Theme Hospital oor Fins

Theme Hospital

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins

Theme Hospital

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I bet if we looked around, we could find a casino with a hospital theme.
Sukunimi voisi olla tarpeellinen, eikö vain?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Printed matter in relation to hospitals and medical themes and contents only
Joseph, odotatmClass tmClass
Data carriers for recording or reproduction of sound or images, in particular CDs, CD-ROMs and DVDs in relation to hospitals and medical themes and contents only
Komissio tuo esille kolmannessa taloudellista ja sosiaalista koheesiota käsittelevässä kertomuksessaan, että rakennerahastotoimia saatetaan tulevaisuudessa kohdistaa sellaisia infrastruktuureja koskeviin investointeihin, jotka liittyvät Natura #-ohjelmaan ja jotka edistävät yleistä alueellista kilpailukykyätmClass tmClass
Spiritual successor to Theme Hospital, Two Point Hospital is shaping up to look the part.
Äiti on todellakin kuollutParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Custom computer software programming services, namely, designing computer software and hardware that enables companies to effectively enhance the productivity of their hospitality businesses, including restaurants, bars, casinos, theme parks or theatres
Sen 8 kohdan d alakohdassa ehdotetaan, että ulkosuhdehallintoon kuuluvat lähetystöt voisivat ottaa hoitaakseen jäsenvaltioiden konsulipalvelut.tmClass tmClass
For example, for the selection of key actions, the Committee underlines the importance of themes such as: the city of tomorrow, the hospital of the future, the competitive factory of tomorrow, the house of the future, future farming technology, user-friendly virtual mobility, multimedia education, sustainable and intermodal mobility, integrated land-use planning and marine policy, and clean, safe and affordable energy.
Pidän hänestä.- Niin minäkinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Apparatus for the pneumatic transport of solid wastes and or soiled linens adapted for use in hospitals, residential developments, hotels, airports, educational facilities, sports facilities, shopping malls, city centres, theme parks and/or casinos
Nimeni on WinchestertmClass tmClass
Hotels and similar accommodation, Holiday and other short-stay accommodation, Organisation of conventions and trade shows, Hospital activities, Museums activities, Operation of sports facilities, Activities of amusement parks and theme parks, Physical well-being activities
Minäkin olenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But those who did make the trip were built up beyond all expectation—by the convention program featuring the theme “Godly Devotion,” by the enthusiastic spirit of the conventioners, and by the marvelous hospitality shown by the Polish Witnesses.
Eli jos tulen katsomaan Scotia, tarvitsen seuraa?jw2019 jw2019
Recurring themes discussed during the visits included, in particular, the classification of units (including infrastructure, TV and radio, hospitals and universities), capital injections, public-private partnerships, EU flows and the recording of guarantees.
Voidakseen tehdä alustavat päätelmät siitä,onko polkumyynnillä tapahtuneen tuonnin ja yhteisön tuotannonalalle aiheutuneen vahingon välillä syy-yhteys, komissio selvitti ensin perusasetuksen # artiklan # kohdan mukaisesti, miten asianomaisesta maasta polkumyynnillä tapahtuva tuonti vaikuttaa kyseisen tuotannonalan tilanteeseenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The latter is special to us because we’re donating 5-10 euros of each sold poster to the new Moomin-themed children’s hospital in Helsinki, Finland.
Vapautus valmisteverosta ja sitä vastaavasta tuontitullista (erityinen lisätulli) ei kuitenkaan merkitse sitä, että valtio luopuu tuloista, jotka muutoin kannettaisiinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Under the theme of Hospitality, the future designers have been challenged to create products that express what hospitality and hosting is all about: trust, generosity and goodwill.
Meidän tulisi vastustaa sitä, että köyhyys vaikuttaa kohtuuttomasti naisiin.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Theme: In the hospital
Käytin erikoistarkkaa näköäni vilkaistaakseni sitäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Topical themes of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care
Saman kuin sinulleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Topical themes of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care Learning competence
Aikakauslehdet painetaan säännöllisin väliajoin (viikoittain, kaksi kertaa tai kerran kuukaudessaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Theme: In the hospital
Lukematon määräParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can open a hospital-themed puzzle - collect rows of identical pills, solve a variety of images.
Tämä on varastohuoneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
See the first photos from the soon-to-be-opened Moomin-themed New Children's Hospital - Moomin: Moomin
Hän ei näe minne ajaa!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While also putting forward minimum standards as regards quality, EU tourism policy should foster the development of local identity and produce and the creation of a network of local theme-based tourist routes. These would pool common values (hospitality, providing common experiences, history, art, culture, monuments, architecture, lifestyle, nature, traditions, gastronomy and so on) as well as highlighting the main attraction of each place (with particular attention to niche markets).
Muut kuin oikeudenkäyntiin liittyvät oikeudelliset asiakirjat voidaan lähettää tiedoksiantamista varten toiseen jäsenvaltioon tämän asetuksen säännösten mukaisestiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
During the spring 2018 the themes of Asemalabra were kindness, hospitality and idleness.
Esittelemme, jos tarvitsee. "ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 4(1), 48-58.
elimen perustaminen Itävallan etujen ajamiseen; jaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
- topical themes and literature of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care
Aina 1950-luvulta asti Euroopan yhdentymisen tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on ollut asteittainen Euroopan maiden yhä tiiviimpi yhteenliittyminen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the spring, one floor of Kiasma will be taken over by participatory and experiential works exploring the themes of giving and hospitality.
Mihin me olemme menosssa?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Design and consultancy services associated with apparatus and systems for the disposal and transportation of solid wastes and/or soiled linens, for the collection and storage solid wastes and/or linens, for the pneumatic transport of solid wastes and or soiled linens, for the pneumatic transport of solid wastes and or soiled linens within or between buildings, hospitals, residential developments, hotels, airports, educational facilities, sports facilities, shopping malls, city centres, theme parks and/or casinos
Tällainen tutkinta tulisi olisi tästä syystä eturistiriitojen välttämiseksi teettää riippumattoman elimen tai yksikön valvonnassa toimivilla pätevillä tutkijoillatmClass tmClass
Installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus and systems for the disposal and transportation of solid wastes and/or soiled linens, for the collection and storage solid wastes and/or linens, for the pneumatic transport of solid wastes and or soiled linens, for the pneumatic transport of solid wastes and or soiled linens within or between buildings, hospitals, residential developments, hotels, airports, educational facilities, sports facilities, shopping malls, city centres, theme parks and/or casinos
Rajoittamatta asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # artiklan # kohdassa esitettyjen periaatteiden soveltamista ohjelmaehdotukset olisi periaatteessa laadittava ottaen huomioon seuraavat periaatteettmClass tmClass
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