hematology oor Fins


(medicine) The scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


The branch of medical science concerned with diseases of the blood.
The professor had been in charge of the case and was a specialist in hematology.
Professori oli vastannut potilaasta, jolle olin tehnyt ruumiinavauksen, ja hän oli hematologi, veritautien asiantuntija.


study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases
The professor had been in charge of the case and was a specialist in hematology.
Professori oli vastannut potilaasta, jolle olin tehnyt ruumiinavauksen, ja hän oli hematologi, veritautien asiantuntija.

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Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Cartridges containing reagents for use in blood analyzers, hematology analyzers, and analyzers for measuring, testing and analyzing body fluids
Jousituksen taajuus ja vaimennus on esitetty # kohdassa. Testausmenetelmistä taajuuden ja vaimennuksen mittaamiseksi määrätään # kohdassatmClass tmClass
-methods for measurement of animal toxicity, including, where available, histopathological or hematological analyses and the frequency with which animal observations and body weights were taken;
Sir, meillä on turvallisuusvuoto!Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Pharmaceuticals for use in the treatment of liver, cardiovascular, respiratory, hematological and oncological diseases and disorders
Diplomaattinen loukkaus Cardassian kansaa vastaan on ongelmatmClass tmClass
Providing information in the fields of medicine, oncology, hematology, cancer, genetic disorders, and gene therapy
pyytää komissiota antamaan asian uudelleen Euroopan parlamentin käsiteltäväksi, jos se aikoo tehdä ehdotukseensa huomattavia muutoksia tai korvata sen toisella ehdotuksellatmClass tmClass
In combination with cisplatin For patients who are dosed initially at docetaxel # mg/m# in combination with cisplatin and whose nadir of platelet count during the previous course of therapy is < # cells/mm#, or in patients who experience febrile neutropenia, or in patients with serious non-hematologic toxicities, the docetaxel dose in subsequent cycles should be reduced to # mg/m
Unioni pitää yllä ja kehittää unionia vapauteen, turvallisuuteen ja oikeuteen perustuvana alueenaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Computer hardware, namely central processing units, servers, scanners, monitors and multiple-screen display monitors, and computer software for digitizing microscope slides for viewing, integration with other data, management, and analysis, all in the fields of virtual microscopy, digital pathology, digital hematology and medical information technology
He olivat tosissaantmClass tmClass
This included # patients with non-melanoma skin cancers, # with solid organ cancers, and # with hematologic malignancies (# with lymphomas and # with myelodysplastic syndromes
Niin kauan kuin olemme tunteneet, hän on pelännyt eniten vahingoittavansa minuaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in database management of digitized images of microscope slides and other associated medical information over computer networks, in the fields of virtual microscopy, digital pathology, digital hematology and medical information technology
Korvatipat, suspensiotmClass tmClass
Chemicals and reagents for the diagnosis and detection of analytes in laboratory samples, for example, reagents for performing clinical chemistry assays, immunoassays, molecular biology assays, hematology assays, microbiological asays
Maataloustyö tilallatmClass tmClass
Automated hematology chemistry analyzers
Miten olisi,- henki hengestä?tmClass tmClass
Computer systems designed for use in the field of hematology analysis/diagnosis
Huomenna menet takaisin radalle muutaman agentin kanssatmClass tmClass
Pharmaceuticals for the prevention, treatment, management, diagnosis and prognosis of the following specific list of enumerated indications: autoimmune, metastatic, hematologic, oncologic, ocular and neurologic diseases, conditions and disorders, diseases, conditions and disorders associated with misfolded proteins, diseases, conditions and disorders affecting the central nervous system, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, host/graft rejections, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's-disease associated neuropsychiatric disorders, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes
En aio taistella kenenkään kanssatmClass tmClass
Immuno-radiotherapies and radiotherapies in the field of hematology, oncology and the treatment of cancer
kehottaa puhemiestä välittämään tämän päätöslauselman neuvostolle ja komissiolle sekä jäsenvaltioiden parlamenteille ja hallituksilletmClass tmClass
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular, central nervous system, endocrine, gastrointestinal, gynecological, hematologic, immunological, infectious, inflammatory, menopausal, metabolic, musculoskeletal, neurological, oncological, ophthalmological, psychiatric, respiratory, sleep, urogenital, urological and viral diseases and disorders
Mies antoi hänelle kaikki oikeudettmClass tmClass
Pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of diseases and disorders in the cardiovascular, vascular and hematology fields
Lähden etsimään tekijöitätmClass tmClass
Medical and pharmaceutical research and development, including medical and pharmaceutical research and development in the field of hematology, oncology and the treatment of cancer
Jos maantieteelliseksi merkinnäksi muuttamista koskeva pyyntö ei ole asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# # ja # artiklassa säädettyjen vaatimusten mukainen, komissio ilmoittaa jäsenvaltion tai kolmannen maan viranomaisille tai asianomaiseen kolmanteen maahan sijoittautuneelle hakijalle hylkäysperusteet ja pyytää peruuttamaan pyynnön tai muuttamaan sitä taikka toimittamaan huomautukset kahden kuukauden kuluessatmClass tmClass
Medical and non-medical devices for the treatment of cancer and dermatological, hematological, renal and endocrine disorders
Kuunnelkaa minua.En tarkoittanut sanojani aiemmintmClass tmClass
In patients treated for hematological malignancies, B cell repletion began within # months of treatment returning to normal levels between # and # months after completion of therapy
Äkkiä sisäänEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Culture media for microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, virology, cultivation of fabric, genetics, hematology, biology, serology, preparations and dehydrations in powder or liquid form
Parlamentissa vieraili myös vankilavirkailija José Antonio Ortega Laran perhe hänen yli 500 päivää kestäneen kidnappauksensa aikana.tmClass tmClass
Hematology control materials (chemical reagents) for testing and calibrating medical apparatus and reagents
Käy ostamassa lehti, pikkuvelitmClass tmClass
Consultation, research and development services in the field of hematology, immunology, cancer research, developmental biology, and life science
Tiedän, mitä tein ja mitä jätin tekemättätmClass tmClass
We're heading to hematology.
CHMP suositteli myyntiluvan myöntämistä NovoRapidilleOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pharmaceutical preparations for use in dermatology, oncology, hematology and in tissue and organ transplantation, in ophthalmology and for gastroenterological disorders
Puh on pölyinen, ja sinä hengitit pölyä sisääntmClass tmClass
Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, the immune system, the cardio-vascular system, the metabolic system, the respiratory system, the musculo-skeletal system, the genitourinary system, for the treatment of inflammatory disorders, for use in dermatology, oncology, hematology and in tissue and organ transplantation, in ophthalmology and for gastroenterological disorders
DN #.#- Koru- ja kultasepänteollisuustmClass tmClass
Pharmaceuticals in the cardiovascular, cardiac, vascular and hematology fields
VaatimuksettmClass tmClass
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