fertility ratio oor Fins

fertility ratio

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general context indicators: i.e. national income per capita, age-dependency ratio, fertility rates, foreigners and foreign-born population, marriage and divorce;
Sinä seisot aika lähellä...... GantEurLex-2 EurLex-2
general context indicators: i.e. national income per capita, age-dependency ratio, fertility rates, foreigners and foreign-born population, marriage and divorce
Asia T-#/#: Yhteisöjen ensimmäisen oikeusasteen tuomioistuimen tuomio #.#.#- Union Pigments v. komissio (Kilpailu- EY # artikla- Kartelli- Sinkkifosfaattimarkkinat- Sakko- Asetuksen N:o # # artiklan # kohta- Rikkomisen vakavuus ja kesto- Suhteellisuusperiaate ja yhdenvertaisen kohtelun periaate- Kumoamiskanneoj4 oj4
Health improvements lead to lower rates of fertility and reduced dependency ratios.
Tiedätkö mitä?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Statistically fertility is analysed as a ratio per replicate.
Juodaanko nyt sitä teetä?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The monitoring of the EU sustainable development strategy, launched by the European Council in Gothenburg in 2001 and renewed in 2006, is assessed via the Eurostat monitoring report which uses time series on old-age dependency ratios, fertility rates and life expectancy in the EU.
Tehty Brysselissä, #. maaliskuutaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The ratio of male-sterile parent seed to male-fertile parent shall not exceed two to one.
Täytyy kai antaa hänelle vielä muutama päivä aikaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The ratio of male-sterile parent seed to male-fertile parent shall not exceed two to one.'
En edes tiedä nimeäsiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The ratio of male-sterile parent seed to male-fertile parent shall not exceed two to one
Seuratessaan poisheitettyjä määriä, sivusaaliita ja alamittaisten kalojen saaliita # kohdan c alakohdan mukaisesti tarkkailijan on kerättävä tiedot poisheitetyistä kaloista ja säilytetyistä alamittaisista kaloista noudattaen seuraavaa näytteenottomenettelyä, jos olosuhteet sen sallivatoj4 oj4
Seven indicators related to the selected goals have been used to create these groupings in order to capture the multi-dimensionality of development: GNP per Capita, Child Malnutrition, Net Enrolment in Primary Education, Under 5 Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Ratio, Total Fertility Rate, and Access to Safe Water
Niin myös ruumiita.Tauti voi olla tarttunut ruumiiltaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, a log transformation is recommended for the vitellogenin data; a square root transformation is recommended for the SSC data (anal fin papillae); an arcsine-square root transformation is recommended for the data on proportion hatching, percent survival, sex ratio, and percent fertile eggs.
Melko harvinaiset haittavaikutukset (vähemmällä kuin yhdellä potilaalla sadastaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Where levels of minerals in the fruit for the fresh fruit market are outside optimum range, improving calcium and phosphorus levels in the fruit, particularly increasing the calcium/potassium ratio by controlled fertilizer usage, will improve cell structure, which will then reduce susceptibility to rotting.
Ei hän tarvitse ketään mukaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the condition laid down in Annex I(3)(B)(b)(dd) cannot be satisfied, the following condition shall be met: where for the production of certified seed of hybrids of sunflower a female male-sterile component and a male component which does not restore male fertility have been used, the seed produced by the male-sterile parent shall be blended with seed produced by the fully fertile seed parent. The ratio of male-sterile parent seed to male-fertile parent shall not exceed two to one.
Koska työntekijät, heidän järjestönsä ja tiedeyhteisö vastustavat kiellon poistamista, komission on tarkistettava päätöksensä.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The rise in the number of older people will be such that the increase in the demographic old-age dependency ratio can neither be halted by a sudden increase in fertility nor by any realistic level of immigration.
Yhtä lailla kuin hän rakastaa sotaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Water, sunlight and fertilizer in proper ratio can give the best produce.
On tapahtunut suuri sääntörike: tontilla on nautittu alkoholiaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Although the ageing of the population is the result of positive evolutions in the patterns of health care systems and thus constitutes in itself a positive development, the rise in the number of older people will be such that the increase in the demographic old-age dependency ratio can neither be halted by a sudden increase in fertility nor by any realistic level of immigration.
Hän hankkiutui eroon siitä lapsestaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Measured endpoints are the total number of adults emerged (for both 1st and 2nd generations), development rate (for both 1st and 2nd generations), sex ratio of fully emerged and alive adults (for both 1st and 2nd generations), number of egg ropes per female (1st generation only) and fertility of the egg ropes (1st generation only).
Nämä ihmiset rakastavat sinuaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For plants prepare the substrate containing fertile soil, peat, compost and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.
Johtaja on vastuussa keskuksen oikeudellisesta ja institutionaalisesta edustamisesta sekä sen toimeksiantojen ja tehtävien suorittamisesta siten, kuin ne määritellään sopimuksessa ja sen liitteessä IIIParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
36 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.