heterosexism oor Fins


The assumption made when relating to others that everyone is heterosexual.

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system of biases in favor of opposite-sex relations


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Heterosexism as discrimination ranks gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and other sexual minorities as second-class citizens with regard to various legal and civil rights, economic opportunities, and social equality in many of the world's jurisdictions and societies.
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Heterosexism creates stereotypical categories of men and women and forces girls and boys into these categories, whether they are suitable or not.
Aihe: Apu bulgarialaisille hoitolaitoksilleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Debbie Epstein (1997) also argues that heterosexism and gender division are deeply linked and sexism and misogyny cannot be erased from school without considering heterosexism closely.
Sanon vaan,- että kun olet rakastunut, kuulet miehesi äänen kaikkiallaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Heterosexism and homophobia can be seen as rituals of gender which draw lines between masculinity and femininity.
Jätä koneet minun huolekseni.Dex, näytä mitä tehdäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But when the culture has negative and oppressive traits, as heterosexism, racism and misogyny, the school should be the first institution to start getting rid of them - and not the first one to reinforce them.
Lähdetkö sinä?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mary Jane Kehily and Anoop Nayak see heterosexism and homophobia as a way to construct heterosexual male identity.
Olisin voinut vain lähteäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Therefore bisexual youth at school were not merely victims of heterosexist and sexually dichotomous school culture, but could also be active agents who fought against intolerance and heterosexism - if not openly, then in their thoughts at least.
Therefore heterosexism is more about gender than sexuality in the school environment.
Tee se nyt, George!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The heterosexism also oppresses heterosexual pupils.
pyytää komissiota antamaan asian uudelleen Euroopan parlamentin käsiteltäväksi, jos se aikoo tehdä tähän ehdotukseen huomattavia muutoksia tai korvata sen toisella ehdotuksellaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It can even be said that heterosexism is the norm for boys and young men.
Älä murehdi kobria, Chris turvaa selustasiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When pupils' underachievement is under consideration, heterosexism should be too, because it is clearly a factor in school achievement (Epstein 1997).
Arvatenkin tarvitset apuani?- Onko siinä lähistöllä tietokonetta?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finnish bisexual youth are living in a culture which is characterized by sexual dichotomies, heterosexism and heteronormativity - general traits of western sexual culture.
Komissio kehottaa asianomaisia osapuolia esittämään sille mahdolliset ehdotettua toimenpidettä koskevat huomautuksensaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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