epistemological oor Fins


Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.

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of, or relating to, epistemology


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naturalistic epistemology
naturalistinen epistemologia
epistemologia · tietoteoria
epistemological realism
epistemologinen realismi · tietoteoreettinen realismi
virtue epistemology


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The main theme of the conference was "Rethinking Philosophy Today, and there were four plenary sessions: Rethinking Moral, Social and Political Philosophy: Democracy, Justice and Global Responsibility Rethinking Metaphysics and Aesthetics: Reality, Beauty and the Meaning of Life Rethinking Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Technology: Knowledge and Culture Rethinking History of Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy: Traditions, Critique and Dialogue The International Program Committee was chaired by Gilbert Hottois.
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Haack's major contribution to philosophy is her epistemological theory called foundherentism, which is her attempt to avoid the logical problems of both pure foundationalism (which is susceptible to infinite regress) and pure coherentism (which is susceptible to circularity).
Ne ovat myös vaatineet konkreettisia mahdollisuuksia osallistua assosiaatiosopimuksesta käytäviin neuvotteluihin, sillä niiden mielestä prosessin onnistuminen edellyttää kyseisiä alueita edustavan järjestäytyneen kansalaisyhteiskunnan panosta ja mukanaoloa kaikkia keskustelujen kohteena olevia asiakokonaisuuksia käsiteltäessäWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are epistemological relativists, and think (rightly, according to the critical rationalist) that you cannot find knowledge, that there is no source of epistemological absolutism.
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The Eleatic school, for example, also studied epistemology, or how people come to know what exists.
Tällainen tilanne on omiaan aiheuttamaan siipikarjan korkeaa kuolleisuutta ja siipikarja-alalle suuria taloudellisia tappioita, joita voitaisiin vähentää ottamalla jäsenvaltioissa käyttöön seulontajärjestelmä, jolla tällaiset kantojen esiasteet voitaisiin todeta ja saada hallintaan varhaisemmassa vaiheessaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deleuze inverts the Kantian arrangement: experience exceeds our concepts by presenting novelty, and this raw experience of difference actualizes an idea, unfettered by our prior categories, forcing us to invent new ways of thinking (see Epistemology).
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But in point of epistemological footing, the physical objects and the gods differ only in degree and not in kind.
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Objections to the epistemology: A. How can we be sure that what we think is a clear and distinct perception really is clear and distinct (3rd, 5th)?
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Alfred Sohn-Rethel (4 January 1899 – 6 April 1990) was a French-born German Marxian economist and philosopher especially interested in epistemology.
Yksipuoliset julkilausumat ja yksipuoliset toimet eivät ole koskaan hyvä valinta, eivätkä ne anna oikeaa viestiä.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather, he claimed that if one is keen to have a universally valid methodological rule, epistemological anarchism or anything goes would be the only candidate.
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Constructive empiricism is thus a normative, semantic and epistemological thesis.
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Nonetheless, the history of thought shows that across the range of cultures and their development certain basic concepts retain their universal epistemological value and thus retain the truth of the propositions in which they are expressed.
riittävät tiedot eläintautien syistä, luonteesta, taudinkulusta, vaikutuksista, taudinmäärityksestä ja hoidosta yhden eläimen tai eläinryhmän kohdalla, mukaan luettuina tiedot niistä taudeista, jotka voivat tarttua ihmisiinvatican.va vatican.va
While Husserl thought of philosophy as a scientific discipline that had to be founded on a phenomenology understood as epistemology, Martin Heidegger held a radically different view.
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Neither being out of time nor belated, contemporary African art strategically inhabits a third epistemological space by being in time."
Esittelijä Tomlinson on ottanut askeleita hyvään suuntaan, josta haluan onnitella häntä. Silti ole sitä mieltä, että äänestäjämme tarvitsevat selkeämmän merkin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Epistemologically, one of the main problems plaguing Hegel's system is how these thought determinations have bearing on reality as such.
Kaiken kaikkiaan yhteinen kanta vaikuttaa mielestämme tyydyttävältä.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The idealist conclusion was not integral to his epistemology but was based on two main arguments.
Emme tiedä Molocin joukkojen kokoa, jotka he joutuisivat kohtaamaanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Several congresses on epistemology and philosophy of science were organized, with the help of the Berlin Circle.
Osanottajien lopullisen valinnan suorittaa puheenjohtajavaltio, jota avustaa YUTP:n korkeana edustajana toimiva pääsihteeri joukkotuhoaseiden leviämisen estämistä käsittelevän henkilökohtaisen edustajansa välityksellä, tämän yhteisen toiminnan # artiklan # kohdan mukaisen täytäntöönpanosta vastaavan elimen ehdotusten perusteellaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The second, and more interesting argument, was based on Eddington's epistemology, and may be regarded as consisting of two parts.
Mutta minä tiedän, BenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So what, I'm hearing is that we agree that the phrase " Epistemological Journey " is working, but that we disagree on the meaning of " Epistemological. "
Minulla on parempi idea.Puhutaan jälkeenpäinOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Critical rationalism is an epistemological philosophy advanced by Karl Popper.
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But judgment of any system or a priori relation of phenomena exists in any rational or metaphysical or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstracted empirical concept such as being or to be or to occur in the thing itself or of the thing itself.
Tuohon kiveenkö?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Phenomenalism in epistemology and the philosophy of perception, phenomenalism is the view that physical objects do not exist as things in themselves but only as perceptual phenomena or sensory stimuli (e.g. redness, hardness, softness, sweetness, etc.) situated in time and in space.
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The Eleatics rejected the epistemological validity of sense experience, and instead took logical standards of clarity and necessity to be the criteria of truth.
Muiden prostaglandiinisynteesiä tunnetusti estävien lääkevalmisteiden tavoin myös selekoksibin on havaittu aiheuttavan nesteretentiota ja edeemaaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Epistemology – study of how we know what we know; study of the nature and scope of knowledge.
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Richard Dawkins's refinement of Darwinian evolutionary theory and the modern evolutionary synthesis, especially the ideas of replicator and meme as they integrate with Popperian problem-solving (the epistemological strand).
Tämä on osa ajattelutapaamme, joka tarkoittaa närkästystä, tukea ja vastuuta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the early 11th century, the Muslim physicist Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen or Alhazen) discussed space perception and its epistemological implications in his Book of Optics (1021).
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