impoverishment oor Fins


The action of impoverishing someone.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


The absolute impoverishment which people know forces them to sell their organs to shrewd intermediaries.
Äärimmäinen köyhyys ajaa ihmiset myymään elimiään rikollisille välittäjille.
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<Definition needed.>
For paragraph 2, we want to add the words at the end of the paragraph, 'as well as deliberate impoverishment, arbitrary taxation and land confiscation'.
Haluamme lisätä 2 kohdan loppuun sanat "tahallinen köyhdyttäminen, mielivaltainen verotus ja maiden takavarikointi mukaan lukien".




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hädänalainen · kariutunut · kovaosainen · kurjistunut · köyhtynyt · puilla paljailla oleva · puutteenalainen · rutiköyhä · tyhjä · vähävarainen
species impoverishment
lajien köyhtyminen
heikentää · köyhdyttää · köyhentää · köyhtyä · riistää · uuvuttaa
to impoverish
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
whereas these initiatives, accompanied by the commodity price boom, have improved the financial situation of many developing countries, while exceptionally low interest rates since the 2008 financial crisis have also contributed to debt sustainability; whereas, however, commodity prices have fallen since 2008; whereas a new debt crisis has begun in impoverished countries, with Mozambique, Chad, Congo and The Gambia unable to pay;
INJEKTIOPULLOEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
These forced holidays, they damage the country's economy, stop vital works, and in fact they also impoverish workers.
Suurkarkelot siisOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The reimbursement of that sum held within the company would in reality constitute a deferred profit for the shareholders which would be likely to increase the financial value of their holding in the capital of that company and by no means an impoverishment of those shareholders.
Et halunnut tietääEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘having as their main objective to investigate and solve the real causes of impoverishment in the countries of origin, such as the plundering and exploitation of human and natural resources by multinational companies, land grabbing, the EU Member States' support for autocratic and corrupt government, the arms trade and the pernicious consequences of the payment of external debt;’
Älä anna Mollyn mennä tavaroideni lähelleeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
MAP draws our attention to the fact that Africa is not poor but has been impoverished; by three centuries of slavery, by colonisation and by an international mechanism that is today leading to poorer trading terms.
Rehuviljan yhteisön hinnat vahvistetaan kerran vuodessa kahdentoista kuukauden määräajaksi, joka alkaa # päivänä elokuuta, kyseisen viljan kynnyshintojen ja niiden kuukausittaisten korotusten perusteellaEuroparl8 Europarl8
It is simple to take a child away from impoverished parents, but at the same time, it is the worst thing we can do to a child.
Näitkö, Letitia, olet inspiraationiEuroparl8 Europarl8
Some of these measures, such as the transportation of carcasses and the destruction of at-risk material, are leading in a number of Spanish regions, given the repercussions of the costs on stockbreeders, to the further impoverishment of an already disadvantaged sector: farming is essentially based on the family model, while the national and regional governments appear unable to meet the costs of implementing the Union's measures.
Pakko myöntää, että yhdennäköisyys on huomattavaa,- ja näissä kirjoissa ei ole mitään hänestä?not-set not-set
prevent loneliness and intellectual impoverishment
Kliinisissä tutkimuksissa parkinsonismin ja dystonian esiintyvyys oli numeerisesti korkeampi olantsapiinipotilailla, mutta tilastollisesti esiintyvyydessä ei ollut merkitsevää eroa olantsapiinia tai plaseboa saaneilla potilaillaoj4 oj4
(Proverbs 29:4, New International Version) Justice —especially when practiced from the highest official down— brings stability, whereas corruption impoverishes a country.
Lajisi on vielä heikompi kuin odotinjw2019 jw2019
I was impoverished, and he proceeded to save even me.
En piittaa siitäjw2019 jw2019
Everything that on the one hand produces wealth and on the other impoverishes the legitimate owners of the resources immediately becomes a target for attempted robbery by the financial and political administrations I have mentioned.
Jokainen tämän maailman murhaaja oli joskus jonkun poikaEuroparl8 Europarl8
83 When examining such an action, the General Court would have to assess, in particular, whether the impoverishment of the applicant Member State, corresponding to the amount of the Union’s own resources which have been made available to the Commission and which that Member State has disputed, and the corresponding enrichment of the Commission, are justified by the Member State’s obligations under EU law governing the Union’s own resources or, on the contrary, whether no such justification exists.
Sosiaaliset palvelut: Osuus- ja yhteisötalouden yritykset ovat merkittäviä toimijoita sosiaali-, terveydenhuolto-, koulutus- ja kulttuuripalvelualalla erityisesti siltä osin kuin näitä palveluja on yksityistetty, sillä osuus- ja yhteisötaloudessa yrittäjähenki ja näiden palvelujen perustana oleva yleishyödyllisyys voidaan yhdistääEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The authorities responsible for supervision of religious organisations have justified the arrests on the grounds that the accused were ‘visiting villages twice a week, spreading superstitious beliefs there and requesting donations from already impoverished local inhabitants’.
En tiedä, mistä aloittaisinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is necessary to guarantee that freedom of movement remains a pillar of European growth, and it is therefore vital to ensure that European mobility is not affected, and that social exclusion and the impoverishment of the most vulnerable members of society do not result.
Tule meille, niin saat synttärilahjasiEuroparl8 Europarl8
The impoverishment of the biomass in the Adriatic Sea is a cause for serious concern and investigation in view of its impact on employment in the sector.
Jäsenvaltioiden on ilmoitettava komissiolle ja muille jäsenvaltioille välittömästi tämän artiklan puitteissa tehdyistä päätöksistä, jotka koskevat ilmaliikennepalvelujen tarjoajien nimeämistä tiettyjä ilmatilan lohkoja varten niiden vastuulla olevan ilmatilan osaltanot-set not-set
It will be drastically impoverished.
Rautatieyrityksillä, infrastruktuurin hallinnoilla ja muilla palveluntarjoajilla ja sidosryhmillä, kuten tullilla, on oltava mahdollisuus elektroniseen tiedonvaihtoonEuroparl8 Europarl8
Gambling constitutes an economic activity which may objectively have very harmful consequences both for society owing to the risk of the impoverishment of players who gamble excessively and for public order in general, in view inter alia of the significant revenue it generates.
Tuo on asiammeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given the rise in unemployment, accelerating impoverishment and social injustices that LAC societies have experienced over the last ten years, it would be useful to include a social clause – as well as a clause on the environment – in the strategic partnership to ensure that the trade agreements signed with Europe help reduce poverty and the extreme inequalities which mark the region, as well as mitigating the potential collateral social risks of trade liberalisation.
kuulutusten tekemistä edeltävät tarkistukset jäsenvaltioissaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These actions shall relate to the installation of static or mobile installations intended to protect and develop aquatic fauna or to rehabilitate inland waterways, including spawning grounds and migration routes for migratory species, and to the rehabilitation of areas impoverished as a result of aquaculture activities.
Missä hän oikein viipyy?not-set not-set
35 A report in the Wall Street Journal,’12 under the headline “Science Loses Ground in War Against Disease in Impoverished Lands,” shows that three diseases (malaria, trachoma, schistosomiasis) now afflict 800 million people in such nations.
Rapsuta, kamu, rapsutajw2019 jw2019
Some received help from Chinese organizations and from benevolent individuals, but others died prematurely, impoverished and alone.
Kokoaminen ja purku muodostavat esteen tuottavuuden kehittämiselle rajallisten tilaolosuhteiden ja tasaisesti kasvavan yksikkökoon ja-painon vuoksijw2019 jw2019
And we have sold ourselves into a fast- food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.
tai usealla muulla pienelläQED QED
We must not pretend that we do not see how public debate on the treaty in many Member States was so impoverished.
Minä en toimi noinEuroparl8 Europarl8
If we do not take the necessary strong measures and collective responsibility, Europe will be consigned to marginalisation and impoverishment.
Euroopan komissio, jäljempänä komissio on vastaanottanut perusasetuksen # artiklan # kohdan mukaisen pyynnön tutkia Amerikan yhdysvalloista peräisin olevan biodieselin tuonnissa käyttöön otetun tasoitustullin mahdollista kiertämistäEuroparl8 Europarl8
As much of the EU biodiversity is impoverished and still declining, accelerated action at Community and Member State level is required to restore habitats and natural ecosystems, if the objective to halt biodiversity loss is to be met.
Niin hän tekiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.