contrapuntal oor Fins


(music) Of or relating to counterpoint.

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The contrapuntal nature of the composition is demanding.
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But the goal is achieved, treating the listener to a pleasant sensation he cannot quite describe, as he hears the original theme enhanced by the underlying movement of the contrapuntal line.
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Baker's melodic style fit well with Mulligan's, leading them to create improvised contrapuntal textures free from the rigid confines of a piano-enforced chordal structure.
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The public are sick of your crepuscular art, your harmonized neurasthenia, your contrapuntal pedantry.
En voi auttaa, jos en saa katsoaLiterature Literature
The contrapuntal polyphony of the early Baroque sonata was replaced by the performing interplay of the new orchestra compositions.
Tämä päätös julkaistaan Euroopan unionin virallisen lehden ETA-osastossa ja ETA-täydennysosassaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is also worth mentioning that moments where the composer has not juxtaposed at least two melodies contrapuntally are few and far apart.
Saanko olettaa, ettå Linda Arden ei ole enåå vuoteen oma?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
All of Bach’s orchestral Suites begin with a French-style overture where a slow introduction featuring dotted rhythms is followed by a fast, contrapuntal middle section, after which the introduction is repeated in modified form.
Oletko jo testannut Vincen chilin?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sound and music have also played a central role in Jani Ruscica’s previous video works (Swan Song, Contrapuntal).
Se on labyrinttiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As in Ruscica’s previous films, the Contrapuntal themes, the new films have also been created in a process of dialogue.
Minäkin aioin esittää onnentoivotuksia, mutta aloitan teistä ja onnittelen teitä siitä, että European Voice valitsi teidät eilen vuoden 2006 Euroopan parlamentin jäseneksi; hienoa!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is the contrapuntality of time, the plurality of space and the polyphonic nature of the individual.
Seura kelpaisi.- # minuuttiaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
His compositions "Walking Shoes" and "Young Blood" stand out as embodiments of the contrapuntal style that became Mulligan's signature.
Voit rukoiIIa tuhat vuotta- mutta ei se mitään autaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The contrapuntal relationship between photographic procedures—taking and presenting images— and the environment has an additional and significant presence in the exhibition.
Vain hetkeksiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fast movements are contrapuntal, the first them a fugue, but the slower ones are dominated by melancholy and sedate emotions.
Mitä mieltä olette siitä?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As Mozart matured, he progressively incorporated more features adapted from the Baroque. For example, the Symphony No. 29 in A major K. 201 has a contrapuntal main theme in its first movement, and experimentation with irregular phrase lengths.
Michael, sinä et kuunnellut minuaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Beethoven’s six last string quartets culminate the classical era, as did Bach’s contrapuntal collection Musikalisches Opfer for baroque fugue style.
Jäsenvaltioiden, jotka haluavat säilyttää koko alueellaan tai osalla aluettaan asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # artiklan # kohdassa tarkoitetun istutuskiellon # päivän joulukuuta # jälkeen kyseisen asetuksen # artiklan # kohdassa säädetyn mahdollisuuden mukaisesti, on ilmoitettava aikomuksestaan komissiolle # päivään maaliskuuta # mennessäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sometimes he has humorously described his harmonic language as a personal way of writing a very specific kind of contrapuntal jazz harmony.
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16 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.