chemtrail oor Fins


A contrail consisting of chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes, according to certain conspiracy theories.

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contrail consisting of chemicals or biological agents

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chemtrail conspiracy theory


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Did no one read the link I sent about chemtrails?
C. Jokaisen osittaisen maksuunpanon jälkeen kyseinen tullitoimipaikka palauttaa tämän todistuksen viejälle tai hänen edustajalleen ja lähettää sen jälkeen, kun lihojen kokonaismäärä on saatettu maksuunpanoonOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We have been informed that chemtrails are chemical trails spread by airplanes for the purpose of geoengineering and that the idea originated in the United States.
Täydellinen ajoitusnot-set not-set
I do and that's why I can't listen to your romantic notions and chemtrail blather.
Tämä tuottajan ja kuluttajan läheisyys sekä kuluttajien vastuu omista tekemisistään on luotava uudelleen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Oh, you can see that, but you can't see chemtrails or all the people who live under the San Diego river.
noudattamaan kyseiselle omistajalle tai toiminnan harjoittajalle # kappaleen mukaisesti määrättyä velvoitetta; taiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A recent constituent query has brought the issue of chemtrails to our attention.
Tämä mahtaa olla paska parkkeerattavanot-set not-set
To what extent are aerial obscuration and chemtrails now also being employed in the air over Europe, bearing in mind that many people here too are now convinced that the phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and are becoming concerned about the fact that little is so far known about it and there is no public information on the subject?
Viraston menoihin kuuluvat henkilöstö-, hallinto-, infrastruktuuri- ja toimintamenotnot-set not-set
Is the Commission aware that investigations by these complainants, observations by pilots and statements by government bodies increasingly suggest that what is happening is that aircraft are emitting into dry air small particles consisting of barium, aluminium and iron, a phenomenon which in public debate in America has come to be known as chemtrails?
Tervetuloa takaisinnot-set not-set
Under normal conditions, the HEPA filter should be a good filter at home, but when it comes to chemtrails, this type of filter is ineffective.
lhan totta, äiti.On yhä vaikeampi saada mitäänParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"...Ryan addressed concerns by chemtrail researchers that barium could be meant to wear down a person's immune system."
Kaivoin ojia, peltomaan kuivattamiseksiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yes, I saw all these chemtrails this morning all over the place and you won't see that mentioned on your local news, but they will mention the global warming and all that stuff.
Eurofound käytti tilintarkastustuomioistuimen arvostelemaa menettelyä talousarvioon liittyvän epävarmuuden vuoksiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can now save time spent logging in by connecting your account to Chemtrails Watch.
Onnittelen esittelijäämme hänen tekemästään aloitteesta.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Admittedly, when the topic of “chemtrails” comes up, I get a bit uneasy.
Sanoinko jotain?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you are not already aware, “chemtrail” is a colloquial term used to describe the persistent contrails, presumably laden with “chemicals,” observed issuing from aircraft that result in the formation of artificial cloud patterns and weather.
Sehän oli isäsi?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming” and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt.
Minne menet?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Chemtrails - Find the mistake
Peruutuspyynnön esittäjä ...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Internet is littered with stories of "chemtrails" and geoengineering to combat "global warming" and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt.
Hän pyysi antamaan suukon puolestaanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"...But he's still a bit skeptical about chemtrails at the moment, especially considering that his Poison Control Center has seen no calls about barium exposure."
Tosi hauskaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For those who have not witnessed the “chemtrail” phenomenon directly, it would be easy to write off this author’s testimony as dubious or merely anecdotal.
Potilailla, joilla on ollut munanjohdinsairaus on olemassa kohdunulkoisen raskauden riski riippumatta siitä, onko raskaus alkanut spontaanilla hedelmöitymisellä vai hedelmällisyyshoidoillaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And so they poison the skies and it’s called “chemtrails” and it’s meant so plagues will walk in.
Sinä ylitit itsesiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught in US Schools.
Käske laivaston pommittaa tuota kivikasaa!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The flights have no other obvious purpose than to disperse chemtrails because they have no fixed destination, they merely fly around and around in circles.
Neuvoston päätös poliisiyhteistyötä ja oikeudellista yhteistyötä rikosasioissa koskevasta puiteohjelmasta (AGIS) on aiheellista korvata # päivästä tammikuuta # tällä ohjelmalla ja uudella rikosten ehkäisyn ja torjunnan erityisohjelmalla, joka sisältyy turvallisuutta ja vapauksien suojelua koskevaan yleisohjelmaanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is an enlightening, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it and what the consequences are for our health and the environment.
We're seeing the chemtrails you see and the few people who are aware of them because they actually look up. Most people you'll find, and it's scary to find this, but most people have never looked up and that's why they think you're talking nonsense when you point out these aircraft with their crisscrossing of the sky and that amazing mushy stuff that's left behind, and then you have red eyes and itching or burning in your eyes, depending on the mix that day.
Pääsimme ulos portistaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This fact alone makes the most of modern home air cleaners useless against chemtrails.
KOMISSION PÄÄTÖS, tehty # päivänä tammikuuta #, rakennusalan tuotteiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden osoittamismenettelystä neuvoston direktiivin #/ETY # artiklan # kohdan mukaisesti tehdasvalmisteisten porrasjärjestelmien osalta (tiedoksiannettu numerolla K #) (ETA:n kannalta merkityksellinen teksti) (#/EYParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is one of the reasons why chemitrail chemtrails is made deliberately nanoparticles. -------
Tai ihmisistä, jotka olivat lähelläParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
26 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.