categorizer oor Fins


One who, or that which, categorizes.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


A component of Exchange transport that processes all incoming messages and determines what to do with the messages based on information about the intended recipients. In Exchange Server 2007, the Edge Transport server uses the categorizer to route the message to the appropriate destination. The Hub Transport server uses the categorizer to expand distribution lists and identify alternate recipients and forwarding addresses. After the categorizer retrieves full information about recipients, it uses that information to apply policies, route the message, and perform content conversion.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

categorical imperative
kategorinen imperatiivi
categorical proposition
Kategorinen arvostelma
categorical variable
ehdottomasti · jyrkästi · kategorisesti
kategoria · lajittelu · lokerointi · luokittelu · luokitus · luokka · ryhmitys
ehdoton · kategorinen · luokiteltu · selvä
to categorize
kategorisoida · luokitella
ehdoton · jyrkkä · kategorinen · luokiteltu · selvä


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A traditional federal structure, with regional autonomy under a joint central government is rejected categorically in Sukhumi and Stepanakert.
Palkka on surkea ja tiesin siitä kun allekirjoitin sopimuksennot-set not-set
I am categorically against such methods which are used to settle accounts with political opponents.
He parkuvat ja itkevätEuroparl8 Europarl8
1.2 The Committee recommends extending the regulation on the coal industry currently in force (Regulation (EC) No 1407/2002 of 23 July 2002 on State aid to the coal industry) by a period equal to the duration of the regulation about to expire, without increasing the EU budget and without categorically forcing mines to close but with the possibility of granting state aid for investment, innovative clean coal (CC) technologies, and skilling to produce highly-trained staff in the strategic raw materials sector; the Committee calls strongly for the Commission proposal to be amended ‘to facilitate competitive restructuring of coal mines’ and for consolidation of a Community strategic reserve.
Kuinka Adele voi?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Note: This also applies for area previously categorized as Reforestation-based Plantation Forest (HTHR).
Tyttöjä, jotka soittavat selloa ja lukevat McSweeney' siä ja haluvat olla kirjastonhoitajia kun he kasvavat isoksiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(38) More recently the Court has stated categorically that medical activities fall within the scope of Article 60 EC (now Article 57 TFEU) and that there is no need to distinguish between care provided in a hospital environment and care provided outside such an environment.
Viime vuosina on menty vuoristorataaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Parties agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System and the combined nomenclature, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions applied under this Protocol, should not affect the balance of rights and obligations between the Parties under this Protocol, adversely affect the access available to a Party, impede the full utilization of such access, or disrupt trade under this Protocol.
Täällä on urheilijoita,- nörttejä, emoja,- hobitteja, arpinaamoja,- pedofiilejäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As you know, the current government of Teodoro Obiang did not allow the presence of observers from this Parliament nor international observers at these elections and, therefore, we believe that there are ample reasons for expressing a very firm and categorical condemnation of this electoral parody, which reflects the dictatorship suffered by the people of Guinea.
kehottaa neuvostoa, komissiota ja jäsenvaltioita analysoimaan kolmansien maiden tilannetta, kun on kyse sukupuoliseen suuntautumiseen perustuvista teloituksista, kriminalisoinnista ja syrjinnästä, sekä ryhtymään yhdessä kansainvälisiin toimiin ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamisen edistämiseksi näissä maissa asianmukaisin keinoin, paikallisten kansallisjärjestöjen kanssa tehtävä yhteistyö mukaan lukienEuroparl8 Europarl8
This problem is not easy to solve, and in some cases it is tackled by simply subverting any attempt of categorization.
Olemme.- HyväWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I've discovered cellular anomalies in his blood that I've been unable to categorize.
Valittamalla saa muille pahan olon, jonka jälkeen he tekevät mitä vain parantaakseen oloaanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Can the Commission categorically rule out the possibility that further SNE from the private sector are working at the Commission?
Korkofutuureja käsitellään suuntaviivojen EKP/#/# # artiklan mukaisestinot-set not-set
The Commission notes and endorses the Court's remark that in the case of the Structural Funds, the estimated value of errors categorized by the Court as substantive errors concerning payments does not necessarily affect the payments made by the Commission in the form of advances.
Ja siitä syntyy toinen touchdown Carter CowboysilleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For example, East Germany, Merseyside, the Highlands of Scotland and the Flevolands outside Amsterdam were all categorized as Objective 1 regions even though Germany, England, Scotland and the Netherlands were given a different classification for the purposes of allocating Structural Funds during this time.
Tulotasoon sidottujen koulunkäyntimahdollisuuksien välinen ero kasvaa, mitä vanhemmista lapsista on kyse, sillä nuorten on hakeuduttava työmarkkinoille auttaakseen perhettään tulonhankinnassaEuroparl8 Europarl8
I am categorically opposed to you or anyone else doing so.
noudattaako maa vaarallisten aineiden kuljetusten turvallisuutta koskevia kansainvälisiä oikeudellisia välineitä, erityisesti SOLAS-yleissopimusta ja Chicagon yleissopimusta, osoittaakseen, että vaarallisten aineiden meri- ja ilmakuljetuksissa tehdään tosiasiallisesti tarkastuksiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
C. stressing once again that the use of violence to suppress political dissent as well as the use of terrorist actions to achieve political change should be categorically rejected as a means of bringing about a solution to the crisis in Kosovo,
Ennätys tehtiin hyväksytyllä koneella ja on nyt vahvistettuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Secondly, we categorically reject new charges for driving into towns.
Walter ei ehdi ajoissaEuroparl8 Europarl8
6.4 The statement of intent by KPN proved categorically that some network operators do not view the provisions of the revised Framework on electronic communications nor EU competition law as serious protection of the net neutrality principle.
Tiedättehän Willow' n?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- provide a summary of the threats related to communicable diseases which were monitored in 2007, categorize them, pinpoint major issues
Mietintö: GALLO A#-#/# – päätöslauselma JURI-valiokuntaECDC ECDC
It cannot be categorically ruled out that, in performing its economic development task for Nîmes and its region, an entity such as the CCI or VTAN may feel the need to resort to commercial providers in order to promote the area.
Tai vailla tietoa niiden toimintatavastaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I wouldn't categorize it that way.
Tämä antaa meille mahdollisuuden uudistaa lupauksemme demokratian ja ihmisoikeuksien edistämisestä.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One of these reasons, for example, is the fact that the present European Commission is continuing as normal on the path towards the accession of non-European, Islamist Turkey to the European Union, even though this is categorically opposed by a large majority of Europeans, who themselves have never had the opportunity to express their opinion on the matter.
Maataloustuotanto (eläin- ja kasvituotteetEuroparl8 Europarl8
Moreover the Court followed its statements in Snares and Partridge with the less categorical proposition that the wording of Article 10a implies that the benefits to which it refers also come within Article 4(2a) of Regulation No 1408/71.
Hän on takanasiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In other words, categorize equipment problem from a people problem.
Michael on viisitoistated2019 ted2019
It should again be remembered that the possibility of relying on the WTO agreements as a whole has been categorically refused in principle, given their nature and structure, and that there can be room for application of the WTO rules by the courts only in so far as that would affect neither the scope for negotiations that the WTO agreements accord to contracting parties, even in the event of a dispute, nor the reciprocity and balance in the application of the commitments undertaken with regard to the WTO; in short, only in so far as that would not restrict the political freedom that the nature and structure of the WTO agreements allow the contracting parties with regard to the application of the provisions of those agreements.
muiden tariffikiintiöiden osalta asetuksen (ETY) N:o #/# # artiklan mukaisesti laadittu todistus, jossa ilmoitetaan kyseisessä artiklassasäädettyjen tietojen lisäksi seuraavat tiedotEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Urges the Uzbek government to respect its international commitments to democracy, the rule of law and human rights, and hence to reconsider its categorical refusal to allow an independent international inquiry into the events;
EY # artiklan # kohdan viimeistä virkettä on tulkittava siten, että kansallinen tuomioistuin ei ole velvollinen määräämään kyseisen määräyksen vastaisesti toteutetun tuen takaisin perimisestä, jos komissio on tehnyt lopullisen päätöksen, jolla mainitun tuen todetaan soveltuvan yhteismarkkinoille EY # artiklassa tarkoitetulla tavallanot-set not-set
The verification of the eligibility criteria that are introduced in specific funding schemes and/or in specific calls for proposals will also be part of the categorization exercise (12).
Näkemykselle, jonka mukaan EU:n pitäisi tukea kehitysmaita taloudellisesti sekä niiden ilmastopolitiikan tavoitteiden toteuttamisessa, pitäisi antaa tukea.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
212 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.