heatwave oor Fins


A period of very hot weather.

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period of very hot weather
Several tens of thousands of European citizens have died in urban heatwaves, and alleviating these also requires water.
Useita kymmeniä tuhansia Euroopan kansalaisia on kuollut kaupunkien helleaaltojen aikana, ja helteiden lieventämiseen tarvitaan myös vettä.


period of very hot weather
The heatwave, which affected us severely this summer, is a reminder of how serious the problem of greenhouse gas emissions is.
Meitä viime kesänä koetellut lämpöaalto on osoitus siitä, miten vakava ongelma kasvihuonekaasupäästöt ovat.

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Sadly we saw this happen during last year's heatwave, which hit southern Europe in particular and which culminated in the destruction of large parts of the Portuguese Natura areas.
Mistä olet kotoisin?Europarl8 Europarl8
Reiterates that, in its resolution of 4 September 2003 on the effects of the summer heatwave
Ehkä ruusunväriset lasit ovat viimein poissanot-set not-set
The climate of the area tends towards both continental and northern with a big difference between winter and summer temperatures and rainfall that, although it is even throughout the year, is heavy in the summer, with a low annual average temperature, despite summer heatwaves, and a large number of days of frost.
Hänellä on varmaan kamala oloEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition extreme events (storms, forest fires, droughts and heatwaves) are expected to become much more common[51] and/or severe.
Mikä hätänä, Clark?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the United Kingdom suffers floods and Greece suffers a heatwave during the course of one summer, it is obvious that the impact of those weather conditions on the soil in those Member States will be entirely different.
Etusuojajärjestelmiä ei saa saattaa jakeluun, tarjota myyntiin tai myydä ilman luetteloa ajoneuvotyypeistä, joihin etusuojajärjestelmä on tyyppihyväksytty, eikä ilman selkeitä asennusohjeitaEuroparl8 Europarl8
As Mr Colom i Naval said, the research effort is all the more necessary where this heatwave and global warming are concerned in the light of the fact that the last decade, from 1990 to 2000, has seen the hottest years for a thousand years.
Olette reilusti ylipätevä, ti WigandEuroparl8 Europarl8
Congratulates the Commission on the exhaustive analysis of biotic and abiotic threats in its Green Paper, and draws attention to the need to examine, in addition, other factors directly linked to the impact of climate change on forests, such as defoliation, recalling that the defoliated treetop surface in southern European forests has doubled in the last 20 years, resulting, in terms of direct consequences, in reduced capacity and efficiency in the carbon-fixing processes and in the reduction of forests’ tempering effect in periods of drought or heatwaves, due to trees’ premature loss of leaves;
Pystyn näkemään Mitchin juuri nyt, niin ylpeänä- sinisessä puvussaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
on the effects of the summer heatwave and the major forest fires in Portugal and France
Aloin miettiä, olikohan hän liian kokematon niin suureen kampanjaannot-set not-set
Highlights that, in view of the current discussion on climate change and the first publications of the Fourth Assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, all those involved must be aware that action is long overdue and that the Community has just # years left to use new technologies in order to prevent a climate catastrophy; notes that, according to the report, specific scenarios concern rising sea levels which will be particularly damaging for coastal countries, heatwaves, floods, storms, forest fires and droughts all over the world; stresses that there is also a potential problem pertaining to climate refugees and other problems relating to international security resulting from possible disputes over common resources
Jotta voidaan kannustaa elintarvikkeina ja/tai rehuina käytettävien muuntogeenisten organismien tutkimusta ja kehitystä, on syytä suojata investointeja, joita innovatiiviset tahot tekevät kerätessään tämän asetuksen mukaista hakemusta tukevia tietojaoj4 oj4
Although nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases and, therefore, make a positive contribution to slowing down climate change, there are, on the other hand, some disturbing indications that nuclear power plants located close to river basins create significant collateral threats to the environment and public health, primarily when there is a surge in demand for electricity during heatwaves or severe periods of drought.
Tämä on kuin luolanot-set not-set
High temperatures and heatwave;
Kuulitteko uutiset?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Extreme weather phenomena — storms, floods, droughts and prolonged heatwaves — will increase.
Määräaikaiset työsuhteetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A typical example is that over fourteen thousand people died from the heatwave in the France of ? respect for human rights.
Voimakkaampi kuin päästään vialla oleva hullu mies!Europarl8 Europarl8
Added to the present problems, this summer’s heatwave caused forest fires that have destroyed thousands of hectares of woodland in the southern Member States.
Kaksi erilaista hiustanot-set not-set
According to the Greek authorities, the causes of these disasters were flooding, high winds, snowstorms, heavy rainfall, disease, bad weather, frost, low temperatures, scab, drought and heatwave.
ottaa huomioon tilintarkastustuomioistuimen EY:n perustamissopimuksen # artiklan mukaisesti antaman tarkastuslausuman tilien luotettavuudesta sekä tilien perustana olevien toimien laillisuudesta ja asianmukaisuudestaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas IPCC AR# has, for the first time, collated existing documented wide-ranging impacts of changes in current climate for Europe, such as retreating glaciers, longer growing seasons, shifts of species' ranges and health impacts due to a heatwave of unprecedented magnitude; whereas the observed changes are consistent with those projected for future climate change; whereas, in an overall balance for Europe, nearly all regions will be negatively affected by some future impacts of climate change and these will pose challenges to many socio-economic sectors; whereas climate change is expected to magnify regional differences in Europe's natural resources, e.g. water availability
Ei vain lomallaoj4 oj4
Subject: The deaths of elderly and disabled citizens during the 2003 French heatwave
Haluan vain puhuaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Obviously the heatwave itself was not the responsibility of the Member States; nor, generally speaking, were the fires.
Agustin murhattiinEuroparl8 Europarl8
Highlights that, in view of the current discussion on climate change and the first publications of the Fourth Assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, all those involved must be aware that action is long overdue and that the Community has just 13 years left to use new technologies in order to prevent a climate catastrophy; notes that, according to the report, specific scenarios concern rising sea levels which will be particularly damaging for coastal countries, heatwaves, floods, storms, forest fires and droughts all over the world; stresses that there is also a potential problem pertaining to climate refugees and other problems relating to international security resulting from possible disputes over common resources;
Minä vahdin häntänot-set not-set
whereas over the coming decades, regardless of our global mitigation efforts, there will be an inevitable increase in global temperature, with especially adverse effects for southern Europe, which is predicted to be an extremely vulnerable region in terms of climate change and which already experienced wildfires of unprecedented magnitude in # as a direct result of the extreme heatwaves of that year
Tätä asetusta sovelletaan kaikkiin Ateenan yleissopimuksen # artiklan # kohdassa tarkoitettuihin kansainvälisiin kuljetuksiin sekä jäsenvaltion sisäisiin merikuljetuksiin aluksilla, jotka kuuluvat A- ja B-luokkiin direktiivin #/#/EY # artiklan mukaisesti, josoj4 oj4
Subject: Destruction of vineyards by heatwave
Asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # artiklan # kohdassa tarkoitettuja tuotteita koskevien, # päivän heinäkuuta # ja # päivän kesäkuuta # väliselle ajalle jätetyissä vientitodistuksissa haettuihin määriin sovelletaan seuraavia myöntämiskertoimiaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The blast sparked heatwaves, which torched 8 million trees in an area over half the size of Rhode Island.
Koska tapaamme kumppanisi, herra Barlow?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Heatwaves are a regular occurrence during the summer months, with temperatures rising higher than 40 °C, and they are sometimes accompanied by exceptionally hot dry winds from Africa.
Minun täytyy puhua kanssasiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
European Parliament resolution on the fires which have ravaged many countries in Southern Europe, particularly Portugal, and the serious effects of this summer’s heatwave on agriculture
Ei enää kysymyksiä, kiitosnot-set not-set
Meteorologists are unanimous: we can expect more heatwaves.
Oliko teillä asiaa?Europarl8 Europarl8
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