corruptly oor Fins


In a corrupt manner.

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in a corrupt manner

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So there are ECU 450, 000m of fiscal liability in this system and it is entrusted to a paper-based system, discharged by a rubber stamp - a rubber stamp that can be forged, stolen or corruptly used by a corrupt customs official.
Olen mieluummin sokea ja ryysyissä kuin kuollutEuroparl8 Europarl8
On 7 September 2008, the Sunday Times published an article alleging that a director in DG Trade had acted unethically, contrary to the Staff Regulations and, possibly, corruptly in his meeting with representatives of companies seeking information concerning the application of trade policy protection instruments.
Madame tulee piannot-set not-set
+ 7 We have unquestionably acted corruptly against you+ and have not kept the commandments+ and the regulations+ and the judicial decisions+ that you gave in command to Moses your servant.
Joka paikkaan sattuujw2019 jw2019
Eventually Samuel delegated this role to his sons, based at Beersheba, but they behaved corruptly and so the people, facing invasion from the Ammonites, persuaded Samuel to appoint a king.
Ja minä, Robert Bruce- ratsastin osoittamaan kunnioitustani Englannin kuninkaan armeijoille- ja hyväksymään hänen kannatuksensa kruunulleniWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where corruption is confirmed and no action is taken against officials involved, EU funding should be reviewed; where contracts have been obtained corruptly they should be cancelled and any grant money repaid.
Kuka sinut palkkasi?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The oppressive city, Jerusalem, is also marked for judgment; she did not trust Jehovah and draw near to him; her princes, judges, prophets, and priests all acted corruptly instead of using their influence for good
Mitä pelkäätte, partneri?jw2019 jw2019
Generally a valuable consideration given with a view to influencing its recipient to act, usually unjustifiably or corruptly, in behalf of the giver.
Mihin Apidraa käytetään?jw2019 jw2019
deputising for the author. - The allegation is that a British company, BAE Systems, corruptly paid bribes in order to win a competitive advantage over other European defence contractors in Saudi Arabia and that an independent investigation of this behaviour has been stopped by the UK Government.
Vastaavasti sijoittaja ei sijoita yritykseen, jonka tuotto-odotukset ovat muiden riskiprofiililtaan samankaltaisten yritysten odotettavissa olevaa keskituottoa heikommatEuroparl8 Europarl8
Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly!
omasta aloitteestaan ilmoitettava rahanpesun selvittelykeskukselle, jos ne tietävät, että huutokauppojen yhteydessä harjoitetaan, on harjoitettu tai on yritetty harjoittaa rahanpesua, terrorismin rahoittamista tai rikollista toimintaa, tai jos ne epäilevät tai niillä on kohtuulliset perusteet epäillä tällaista harjoitettaneenjw2019 jw2019
*+ 11 At the end of the 40 days and 40 nights, Jehovah gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant, 12 and Jehovah told me, ‘Get up, go down quickly from here, because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have acted corruptly.
No niin, laula!jw2019 jw2019
whereas Chihuri’s presence in an EU Member State is doubly offensive, firstly as blatant defiance of the EU’s sanctions and secondly in that the police force that he commands is an instrument for the oppression of the people of Zimbabwe, while it is alleged that Chihuri himself has corruptly benefited from Mugabe’s land seizure policies,
Hoidon kesto • Keppraa käytetään pitkäaikaisestinot-set not-set
‘I have borne, although I do not act corruptly;+
Pojalla ei voisi olla parempaa isääjw2019 jw2019
But they were all the more eager to act corruptly.
Sitten sinä käsket alukset takaisin?jw2019 jw2019
What penalties are laid down by the Commission for a member of the Commission or an official, temporary staff member or contract staff member who is proved to have acted corruptly?
Mutta älkää murehtikonot-set not-set
It is not acceptable for aid to be corruptly diverted, where it might contribute little to development, or used where a minimum of accountability does not exist.
Toimenpiteet # jaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It would support the adoption by the Commission of the World Bank practice by which any contracts obtained corruptly would be cancelled and any grant money would have to be repaid.
Entisen Jugoslavian tasavallan Makedonian on poistettava jäljellä olevat sijoittautumista ja rajat ylittävää palvelujen tarjontaa haittaavat esteet EU:n luonnollisilta ja oikeushenkilöiltäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They take advantage of the lowly and the poor, and they influence others to act corruptly as well.
Kuljettajan on pystyttävä jarruttamaan istuimeltaanjw2019 jw2019
15 “Therefore, watch yourselves closely*—since you did not see any form on the day Jehovah spoke to you in Hoʹreb out of the middle of the fire— 16 that you may not act corruptly by making for yourselves any carved image having the form of any symbol, the representation of male or female,+ 17 the representation of any animal on the earth or the representation of any bird that flies in the sky,+ 18 the representation of anything creeping on the ground or the representation of any fish in the waters under the earth.
Se on pelkkä naarmujw2019 jw2019
“Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly!
Luulet minua näyttelijäksesijw2019 jw2019
We now know that sovereign immunity no longer applies for war crimes, but the group has also pointed out that Taylor has breached the terms of his asylum by interfering in Liberian politics ahead of the elections scheduled there for October and by financing parties sympathetic to him with money he obtained corruptly through the diamond trade when in power as President.
kehottaa komissiota keräämään ja levittämään parhaita käytäntöjä, jotka koskevat työympäristön politiikkoja, jotka mahdollistavat tehokkaan tasapainon työ- ja perhe-elämän välillä, sekä toimia, joilla edistetään miesten aktiivisempaa osallistumista perhe-elämään; kehottaa jäsenvaltioita ja työmarkkinaosapuolia toteuttamaan tarvittavat toimet toisaalta työpaikoilla ilmenevän sukupuolisen ja moraalisen häirinnän ehkäisemiseksi ja toisaalta sen torjumiseksi; vaatii tukemaan naisia heidän ammattiurallaan; vaatii komissiota ja jäsenvaltioita toteuttamaan vakavia toimia sukupuoltenvälisen palkkakuilun kaventamiseksi ja edistämään sekä miesten vanhempainloman että isyysloman käyttöäEuroparl8 Europarl8
What is the Commission's estimate of the percentage of the funds that have been given to the Palestinian Authority by the EU that have been corruptly misappropriated?
Tuen enimmäismäärä tuensaajaa kohden on yhteensä # EUR kolmen vuoden aikananot-set not-set
Never again will that wicked monster be able to influence people to act corruptly.
Jäsenvaltion kansalaisella, joka asuu laillisesti toisessa jäsenvaltiossa, on oikeus vedota EY # artiklan ensimmäiseen kohtaan sellaista luovuttamisesta #.#.# annetun lain (Overleveringswet) kaltaista kansallista lainsäädäntöä vastaan, jossa säädetään edellytyksistä, joiden täyttyessä toimivaltainen oikeusviranomainen voi kieltäytyä panemasta täytäntöön eurooppalaista pidätysmääräystä, joka on annettu vapausrangaistuksen täytäntöönpanoa vartenjw2019 jw2019
They sought to fulfill their lustful desires as they indulged in immoral conduct with female worshippers and as they corruptly took for themselves the meat of the sacrifices of the people of Israel.
Komitea korostaa kuitenkin samalla, että vammaisia ei saa jättää heitteille pelkästään sähköisten palvelujen varaan, vaan painopisteenä tulee olla teknologian valjastaminen tukemaan palvelujen saavutettavuutta monen eri kanavan kauttaLDS LDS
7 We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses.
Tuumorilyysioireyhtymä Hyperglykemia Kokonaisproteiinin lasku AnoreksiaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yea, I and my fathers house have sinned: 7 we have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the ordinances, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses.
Työ ei ole vaikeaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
87 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.