiden kanssa yhteisillä rajanylityspaikoilla, toteutetaan seuraavat toimenpiteetOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Under the influence of Tendai Buddhism and Shugendō, the gongen concept was adapted, for example, to religious beliefs tied to Mount Iwaki, a volcano, so that female kami Kuniyasutamahime became associated with Jūichimen Kannon Bosatsu (eleven-faced Kannon), kami Ōkuninushi with Yakushi Nyorai, and Kunitokotachi no Mikoto with Amida Nyorai.
Minne sinä menet, Sayid?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eisai set about slowly propagating the new faith, trying to gain the respect of both the Tendai school and the Imperial court through careful diplomacy.
Huolellinen verensokerin seuranta on oleellistaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Watanabe heads the Tendai sect of Buddhism, which was introduced to Japan from China 1,200 years ago.
isomerointijw2019 jw2019
Tendai could no longer see the value of Zambezia Only the cost.
Heidän isänsä on kuningasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zimbabwean Finance Minister Tendai Biti recently confirmed that the Inclusive Government is ‘getting zero’ from the trade in Marange diamonds, and that the diamond fields are entirely under the control of the Zimbabwe National Army and Zanu-PF.
Arvostusmenetelmiä ovat esimerkiksi asiaa tuntevien, liiketoimeen halukkaiden, toisistaan riippumattomien osapuolten välisten viimeaikaisten markkinatapahtumien- mikäli tällaisia on käytettävissä- käyttäminen, nojautuminen toisen olennaisilta osin samanlaisen instrumentin tarkasteluhetken käypään arvoon, rahavirtojen diskonttaaminen sekä optionhinnoittelumallitnot-set not-set
But Tendai does not get to see these animals near his house since he lives near Harare, Zimbabwe’s biggest city.
Käytössä ei myöskään ole mitään järjestelmää tai menettelyä, jonka avulla voitaisiin tarkistaa, mitkä tuotantopanokset käytetään vientituotteen tuotannossa tai onko kotimaisia välillisiä veroja palautettu liikaa perusasetuksen liitteessä I olevassa h kohdassa ja liitteessä # tarkoitetulla tavalla tai tuontitulleja palautettu liikaa perusasetuksen liitteessä I olevassa i kohdassa ja liitteissä # ja # tarkoitetulla tavallaLDS LDS
whereas MDC Secretary-General Tendai Biti was arrested on 12 June 2008 and charged with subversion and treason,
Tämä tekniikka leviää nopeastiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mount Hiei, the holy mountain of the Buddhist Tendai sect, where the prayer meeting was held
Tohtori Stark on asentamassa uutta kelloa, joka hoitaa Weinbrennerin tehtävät- ilman terveydenhoitoajw2019 jw2019
The expression was originally developed in China and used by Tendai Buddhists to distinguish an absolute truth from its historical manifestation (for example, the eternal Buddha from the historical Buddha, or the absolute Dharma from its historical forms, the first being the honji, the second the suijaku).
Hyvä AndreiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tendai’s bag is packed with some of his favorite things.
Sinä loit elämää sinne, missä sitä ei pitänyt ollaLDS LDS
Strongly condemns the attacks on opposition leaders and the subsequent arrest of Morgan Tsvangirai, Chairman of the MDC ('Movement for Democratic Change), Nelson Chamisa, Grace Kwinjeh, Lovemore Madhuku, William Bango, Sekai Holland, Tendai Biti, Arthur Mutambara and many others, their serious mistreatment by the police forces and the prohibition on seeking medical treatment out of Zimbabwe; deeply deplores the fact that several other participants in the gathering were savagely assaulted by the Zimbabwe Republic Police; expresses deep consternation at the fact that on the same occasion Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Mr Ndlovu, rejected the reports of police brutality and torture, instead accusing the opposition of attacking the police;
Unelmoi, niin saatat löytää sen... pienen naurun, onnen satumaisen!not-set not-set
The Buddhist Tendai sect advocated this prayer meeting as a follow-up of the one held in 1986 at Assisi (Italy) and scheduled it to coincide with the 1,200th anniversary of the opening of the Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei.
Ray, vastahan tulimme junastajw2019 jw2019
whereas MDC Secretary-General Tendai Biti was arrested on # June # and charged with subversion and treason
Maataloustuotteiden jalostamisen ja kaupan pitämisen alalla toimivat pk-yrityksetoj4 oj4
6. Strongly condemns the attacks on opposition leaders and the subsequent arrest of Morgan Tsvangirai, Chairman of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Nelson Chamisa, Grace Kwinjeh, Lovemore Madhuku, William Bango, Sekai Holland, Tendai Biti, Arthur Mutambara and many others, their brutal treatment by the police forces and the prohibition on seeking medical treatment outside Zimbabwe; deeply deplores the fact that several other participants in the gathering were savagely assaulted by the Zimbabwe police; expresses deep consternation at the fact that on the same occasion Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, rejected the reports of police brutality and torture, instead accusing the opposition of attacking the police;
Minua, ja TetraultiaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“Anyone who is pious and not worldly- oriented can become a chief priest,” said a high- ranking monk of the Buddhist Tendai sect.
Kaikki, mihin uskomme ja mitä olemme, on tarjottimella heillejw2019 jw2019
Faced with the sometimes violent opposition of traditional schools of Buddhism such as Tendai, Shingon and Pure Land, Eisai finally left Kyoto for the north-east to Kamakura in 1199, where the shōgun and the newly ascendant warrior class enthusiastically welcomed his teachings.
Aion mennä kotiinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
whereas MDC Secretary General Mr Tendai Biti was arrested on 12 June and charged with subversion and treason,
Emilyltä.- Emilyltä?not-set not-set
* Meet Tendai, who lives in the country of Zimbabwe.
TilintarkastajatLDS LDS
whereas, since the fall of the coalition government in 2013, the work of Tendai Biti in stabilising the economy and increasing government revenues has been undone by a return to the system of patronage and kleptocracy and a state of fear; whereas Zimbabwe is now experiencing the worst economic crisis since the hyperinflation of 2008; whereas the government is effectively bankrupt;
Ovatko nämä parempia kuin meidän?Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Strongly condemns the attacks on opposition leaders and the subsequent arrest of Morgan Tsvangirai, Chairman of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Nelson Chamisa, Grace Kwinjeh, Lovemore Madhuku, William Bango, Sekai Holland, Tendai Biti, Arthur Mutambara and many others, their brutal treatment by the police forces and the prohibition on seeking medical treatment outside Zimbabwe; deeply deplores the fact that several other participants in the gathering were savagely assaulted by the Zimbabwe police; expresses deep consternation at the fact that on the same occasion Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, rejected the reports of police brutality and torture, instead accusing the opposition of attacking the police
Herra Dunn, annan sanani- en tiedä siitä diilistä mitäänoj4 oj4
Still, Tendai is glad that these beautiful animals live in his country.
Olen anteeksipyynnön velkaaLDS LDS
35 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.