indistinguishability oor Fins


The state of being indistinguishable

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Bonus shares and split shares are however included indistinguishably in the total stock of quoted shares.
Pääkallonmetsästäjiä!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
You're saying these shapeshifters will be completely indistinguishable from whoever they're impersonating?
Missä pappilassa?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The structures of the Chinese State and of the CCP are intertwined at every level (legal, institutional, personal), forming a superstructure in which the roles of CCP and the State are indistinguishable.
Mikä joukkue teillä on?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The proposal must be viewed in particular in the light of the fact that experimental infection of sheep by feeding them with BSE-contaminated material produced clinical expressions of the disease that are indistinguishable from scrapie, and of the hypothesis that scrapie could have evolved into BSE and so caused the BSE epidemic.
No?- Mitä laki sanoo panttivangeista?not-set not-set
Even if the local authority applicants were competent for the implementation of the directive, that competence could not distinguish them individually within the meaning of the fourth paragraph of Article 230 EC, inasmuch as, first, their legal situation is indistinguishable from that of all other national authorities responsible for implementing the directive and, in particular, Article 6(2) to (4) thereof, and, second, in the light of the general and abstract character of the definition of sites designated the possible influence of obligations arising from the directive on the exercise of the competence of those local authorities for the management and protection of the territory is performed in the same way in respect of all the local authorities whose territory includes a site designated by the contested decision.
Niin, eversti?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Fact is, this species originates from Africa, and if plants, even from a private garden are indistinguishable from a variety submitted for plant breeders’ rights, it means that the ‘variety’ is not unique.
N-heksaaninkestävyys standardin ISO # mukaisesti seuraavissa olosuhteissaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The applicant further puts forward that the non-commissioning of surcharges is indistinguishable from the practices regarding the fuel surcharge and the security surcharge, and does not constitute a separate element of the infringement.
Tiedän, että pidät tätä virheenäeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
(2) If question 1 is answered in the affirmative, is the work carried out by the applicant magistrate covered by the term “fixed-term worker” for the purpose of Articles 1(3) and 7 of Directive 2003/88, read in conjunction with clause 2 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work implemented by Directive 1999/70 and Article 31(2) of [the Charter], as interpreted by the Court of Justice in its judgments of 1 March 2012, O’Brien (C‐393/10, EU:C:2012:110), and of 29 November 2017, King (C‐214/16, EU:C:2017:914) and, if so, may an ordinary or professional judge be regarded as a permanent worker indistinguishable from a magistrate working for a fixed term, for the purposes of the application of the same working conditions as referred to in clause 4 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work implemented by Directive 1999/70?
Julkisen palvelun velvoitteesta aiheutuneet nettokustannukset- liian suuri korvaus?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Moreover, the WGDEEP 2014 report and the ICES advice of 7 November 2014 referred to reports of catches of roughhead grenadier in the management zones in question, the magnitude of which raised doubts as to their reliability, as the catches of roundnose grenadier were likely reported as catches of roughhead grenadier, which risked having a substantial impact on the effectiveness of the TACs established for roundnose grenadier, given that the two species in question are indistinguishable from each other once the head has been removed and they have been frozen. The Council was thus empowered to adopt a measure to counteract that risk.
Tuojat, jotka ovat jo käyttäneet vähintään # prosenttia tämän asetuksen mukaisesti niille myönnetyistä määristä, voivat tehdä uuden samaa luokkaa ja samaa alkuperämaata koskevan hakemuksen määrille, jotka eivät saa ylittää liitteessä I vahvistettuja enimmäismääriäeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Likewise, according to the case-law, colours and abstract combinations thereof cannot be regarded as intrinsically distinctive save in exceptional circumstances, since these are indistinguishable from the appearance of the goods and are not, in principle, used as a means of identifying commercial origin (see, to that effect, Case C‐104/01 Libertel [2003] ECR I‐3793, paragraphs 65 and 66, and Case C-49/02 Heidelberger Bauchemie [2004] ECR I-6129, paragraph 39).
Kanneperusteet: Asetuksen N:o #/# # artiklan # kohdan b alakohdan virheellinen soveltaminen sekä perustelujen puuttuminen tai riittämättömyys saman asetuksen # artiklan a kohdan soveltamista koskevan pyynnön osaltaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This practice would be indistinguishable from the provision of voice telephony, apart from minor differences such as numbering and interconnection charges.
Entä kun isä kertoo pojalleen lentoyhtiön oikeuspäätöksestä?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
171 The applicant complains that the Board of Appeal dismissed his appeal on the sole ground, set out in paragraph 7 of the contested decision (p. 9), that he had ‘not named a single variety which, at the time of the application, was indistinguishable from LEMON SYMPHONY, which is nevertheless a specific requirement of Article 20(1) of [the regulation]’.
DepotkapseliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The technical difficulty is that the product itself may be indistinguishable from one whose conditions of production fall short of the standards the EU would like to encourage, while import duties have to relate to articles which can be distinguished from one another so that customs officials can apply the appropriate duty.
Korvauksen tarveEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When bad batches of these have been used, they have irreversibly destroyed the substantia nigra in those who have taken them, producing a condition indistinguishable from true Parkinson’s disease.
Hän sanoi, että korvaa ne kirkkailla valoillajw2019 jw2019
Instead, balances that are considered as ‘loans’ are to be classified indistinguishably under the item ‘deposit liabilities’, unless they are represented by negotiable instruments.
Sir, he löysivät Daemon RituksenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the purposes of this subheading, it is irrelevant if the heel can be distinguished from the sole or if the heel is an indistinguishable part of the sole (e.g. wedged sole, plateau sole).
En näe muutaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Whereas medicinally induced immunological responses are usually indistinguishable from those which arise naturally, and do not affect consumers of food of animal origin;
En tiennyt, minäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The end product is indistinguishable to consumers.
Opittava relaamaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
" Any sufficiently advanced technology " is indistinguishable from magic. "
En halua kuulla Peter Panin nimeä enää koskaan!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Instead, balances that are considered as « loans » are to be classified indistinguishably under the item « deposit liabilities », unless they are represented by negotiable instruments
Sinun pitää kostaa hänelleECB ECB
Similarly, a request for payment may be submitted in respect of a fixed contract or of a 'single payment` that is indistinguishable from a standard invoice.
Olen valmistunut yliopistostaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Current account (excluding income) flows vis-à-vis offshore centres may be reported either separately or indistinguishably under the residual item category.
Kutsuin sinua unissasiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.