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In December 1912 George Darwin, son of Charles Darwin, died suddenly and Eddington was promoted to his chair as the Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in early 1913.
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Through his friend Richard Lower, whom he knew from the Westminster School, Locke was introduced to medicine and the experimental philosophy being pursued at other universities and in the Royal Society, of which he eventually became a member.
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He believed that empiricism is the only adequate philosophy for experimental science.
Hintoja muutetaan julkisen palvelun velvoitteen erittelyn #.# kohdan b ja c alakohdan mukaisesti seuraavastiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The emphasis of the experimentation philosophy is not directed solely at social reforms.
Ennen kuin voimme edes olla samassa huoneessa kanssasi,- haluan tietää, mitä oikein ajattelit, kun et kuunnellut minua- ja heitit siilon järveen?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Through his friend Richard Lower, whom he knew from the Westminster School, Locke was introduced to medicine and the experimental philosophy being pursued at other universities and in the Royal Society, of which he eventually became a member.
Tässä päätöksessä säädetyt toimenpiteet ovat radiotaajuuskomitean lausunnon mukaisetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Entity realism has been an influential position partly because it coincided with a general trend in philosophy of science, and science studies more generally, to downplay the role of theories and put more emphasis on experimentation and scientific practice.
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They contain intertextual references from ancient tragedies, philosophy, science fiction, experimental music, architectural history and contemporary media culture.
*** I Mietintö ehdotuksesta Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetukseksi Euroopan huumausaineiden ja niiden väärinkäytön seurantakeskuksesta (KOM#- C#-#/#- #/#(COD))- Kansalaisvapauksien sekä oikeus- ja sisäasioiden valiokuntaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Inspirational yet accessible, her highly individual style and quirky glamour are rooted in the London street scene, and epitomise Rimmel’s experimental, no-set-rules beauty philosophy.
käyttämään yleisluontoisessa tai työhön liittyvässä viestinnässä asianmukaisia viestintästrategioita tiedonvaihtoon sekä väärinymmärrysten tunnistamiseen ja korjaamiseen (esim. tietojen tarkastamiseen, vahvistamiseen tai selventämiseenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The main speaker of the day is performance theorist and performance maker Bojana Cvejic, whose most recent work Choreographing Problems (2015) discusses the relationship of philosophy and experimental choreographic practices by analysing some central works of contemporary dance.
normaali laitteiden käytettävyys, eli olisi tehtävä vähennys ajoittaisten sulkemisten, palkallisten lomapäivien, normaalin ylläpidon ja tarvittaessa sähkön kausittaisen saannin osaltaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Essential things in my design philosophy are being experimental and having a brave touch, being open-minded with different materials and techniques and joy, happiness and confidence for what you are doing."
Tässähän minä!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Only Kaila oriented himself to experimental psychology and later to neo-positivistic philosophy. Others continued in the tradition of Neo-Kantian or idealistic philosophy.
Komissio ehdottaa perustamissopimuksen # artiklan # kohdan ja asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # artiklan mukaisesti, että jäsenvaltiot muuttavat nykyiset kalastusalan tukijärjestelmänsä näiden suuntaviivojen mukaisiksi viimeistään # päivänä tammikuutaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
From 1966 to 1968, Foucault lectured at the University of Tunis before returning to France, where he became head of the philosophy department at the new experimental university of Paris VIII.
Virallinen leimaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
“An experimental and episodic movie about my roots, my dreams, my experiences and my philosophy.
Valtiontuesta, jonka Saksa on myöntänyt yritykselleSchiefergruben Magog GmbH & Co. KG, # euroa ei sovellu yhteismarkkinoilleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The study examined the philosophies and methods of lean, agile development and experimental culture to shorten the lead time. Based on that examination also formed the theoretical framework.
Emme vain tiedä Boydin entisen rikollisuuden laajuuttaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Grotenfelt's earliest research focused on experimental psychology that as late as the early 20th century was a part of philosophy.
Se mitä sanoit, oli rohkeaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Psychology in the University of Helsinki has its roots in the laboratory of experimental psychology, started in the 1920’s by the professor of philosophy Eino Kaila.
Miten olisi,- henki hengestä?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experimental living as both are modified by the tendency to imitate associates.
Jos käteni on vapaa, voin tehdä kaikenlaista sillä.KaikenlaistaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Redder members, identifying themselves as friends of architecture, coffee and philosophy, bring up storytelling as an equally essential ingredient in making music – along with the experimental nature of their haunting soundscapes.
Ei niin, mutta ajattele asiaa näinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To the philosophers of music education, Dewey's philosophy can open up a new critical horizon where both aesthetic and praxial outlooks can meet in the experimental terms of naturalistic pragmatism. see all
Sinun ei pitäisi olla täälläParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Following formal and informal studies in literature, cinema, philosophy and music (Italy, UK, France, US) they began making sound and video installations, photo-essays, experimental radio programmes, multimedia performances and seminars defamiliarizing and remixing cultural texts and products and deconstructing modes of spectacular representation.
Mielestäni näissä asioissa on yhteisiä piirteitä.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Stracke holds an MFA in Experimental Film and Photography from the Academy of Fine Arts, Braunschweig, Germany then moved to New York City and continued studying Film and Philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York (on a DAAD fellowship).
Maa voi pyöristää ylöspäin tai alaspäin määrää, joka saadaan muunnettaessa euroina ilmaistu määrä sen kansalliseksi valuutaksiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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