censorious oor Fins


Addicted to censure and scolding; apt to blame or condemn; severe in making remarks on others, or on their writings or manners.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


apt to condemn
Coleman Silk and his wife, Iris, were betrayed by the moral stupidity of a censorious and coercive community.
Coleman Silk ja vaimonsa Iris - joutuivat moraalisen typeryyden - ja tuomitsevan yhteisön uhriksi.


implying or expressing censure


implying or expressing censure

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Censoriousness,Censoriousness. and finding fault with others, has a direct opposition to civility.
Seksiä alle # kertaa-viimeisten neljän vuoden aikanaLiterature Literature
Therefore I cannot take the report's censorious tones at all seriously.
kotisairaanhoitoEuroparl8 Europarl8
Jeremias Munter was this evening in a more censorious humour than common.
Ei sillä ole merkitystäLiterature Literature
My heart is hard and cold; my tongue is ofttimes cruel; my spirit is censorious.
Espresso macchiato-- tuplana ja lisävaahdollaLiterature Literature
Coleman Silk and his wife, Iris, were betrayed by the moral stupidity of a censorious and coercive community
Ei vaan vuokrarahat!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A wife may have been at one time disrespectful of her husband’s headship; she may have been censorious and demanding in her ways, nagging and finding fault at every opportunity.
Sinulla ei ole munaa siihenjw2019 jw2019
However, this report does not seek to be censorious; it attempts to approach these problems in a spirit of solidarity and indeed of seeking help for all states to comply with European values.
Kultaseni.- Älä koske minuun!Europarl8 Europarl8
Nevertheless, I do not think I should comment on the style and choice of words in a censorious way, because I would then have to do the same for every explanatory statement.
Niin käy monilleEuroparl8 Europarl8
It seemed both churlish and censorious to let him drink alone.
En nähnyt häntä enääLiterature Literature
The pedantic, respectable, censorious Ernest Gabriel found out at last!
Sinuun on hankala saada yhteyttäLiterature Literature
Besides raillery, contradictionContradiction. is a kind of censoriousness, wherein ill-breeding often shows itself.
Tiedätkö, mikä päivä on, Hillary?Literature Literature
32 – Stating, in rather sweeping terms, that ‘the present case essentially concerns an interference – by virtue of the censorial power of an information monopoly – with the exercise of the functions of a social watchdog, like the press, rather than a denial of a general right to access to official documents’ - judgment of the ECtHR of 14 April 2009 in Társaság a Szabadságjogokért v.
Jos sen sijaan ei käytetä rinnakkaisia tankkeja, kontrolliryhmän kalojen lukumäärän olisi oltava sama kuin niiden lukumäärä kussakin testipitoisuudessaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
One is left with the suspicion that once a particular media power becomes censorial, it has ambitions to become a political power itself.
Jäsenvaltioiden on varmistettava, että asianomaisille kolmannen maan kansalaisille, joilla itsellään ei ole riittävästi varoja, taataan sellainen elintaso, että heidän on mahdollista tulla toimeen, samoin kuin kiireellisen sairaanhoidon saantiEuroparl8 Europarl8
Coleman Silk and his wife, Iris, were betrayed by the moral stupidity of a censorious and coercive community.
Komissio ja EFTAn valvontaviranomainen vaihtavat tietoja komission EU:n jäsenvaltiolta saamista ja EFTAn valvontaviranomaisen EFTA-valtioilta saamista huomautuksistaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Before you can publish a book, the text is sent to the censory committee.
Tällaisia sopimuksia ovatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Through his position as a teacher, composer and within society he was able to strengthen the criticism of the arts towards the old-fashioned and censorial attitude of the bureaucracy who were blind to the changes in society.
Kun sitten erotat tai myyt minut, saan # kertaa parempaa palkkaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
∫ It is a Short Path attitude to avoid censorious reproaches and condemnatory speech--these as a part of its larger rejection of negatives and preference for positives.
Suuruusluokaltaan #–# Englannin punnan (#–# euron) suuruisen rahoituksen saaminen on monille pienille yrityksille eloonjäämisen ja menestymisen ehtoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A censorious look and a raised index finger!
Onko siellä joku?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.