broken arch oor Fins

broken arch

an arch with a gap at the apex; the gap is usually filled with some decoration

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But I never imagined that Broken Sword, my arch- enemy would truly understand and appreciate my real motives
korvataan koko pöytäkirjassa kulloisessakin taivutusmuodossa ilmaisu taloudellinen ja sosiaalinen yhteenkuuluvuus ilmaisulla taloudellinen, sosiaalinen ja alueellinen yhteenkuuluvuusopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Broken jaw, busted zygomatic arch, typicawith face-first falls.
Hätäkeskus.Minkälainen hätätila on kyseessä?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His nose has been broken at some time or other, and is arched like a culvert now.
Vammainenko?Literature Literature
Present-day Rome is littered with broken pieces of ancient buildings, stairways, and arches—pieces of once-grand structures destroyed by stronger forces.
Jos haluat haluan mennä?LDS LDS
Broken and arched water-reeds stretch out at the edge of the ice.
Nyt sait sanottuaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The arch is broken by French balconies.
Ei näiden ahneiden huorien kanssa helppoa oleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nearby the Ponte Fabricio lies the only standing arch of the Ponte Rotto (Broken Bridge).
sekä katsoo seuraavaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
39 And I have given thee into their hand, And they have thrown down thine arch, And they have broken down thy high places, And they have stript thee of thy garments, And they have taken thy beauteous vessels, And they have left thee naked and bare.
Kevyttavara ja rahtiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16:39 And I have given thee into their hand, And they have thrown down thine arch, And they have broken down thy high places, And they have stript thee of thy garments, And they have taken thy beauteous vessels, And they have left thee naked and bare.
Saimme väärää tietoaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That means that it ́s always possible to replace i.e. an end wall for your Dancover marquee if the old one is broken or if you want to get a new end wall with beautiful arched windows for more light inside your marquee.
Valmistetta on käsiteltävä syöpälääkkeiden käsittelyä koskevien ohjeiden mukaisestiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
`The arch of the doorway was richly carved, but naturally I did not observe the carving very narrowly, though I fancied I saw suggestions of old Phoenician decorations as I passed through, and it struck me that they were very badly broken and weather- worn.
Unohda koko SherminaattoriParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
11 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.