key roaming oor Fins

key roaming

The process of moving between different environments or computers while authenitcated by certificates or keys centrally stored on a server.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


The process of moving between different environments or computers while authenitcated by certificates or keys centrally stored on a server.

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Section 5 sets out the key principles on national roaming.
Neuvotteluja käydään usein kansallisella tasolla, mutta niitä on laajennettava myös unionin tasolleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(36) Section 5 of the Agreement sets out the key principles on national roaming.
Samat sanatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ensure a swift agreement on the forthcoming reform of the EU telecoms rules to stimulate competition and incentivise investment in high-speed broadband, as well as on the Commission proposal on the wholesale roaming review which is key to achieve the end of roaming by June 2017;
Tahdon sen jäävän kiinni yhtä paljon, mutta me vain sekoitamme täälläEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘Home provider’, ‘home network’, ‘international roaming’, ‘regulated roaming call’, ‘roaming customer’ and ‘visited network’ are the key new definitions.
Linnell Roadilta tuostaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(119) The Parties will however exchange certain key technical data that are strictly necessary to provide a seamless roaming service, notably channel numbers, customer identification (CID) and interconnect identification information.
tiettyjen kolmansista maista peräisin olevien tekstiilituotteiden tuontiin sovellettavasta yhteisestä menettelystä annetun neuvoston asetuksen (ETY) N:o #/# liitteiden I, II, III, V ja # muuttamisestaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In particular, it appears that the general assessment of the restrictive nature of roaming is not substantiated in the light of the key parameter consisting in the duration of the agreement, that is to say taking account of the timetable for phasing out roaming envisaged for each area.
Yleisiin taloudellisiin tarkoituksiin liittyvän palvelun tarkka määritelmä; tehtäväksi uskottu palveluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But even the best training couldn’t have foreseen some of challenges encountered once classes began: frequent power outages in the area made evening classes difficult to conduct, rumors that unruly gold miners were roaming the streets at night created anxiety, and occasionally those with keys were unable to arrive on time to open church buildings.
Oli oikein hauskaaLDS LDS
Encouraging mobility through the elimination of administrative and tax barriers and the harmonisation of qualifications, investment in cross-border projects in several areas, the coordination of customs activities and monitoring of national markets, and the expansion of the Roaming Regulation, are examples of the measures that I believe are key to forging closer relations between the public and the European project.
Ei anneta Äidin odottaaEuroparl8 Europarl8
81 It is apparent from the Decision that, as regards the effects of national roaming on competition on wholesale markets, the Commission states that ‘[n]ational roaming between network operators ... by definition restricts competition between these operators in all related network markets on key parameters such as coverage, quality and transmission rates’ (recital 107).
Verta oli joka paikassaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
19 By contrast, the Commission takes the view that national roaming between network operators who are licensed to roll out and operate their own digital mobile networks by definition restricts competition between those operators on its key parameters (recital 107).
yhteisön suuntaviivat maatalousalan valtiontuestaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
4.4.6 Direct rights of consumers and citizens deriving from the Single Market are a key building block of market integration and provide a directly accessible benefit of European economic integration, be it in the area of passenger rights, with respect to roaming charges or in e-commerce.
Reppusi on täällä, jos sinä sitä etsit?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(116) National roaming between network operators who are licensed to roll out and operate their own competing mobile networks by definition restricts competition between those operators in all related network markets on key parameters such as coverage, quality and transmission rates.
Vammaisina syntyneille tai nuorena vammautuneille myönnettävä kansaneläke (kansaneläkelakiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
National roaming between network operators who are licensed to roll-out and operate their own competing digital mobile networks by definition restricts competition between these operators in all related network markets on key parameters such as coverage, quality and transmission rates.
poistumistullitoimipaikalla tulliviranomaisten tullisäännösten mukaisesti määräämää tullitoimipaikkaa, jossa tavarat on esitettävä, ennen kuin ne poistuvat yhteisön tullialueelta, ja jossa niille tehdään poistumismuodollisuuksien suorittamiseen liittyvä tullitarkastus sekä asianmukainen riskiin perustuva tarkastusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A key issue remains from the conference, namely to what extent the WRC-2000 decisions are conducive to support a world-wide harmonisation of third generation systems to allow for cost-effective global roaming, given that three distinct extension bands have been identified, from which ITU members are free to choose the most appropriate frequencies for operation.
Minulta pääsi housuunEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recalls its previous resolutions relating to the Singapore issues, which concentrate on the underlying causes of failure of the 1999 Seattle and 2003 Cancún WTO Ministerial Conferences; believes, therefore, that the EU should insist on making these issues key negotiating areas at WTO and/or plurilateral level, to be treated in parallel with trade in industrial goods and opening service markets, while also addressing roaming charges and standards in the telecoms sector;
katsoo, että erioikeuksiensa vuoksi Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston on otettava palvelukseensa taustoiltaan erilaista henkilöstöä varmistaen samalla osaamisen säilymisen, jotta se voi osallistua ratkaisevalla tavalla vuosituhattavoitteiden toteuttamiseennot-set not-set
Credential roaming is triggered any time a private key or certificate in the user's local certificate store changes, whenever the user locks or unlocks the computer, and whenever Group Policy is refreshed.
Olemme # sukupolven päässä MalfetestaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Credential roaming synchronizes and resolves any conflicts between certificates and private keys from any number of client computers that the user logs on to, as well as in AD DS.
Älä valehtele minulle!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Credential roaming uses existing logon and autoenrollment mechanisms to securely download certificates and keys to a local computer whenever a user logs on and, if desired, remove them when the user logs off.
Kaikki aineet, myös epäpuhtaudet, joiden pitoisuus on yli #,# prosenttia (m/m), on ilmoitettava; jos arviointiperusteissa annetaan alhaisempi pitoisuus, on sitä noudatettavaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
18 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.