legality of cannabis oor Fins

legality of cannabis

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Kannabiksen lainsäädännöllinen asema


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The proposal has nothing to do with the legalization of cannabis.
Sinä pystyt siihenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Therefore, as a group, we expressed unanimous and vigorous opposition to the proposals in the d'Ancona report to provide for the legalization of cannabis and the freer supply of all drugs under prescription.
Et sinäkään ole mikään mielenterveysjulisteen mainosEuroparl8 Europarl8
The only thing that amazes is the fact that a small group of unelected bureaucrats in their own have opposed the legalization of cannabis as a medicinal product for so long that they have been created in almost theological argument.
Näytteeseen lisätään # ml puskuriliuosta, # ml neutraalia metyleenisiniliuosta ja # ml kloroformiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm sure that there are going to be more states that have voted with their feet and changed the legal status of cannabis.
Moni uskoo että hänen henkensä kummittelee täälläOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Does legalization of the use of cannabis in some areas mean that there really is nothing to fear?
Jälkimmäisen ehdotuksen mukaan jäsenvaltioille annetaan lupa myöntää Euroopan kalatalousrahastoa koskevan asetuksen # osaston mukaisesti perustetuista toimenpideohjelmista rahoitusta tiettyjen vesieläintautien torjuntaan ja hävittämiseenjw2019 jw2019
It also calls for legal regulation of the consumption of cannabis, without excluding other substances at a later stage.
Joohan, llo irti!- Vihaan sitänot-set not-set
Let it be clear that cannabis is not harmless, as some claim - and the decision to send a strong message to our children - are in favor of legal cannabis is a gateway to methamphetamine or heroin?
Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että on toteutettava toimenpiteitä, joilla mahdollistetaan erilaisten tuotantojärjestelmien, myös GMO-viljelmien ja perinteisten viljelymuotojen, rinnakkaineloOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Compassion towards those who are legally authorized to use the Land of cannabis as a medicinal product - and Land Rights.
Livius, ystäväni ja veljeni,- pyydän, että jaat valtaistuimen ja Caesarin nimen kanssaniOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A survey undertaken in the United Kingdom found that as many as 94 per cent of children believed that cannabis was a legal substance or even some type of medicine.
En voi enää varastaa autojaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Czech Republic the consumption of drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis for own use has been legal since the beginning of 2010.
Mikään määrä rakastavaa vanhemmuutta ei muuta tätä lastanot-set not-set
Netherlands pushing for further legalization of cannabis
Kuulin sen tarinan.Pidätitte kiinalaisia hallituksen miehiä lampunkantojen takiaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Netherlands pushing for further legalization of cannabis In some ways, the Netherlands has always been considered a h...
Takaisin tulevaisuuteenko?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Insys has been involved with political campaigns to oppose the legalization of cannabis in Arizona.
Olemme kaikki tietoisia siitä, että arktisen alueen jäiden sulaminen on valtava uhka lajin säilymiselle.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mexico's proposed legalization of cannabis products The trafficking of illicit drugs remains under strict control Mexico decided to legalize the sale...
Niin löysinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Politicians have consistently voted against the legalization of cannabis, motivated by sensational anti-drug propaganda and, more important, economic and political grounds.
Suut kiinni!Poikani Charlie on kuollut!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With the legalization of cannabis production in Canada, and its importation into the USA, these were hoped to get involved in the non-combustible cannabis market.
Piirturilevyille painettavat tiedotParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Pannagh association is a legal entity formed in 2003 to study in greater detail the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medical, scientific and cultural purposes.
Nyt James saa nähdä kummalla meistä onkaan täydellinen vartalonot-set not-set
Today, none of us have grown in a world where marijuana would be legal - cannabis economy would be controlled, it would be sold in stores and would be taxed.
ÄIä hitto Iiikuta kättäsiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According its mission statement, the purpose of the association is to influence the Finnish legislation so that adults could legally use, obtain and cultivate cannabis for personal use.
Markkinointiosuus nousee # EUR, kun lentoyhteyksiä on viisi ja matkustajapaikkoja on vähintään # vuodessaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city argues, however, that a legal network of cannabis outlets would provide new points of contact between social workers and at-risk users.
Onnittelen parlamentin jäsentä hänen suorapuheisuudestaan oman alueensa puolesta.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mephedrone is one of hundreds of designer drugs or legal highs that have been reported in recent years, including artificial chemicals such as synthetic cannabis and semisynthetic substances such as methylhexanamine.
Tulen kohtaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although on the one hand consumption of cocaine and cannabis by young people in Europe is stable or declining, on the other hand there is an exponential growth in the introduction of new uncontrolled psychoactive substances, which are often sold as ‘legal drugs’.
Yritin kyllä kovastinot-set not-set
How to crack the management of cannabis legal problems?
Hyväksyttävä vastapuoli sopii sen ammattimaisen kolmannen osapuolen kanssa, jolle euroseteleitä ja-kolikoita jaetaan edelleen, että tämä osapuoli sallii tulevan eurojärjestelmän kansallisen keskuspankin tekevän tilintarkastuksia ja tarkastuksia kyseisen osapuolen tiloissa sen tarkistamiseksi, että sille jaetut eurosetelit ja kolikot ovat näissä tiloissaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is unique in that it was founded with the sole purpose of producing legal cannabis products for sale in the USA.
Mitä helvettiä sinä teet?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
(2) Under Article 54, in conjunction with Article 71, of the Convention, the trafficking of the same narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances of whatever type, including cannabis, between two States which are signatories to the Convention, or in which the Schengen acquis is implemented and applied, constitutes ‘the same acts’, irrespective of the legal classification of that conduct in the legal systems of the States concerned.
Sen estämättä, mitä # artiklassa säädetään, sovelletaan edelleenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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