conduction deafness oor Fins

conduction deafness

hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear

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Audio engineering in the field of hearing aids for the deaf, in particular conducting tests and technical adapting of hearing aids for the deaf
Älä huoli, keksin niille tyylikkään ratkaisuntmClass tmClass
During some months, he conducted 28 home Bible studies with deaf people.
Kuinka tiedät tappajista?jw2019 jw2019
I found great pleasure in conducting Bible studies with other deaf and deaf-blind people, a number of whom are now serving Jehovah faithfully.
Käskekää lakata lähettämästä timanttejajw2019 jw2019
Markéta travels more than 60 miles [100 km] each week to conduct a Bible study with a deaf woman from Mongolia.
Kuten mietinnöstä käy selkeästi ilmi, meidän on sitä paitsi jatkuvasti painostettava Kiinaa kunnioittamaan ihmisoikeuksia.jw2019 jw2019
Every Monday, this special pioneer made a 40-mile [65 km] trip just to conduct the Bible study with the deaf fisherman.
Totta kai olen elossajw2019 jw2019
At the time of the convention in Prague, the sign-language congregation in that city was conducting Bible studies with some 30 deaf individuals.
Kapteeni Kallas piteli Maxiajw2019 jw2019
We began searching out deaf people in the community and conducting Bible studies with them.
Älä pistä Bondenza-injektiota itsejw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, when Witnesses conduct home Bible studies with deaf people, there is a need to help them become proficient in their own language and to encourage them to expand their own program of reading and studying.
Tämä edellyttää vastavuoroisuuteen perustuvia taloussuhteita, toisin sanoen EU:ssa on oltava vakaat edellytykset ulkomaisen pääoman sijoittamiselle ja vastaavasti toimittajamaiden on luotava turvalliset edellytykset EU:sta peräisin oleville investoinneillejw2019 jw2019
Interested Deaf ones started studying the Bible, and meetings were conducted in LIS.
Kaikuuko täällä...?jw2019 jw2019
Conductive deafness is a disturbance in the transmission of sounds from the outer ear to the inner ear.
Meidän on ehdottomasti tuettava sitä, joka torjuu kahden mittapuun politiikat.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I also have the joy of conducting a study with my son, who is not deaf but with whom I can communicate perfectly.”
Krooninen B-hepatiittijw2019 jw2019
In most cases, these are used to conduct home Bible studies with people who are deaf, so the videos include study questions, which makes interactive use of such videos possible.
Harakat käyvät levottominajw2019 jw2019
Pantaleon has also been able to conduct a Bible study with his twin nieces, Lorna and Luz, who are both deaf-mutes.
Arvioitsijat ja vahinkotarkastajatjw2019 jw2019
Research conducted last year by the European Union of the Deaf revealed that the unavailability of interpreting services was one of the biggest obstacles to obtaining such care (European Union of the Deaf: 2013 UNCRDP Report).
Älä ravistanot-set not-set
She had been conducting a Bible study in Braille with 25-year-old Debbie Curry, a young woman blind and deaf from birth.
On oma asiasi, jos haluat lähteäjw2019 jw2019
Educational services, namely, conducting classes, conferences, seminars, workshops and courses in the field of language and interpreting for the deaf and hard of hearing community
Onko ketään kotona?tmClass tmClass
5 If a qualified signer serving as an elder or a ministerial servant is available and the number of deaf brothers and sisters warrants it, the elders may decide that some meetings should be conducted entirely in sign language.
kuuluuko tietty tuote johonkin liitteessä I taikka liitteessä # olevassa B osassa tarkoitettuun elintarvikeryhmään tai onko se jokin niissä tarkoitetuista elintarvikkeistajw2019 jw2019
Each Israelite was expected to obey such standards of conduct as the following: demonstrate proper regard for parents and older ones (verses 3, 32); show consideration for the deaf, the blind, and other afflicted ones (verses 9, 10, 14); be honest and impartial in dealing with others (verses 11-13, 15, 35, 36); and love his fellow worshipper as himself.
Hyväksyn haasteenjw2019 jw2019
It also recommended the provision of sign-language translation in the media (television), the conduct of studies in this area, the compilation and publication of dictionaries and the establishment of specific institutional structures and funding with a view to ensuring protection of the rights of deaf people.
Vastaaja: Itävallan tasavaltanot-set not-set
And of Helen Keller, who even earlier in life became both deaf and blind, we are told: “Her blushing can have no relation to looks or words of disapproval, connected either with her appearance or her conduct; yet she blushes just as girls do who see and hear, from the same causes, over the same parts of the body, and with the same experience of tingling.”
En tiedä, mistä aloittaisinjw2019 jw2019
It is a simple and effective hearing solution for people with a conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss or single-sided deafness.
Menet suorittamaan vaihtokauppaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is a simple and effective hearing solution for people with a conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss or single-sided deafness.
Joskus hänolisi saattanut sallia senParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
—The research project we are conducting is focusing on what experiences Deaf interpreter students have after having studied together with hearing interpreter students, in an interpreter training program on BA level, tells Ingeborg Skaten.
Kyseisten vähimmäismäärien käyttöönoton helpottamiseksi olisi vahvistettava siirtymäkausiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
BAHA: This system is a semi-implantable bone-anchored hearing device that transfers sound from the deaf side to the cochlea using bone conduction.
Lisätietoja tästä lääkevalmisteesta antaa myyntiluvan haltijan paikallinen edustajaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Alternative names: deafness in infants;hearing loss in infants;conductive hearing loss in infants;central hearing loss in infants;sensorineural hearing loss in infants.
Poiketen #.# ja #.# kohdassa säädetystä kiellosta kummeliturskaa pyytävät alukset saavat laskea silmäkooltaan # mm:n verkkoja kyseisillä alueilla mihin tahansa paikkaan, jonka kartan mukainen syvyys on alle # metriäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
41 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.