died without issue oor Fins

died without issue

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She died without issue when Mirian was 15 years old, in 292 according to Toumanoff.
Saattaa olla, että valmiste täytyy poistaa elimistöstä ja kardiovaskulaarinen tila vakauttaaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like his predecessor, the Tongzhi Emperor, the Guangxu Emperor died without issue.
Ehkä se on työWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Germain's, where he died without issue.
When in 1393 Henry VI the Older, grandson of Henry IV died without issue, the estates were again re-unified with Głogów until in 1412 Jan I, the eldest son of Duke Henry VIII the Sparrow became the sole rule of the Żagań duchy.
Onko kaikki hyvin, Kyle?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite seventeen pregnancies by her husband, Prince George of Denmark, she died without surviving issue and was the last monarch of the House of Stuart.
Olen Calvin Sandhope, äitini kutsui SlickiksiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first took a wife and died without issue.
Yleiset: anemiaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
21Then the second married her, and he too died without issue.
Hän kuolee jollemme tee sitäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The present action seeks the annulment of the decision contained in the letter of the European Commission of 10 February 2010, which ruled out the possibility of establishing an infringement of Article 87 EC (now Article 107 TFEU) on the part of the Italian Republic on the basis that it awarded the concession for the construction and management of a section of motorway (known as the Passante di Mestre), without issuing an invitation to tender, to a semi-public company, CAV SpA (a limited company equally owned by ANAS SpA and the Veneto Region) and financed the construction of the motorway section by means of an increase in the tariff payable at toll stations on the parallel and competing section of motorway.
tukea, jonka määrä vahvistetaan markkinoille saatettavien tuotteiden hinnan tai määrän mukaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Despite seventeen pregnancies by her husband, she died without surviving issue and was the last monarch of the House of Stuart.
palvelut annetaan julkisoikeudellisten yhteisöjen tai voittoa tavoittelemattomien laitosten tai yhdistysten suoritettaviksi, ja suunniteltu toiminta on luonteeltaan institutionaalista tai sen tarkoituksena on toteuttaa sosiaaliavustusohjelmaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The issue is about whether slicing the "prosciutto di Parma" protected designation of origin (PDO) is permitted outside the area of production and without the supervision of the "consorzio".
Olisin halunnut taistella ollessasi priimakunnossaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
7 By judgment No 5316 of 18 September 2003, the Consiglio di Stato held that a local authority was entitled to award a supply contract to a supplier without issuing a call for tenders in cases where the local authority exercised over the supplier a control similar to that which it exercised over its own departments and the supplier carried out the essential part of its activities with the controlling authority.
Valituksesta ilmi käyvien tietojen perusteella kyseisten yritysten tuotannon arvioidaan olevan noin # miljoonaa yksikköä (kalenterivuonnaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The questioner also mentioned the fact that ANAS (the Italian highways authority) hired the Roman firm Tor di Valle to build the tunnel, instead of the elevated road section, contrary to the provisions of the port master plan in force since 26 June 1981 and without issuing a call for tenders.
Kaikkien tekojen ja uhrauksien jälkeen.Päätaistelu vain revitään otteestammenot-set not-set
11 On 6 February 2015, during a check carried out in the business premises called ‘Betuniq’ in Polistena (Italy), which is managed by Mr Politanò and affiliated to UniqGroup Ltd, a Maltese company, the administrative police from the Questura di Reggio Calabria (police headquarters of Reggio Calabria, Italy) established that the activity of collecting bets was being carried out there without a concession first having been issued.
Sitten Puh ystävineen lähti etsimään poikaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
51 In that regard, Biraghi states that the issue of the use of the term ‘grana’ without the adjective ‘padano’ has already been broached in Italy by the Corte di Cassazione in its judgment No 2562 of 28 November 1989 in which it held that ‘while grana padano cheese enjoys recognition of origin and, consequently, protection under criminal law against improper use of the designation, cheese simply called ‘grana’ is not, under the legislation in force, recognised as a type of cheese, with the result that the use of that designation ... is not subject to specific restrictions and does not constitute an infringement of Law [No 125/54]’.
Komission päätös, tehty # päivänä joulukuuta #, Sloveniassa käytettävien sianruhojen luokitusmenetelmien hyväksymisestä (tiedoksiannettu numerolla KEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those directives were also applicable when, in September 2004, following the amendment to the financial framework in connection with the complete removal of public funding, the Comune di Bari decided, according to the information which it has submitted to the Court, that it was necessary to initiate a new selection procedure rather than negotiate the conclusion of a contract ‘for the lease of something in the future’ directly with Pizzarotti without first issuing a new call for competition.
osa: a alakohtaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Commission knows, the Italian Parliament is currently considering a bill (AC 2320 — Disposizioni per l’adempimento di obblighi derivanti dall’appartenenza dell’Italia alle Comunità europee — legge comunitaria 2008) seeking to introduce a penalty of three months' imprisonment and a fine of up to EUR 180 000 for anyone betting on an Internet site in respect of which an Italian licence has not been issued, without any account being taken of whether or not the site operator holds a concession in another Member State.
Lisäksi niitä pitäisi soveltaa ainoastaan yrityksiin, mikä käsitteellisesti edellyttää tiettyä toiminnan jatkuvuutta ja tietynasteista järjestäytyneisyyttänot-set not-set
The State Treasury may issue a decision on the property of an estate no sooner than one year after the person who has died without heirs has died.
Täytä tämä lomake, niin pääset reserviinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.