conciliatoriness oor Fins


The state or quality of being conciliatory.

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state or quality of being conciliatory

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I hope that this conciliatory approach will prevail until the end and that the amendments proposed by our group will be supported, so that the report can be approved by a large majority.
Velkojana oleva rahalaitos pyrkii vapauttamaan varoja siirtämällä saamisia kolmansille osapuolilleEuroparl8 Europarl8
The debate and the amendments by the Committee on Economic Affairs in general reinforce the Commission's work, thanks to the huge contribution by the rapporteur, whom I want to congratulate on her endeavour and her conciliatory approach.
Hän oli vankilassaEuroparl8 Europarl8
He must also have been a wise overseer who could exercise a conciliatory influence when the congregation was threatened by controversy.
Ette ymmärräjw2019 jw2019
Both sides, I am sure, will make conciliatory moves, and an important first step could be taken if the university in Tetovo, which has been rather a bone of contention over the past few years under the old government, could be integrated by the new government into the University of Skopje as an autonomous institute for the ethnic Albanian community by way of a compromise.
Lähipiiriliiketoimissa toteutuneiden ehtojen ilmoitetaan vastaavan riippumattomien osapuolten välisissä liiketoimissa noudatettavia ehtoja vain, jos tällaiset ehdot pystytään näyttämään toteenEuroparl8 Europarl8
The tone was neither aggressive nor conciliatory: it revealed nothing of the speaker's errand.
En voi uskoa että teimme sen!Literature Literature
Shortly afterward, I had a long, conciliatory discussion with her.
He ovat vastarintaliikkeen taistelijoita!jw2019 jw2019
There was nothing to suggest that G4S had taken a more conciliatory approach towards any other employee in a comparable situation, in particular as regards a worker with different religious or philosophical beliefs who consistently refused to comply with the ban.
Hänhän on siskonieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Finally, I want to express my very sincere thanks to the rapporteur for her goodwill and the open and conciliatory way she has handled the whole parliamentary procedure.
Ne rahat olivat lahjusEuroparl8 Europarl8
He succeeded his father, who had launched an abortive rebellion against the Sassanid hegemony, and took a more conciliatory line with his Iranian suzerains.
Miten kaukana asema on?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What initiatives has it conceived to convince the Chinese regime to adopt less aggressive and more conciliatory policies towards the Holy See and China’s Christian community?
Mietintö: Uudistettu sosiaalinen toimintaohjelma [#/#(INI)]- Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokuntanot-set not-set
Altenheim gave Sernine a chair, sat down himself and said, in a conciliatory tone: “Well, no, I cannot allow that.
Kukaan muu ei saanut syytettä, hänen luultiin olleen yksinLiterature Literature
Disorder was again rampant in Germany, especially in Bavaria, but general peace was restored by Frederick's vigorous, but conciliatory, measures.
Kriteereiden tulee luonnollisesti olla samat kaikille.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the least that can be said is that, in spite of the efforts of our Parliament, the Council was by no means the most conciliatory during the procedure, particularly with regard to the question of the programme's financial framework.
Menoksi vainEuroparl8 Europarl8
But this conflict and its negative outcome for the West seemed to back up the case of the “doves” —those in the U.S. and among its allies who favor a conciliatory attitude toward the Soviet bloc.
Näkemykselle, jonka mukaan EU:n pitäisi tukea kehitysmaita taloudellisesti sekä niiden ilmastopolitiikan tavoitteiden toteuttamisessa, pitäisi antaa tukea.jw2019 jw2019
These are matters of grave concern, and the Union has on a number of occasions called on the Indonesian Government to resolve these problems peacefully and to work out conciliatory approaches.
kunkinväitetyn tehokkuusedun todennäköisyys ja laajuus; sekäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I should like to hope that such an appeal from Europe, with parallel emphasis on the difficulties that any further indecision would create for completing and implementing the association agreement, would be duly heeded and appraised accordingly by the Skopje government, so that it can respond appropriately, on the one hand, to Greece' s demonstrably conciliatory attitude concerning the specific issue, and, on the other hand, to the more general practical, declared intention and disposition of all the partners in the European Union, including Greece, to facilitate and support FYROM' s progress towards a United Europe.
Et pystyisiEuroparl8 Europarl8
I welcome the conciliatory tone adopted by Mr Pittella and by the Presidency.
Nyt minä alan hämmentyäEuroparl8 Europarl8
Jesus said: “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you,” you should make the first conciliatory move.
Dieter, vedä ylös!jw2019 jw2019
The more conciliatory attitude adopted by that committee during its meetings of 1999 and 2000 was a result of the Italian authorities’ undertaking – which was not honoured – to re-examine the measure before 1 January 2001 and the possibilities presented at that time by the Commission’s proposal to amend the Sixth Directive as regards the right to deduct VAT.
Joten, hyvän tahdon eleenä,- kaikki ei- israelilaiset panttivangit vapautetaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I congratulate you on the conciliatory spirit that's been displayed.
Taaveteilla laskettavat pelastuslautat on sijoitettava nostokoukkujen ulottuville, ellei aluksessa ole siirtolaitetta, joka ei voi mennä toimintakyvyttömäksi # asteen viippauksen ja # asteen kallistuman rajoissa kummalle puolelle tahansa uusien alusten kohdalla ja vastaavasti vähintään # astetta kummalle puolelle tahansa olemassa olevissa aluksissa, tai aluksen liikkumisen tai sähkölaitevikojen johdostaLiterature Literature
In my view, a more conciliatory approach would be to give third country carriers a helping hand, particularly in the use by them of satellite navigation and other modern technology.
Miksi annat minun kärsiä?Europarl8 Europarl8
I would like first to thank Mr Daul for the conciliatory work he has undertaken in the difficult task of moving this resolution forward.
Olen teidän epäiltynneEuroparl8 Europarl8
asked May with a conciliatory air, for she wanted to show that she also could be generous.
Se ei ole kiinnostavaaLiterature Literature
The treaty he negotiated was perceived by the public as too conciliatory to the Western powers, and created considerable controversy.
Arvostan kiinnostustasi, mutta emme keskustelu avoimista jutuistaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
13. Calls on the Togolese judicial authorities, in a conciliatory spirit, to speed up proceedings in order to reach a final decision on the Agboyibo case;
Onko teillä rikosrekisteriä?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
194 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.