come down on the price oor Fins

come down on the price

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Perhaps you could come down on the price.
Vastuun jakamiseen liittyvät säännöt ovat epäselviä.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It comes down to how much we're willing to move on the price.
Dalai Lama syö Krispity Krunchejaan,-laittaen samalla rukouksia jakoon nettiinOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Come on down to Howdy's Market where prices are like the 1960s.
Koska syrjäisimmillä alueilla on syrjäisen sijaintinsa vuoksi erityisiä haittoja ja erityisvaikeuksia integroitua sisämarkkinoihin, komissio katsoo, että aluetuki perustamissopimuksen # artiklan # kohdan mukaisille syrjäisimmille alueille kuuluu myös # artiklan # kohdan a alakohdan mukaisen poikkeuksen soveltamisalaan riippumatta siitä, onko BKT asukasta kohden kyseisillä alueilla alle # prosenttia yhteisön keskiarvostaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This drop in world market prices has had a direct effect on market prices in the EU with prices coming down from the range of 30-40 cents per litre of milk to around the EU safety net level of 21 cents per litre.
Olemme tehneet muutaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The good news is that the prices have come down and they can come down even further if we get the pharmaceutical companies on our side.
Millainen kidnappaaja unohtaisi soittaa perheelle?Europarl8 Europarl8
This money has mainly come from consumers, because consumer prices have fallen more slowly than producer prices, and this difference has accrued in the Fund. On the other hand, it has also come from farmers, whose producer prices have gone down.
ÄLÄ pistä Insuman Comb #: tä laskimoonEuroparl8 Europarl8
158 Thus, the financial relations between clinical test laboratories and public or private health establishments are not predefined by the nomenclatures and tariffs relating to the reimbursement of persons covered by social insurance, which constitute a maximum price and, within the limit of that maximum amount, come under the arrangements governed by ordinary law on freedom to set prices currently laid down in the first paragraph of Article L 410-2 of the Commercial Code.’
Oletko kunnossa?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is not difficult to figure out the Russia agenda in all this, but I was particularly struck by the idea floated in the press that Gazprom urgently needs to make a deal based on higher gas prices, linked to last year's oil price high, before those gas prices come down following the oil price fall.
Ja hitto, ilta on vasta nuoriEuroparl8 Europarl8
Headline inflation has been slow to come down, reflecting the upsurge in energy and fresh food prices, but also, and more importantly, persistently high core inflation, especially on account of the services sector.
Henkilöiden tai henkilöiden ja tavaroiden nostamiseen tarkoitettuihin koneisiin on asennettava kuorman kantavan yksikön kannatin- tai tukijärjestelmä, joka on suunniteltu ja rakennettu siten, että se takaa riittävän yleisen turvallisuustason ja estää kuorman kantavan yksikön putoamisenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, with regard to the price of dairy products in the new Member States, the last alignment of prices will come into force on 1 January 1978 in accordance with Article 52 (2) and (4) of the Act of Accession ; whereas it is therefore necessary to amend the provisions that were laid down in several Regulations to take account of the difference in prices of dairy products between the new Member States and the Community as originally constituted;
On mielenkiintoista, että käytitte termiä " oikeuden estäminen "EurLex-2 EurLex-2
While prices are coming down for lines at all speeds and distances, and while there are no glaring anomalies in relation to standard US prices, the wide range of prices between Member States is hard to justify on the basis of differing costs.
Kännykästä loppui akku, joten mitäs teet?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the U.S. experience suggests prices will come down quickly once harmonised regulatory requirements are introduced and insurers gain more experience (consider that the average annual premium for coverage of a new underground storage tank in the U.S., purchased on the private market, was USD1000 in 1989.
Tiesitkö, että sinä tikität?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to ensure that the Community obtains the best value-for-money and that prices come down to costs, it will be necessary to put the Community (and its procurement agent) in a good negotiating position by means of a competitive bidding procedure based on appropriate principles agreed as part of the procurement policy.
Kenelle työskentelet?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Further, it is stated that Council Directive 92/44/EEC of 5 June 1992 on the application of open network provision to leased lines (7) has not been properly adopted into Portuguese law as otherwise prices would clearly have come down.
Sopimukseen # päivältä toukokuuta # liittyvä lisäsopimus # päivältä toukokuuta # (eläkkeiden maksaminen ajalta ennen sopimuksen voimaantuloaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas, under Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 1358/77, financing costs are to be taken into account for fixing the amount of reimbursement ; whereas, therefore, it is appropriate not to grant the reimbursement of storage costs when the refund in respect of the sugar has been financed in advance pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 441/69 of 4 March 1969 laying down further general rules on granting export refunds for products coming under a common price system, exported in the natural state or in the form of goods not listed in Annex II to the Treaty [10], as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1181/72 [11];
Joka tarkoittaa?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is good news that the price of some established first-line AIDS drugs has come right down, but figures from South Africa and Malawi indicate that up to one in six patients will need to switch to newer drug combinations within three to five years.
Herttaista, mutta minäEuroparl8 Europarl8
This agreement laid down the overall arrangements for exercising the sell and buy options on the France Télécom shares held by Vodafone and fixed at approximately EUR 11,63 billion the total price of these shares ... The third payment may be subject to a supplement ... The supplement might come to approximately EUR 1,5 billion ...
Mitä, todellako?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the present proceedings, the issue is thus one of determining whether charging for checking in passengers’ baggage in the form of an optional price supplement comes within the scope of that freedom or whether it is an unlawful practice which may be caught by the general and specific provisions laid down in consumer protection legislation.
Jotta julkisen palvelun laatutaso säilyisi yhteisössä korkeana, kaikista jäsenvaltioiden tämän direktiivin tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi toteuttamista toimista olisi ilmoitettava säännöllisesti komissiolleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission's position comes down to saying that the members of every liner conference and price cartel should be assessed collectively under Article 86 of the Treaty, which would entail recycling the evidence relevant to an assessment under Article 85 of the Treaty for the purposes of drawing conclusions on the application of Article 86 of the Treaty.
Ystäväsi otti hieman liikaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given that the reduction in the cost of inputs failed to compensate for the fall in producer prices and that agricultural subsidies themselves were slightly down in 1999 after the increase recorded in recent years, it will come as no surprise that the year as a whole again showed a reduction in farm incomes (of the order of 3%), on top of the one experienced in the last two years.
Tuomme hänet elävänä tai kuolleenaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The answer to the second question must therefore be that where a tour operator’s principal transaction includes an intermediary activity, the right of the latter, on the basis of the judgment in Elida Gibbs, to claim a reduction of its taxable amount for VAT in respect of price reductions which it grants to consumers, is not affected by the simple fact that the principal transaction comes under the margin scheme laid down by Article 26(2) of the Sixth VAT Directive.
Laskeudun portaitaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
56 Regarding its context, Article 2(1)(b) of Implementing Regulation 2015/82 lays down one of the conditions under which the exemption from anti-dumping duty introduced by Article 1 of that implementing regulation is to be granted when the imports come from one of the companies whose undertakings concerning minimum import prices have been accepted by the Commission.
Tulen ihan kohta takaisin.... tuntuu olevan maailmanlaajuistaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Where a tour operator’s transaction includes an intermediary activity, the right of the latter to claim a reduction of its taxable amount on the ground that it grants price reductions to consumers, in accordance with the judgment of 24 October 1996 in Case C-317/94 Elida Gibbs [1996] ECR I-5339, is not affected by the mere fact that the principal transaction comes under the margin scheme laid down by Article 26(2) of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes – Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment.
Lisätietoja saa puhelimitse seuraavasta numerosta: (#-#) # # # (yhteyshenkilö: E.J. HoppelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The prices have come down a lot over the past few years on both device families, and they will continue to drop, but still the Z-wave devices are a bit more expensive.
Olin hautajaisissa itsekinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the very least the price needs to come down before we'd consider recommending you pick this one up.
Vastuuviranomaisten tai välittäjäelinten, joille tiettyjen tehtävien hoitaminen delegoidaan, on valvottava jäsenvaltioiden ja yhteisön lainsäädännön noudattamista ja etenkin sitä, miten komission hyväksymässä kansallisessa täytäntöönpano-ohjelmassa vahvistettuja edellytyksiä ja pakolaisrahastoon liittyvien menojen tukikelpoisuutta koskevia sääntöjä noudatetaan. Lisäksi niiden on tarvittaessa valvottava edellytysten noudattamista tapauksissa, jotka liittyvät kilpailusääntöihin, julkisiin hankintoihin, ympäristönsuojeluun ja ympäristön laadun parantamiseen, miesten ja naisten välisen eriarvoisuuden poistamiseen ja tasa-arvon edistämiseen, ja todennettava maksupyyntöjen perusteet ja paikkansapitävyys valvomalla mm. tarjouskilpailumenettelyjä, hankintasopimuksia, täytäntöönpanon edistymistä, maksuja ja urakoiden hyväksyntääParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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