materialist oor Fins


adjektief, naamwoord
Someone who is materialistic.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


follower of philosophical materialism
He's not really a big materialistic person, but he bought her a lot of gifts this year.
Vaikkei hän ole mikään materialisti hän osti erityisen paljon lahjoja.
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having features typical of philosophical materialism
Tom is shallow and materialistic.
Tomi on pinnallinen ja materialistinen.

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keskiluokkainen · maallinen · materialistinen · porvarillinen · rahanahne
materialist a priori ethics
materiaalinen apriori etiikka


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Two subject concepts and materialist one subject concepts.
Onko tämä Simmonsin asunto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The reporter found it to be “symptomatic of the materialistic excess that has turned the 1980s into the ‘My decade,’ a time when by one’s possessions thou shall be known and judged.”
Etkö voi kertoa selvemmin?jw2019 jw2019
“The study of the laws of evolution of the organic world assists in the working out of the materialistic conception . . .
Tule istumaanjw2019 jw2019
Science swells the materialistic flood, as biologist René Dubos complained: “All too often, science is now being used for technological applications that have nothing to do with human needs and aim only at creating new artificial wants.”
Ette satu tietämään, missä sellaisia käytettäisiin?jw2019 jw2019
While Jacob demonstrated spiritual interests and faith in God’s promises, Esau manifested a materialistic bent and lack of appreciation for sacred things. —Hebrews 11:21; 12:16, 17.
Päivän annokset on jaettujw2019 jw2019
For example, materialistic desires or pursuits can prove a real hindrance.
Myöhästymmekö?jw2019 jw2019
The Creator also knows well the harm and unhappiness a materialistic way of life can bring.
Näyttöön perustuva politiikka ja toimintatapa: ehdotuspyyntö tiedonvälitystoimiin liittyvien verkostojen kehittämiseksijw2019 jw2019
(Mt 18:19) While material things, such as food, are proper subjects of prayer, materialistic desires and ambitions are not, as such texts as Matthew 6:19-34 and 1 John 2:15-17 show.
Elinkelpoiseksi liiketoiminnaksi katsotaan yleensä liiketoiminta, jota voidaan harjoittaa itsenäisesti eli riippumatta sulautuman osapuolista tuotantopanosten toimitusten tai muiden yhteistyömuotojen osalta muulloin kuin siirtymäkauden aikanajw2019 jw2019
You, the one saying, ‘You must not become materialistic,’ do you live in lavish material surroundings and lounge in the luxury of the material world?
Lajisi on vielä heikompi kuin odotinjw2019 jw2019
It claimed to be the liberator of the downtrodden peoples, promising to bring to them a more abundant materialistic life with the equality of comradeship, free of political and religious despotism.
Mitä haluat minusta?jw2019 jw2019
It is neither selfish nor materialistic.
Öitä teillekinjw2019 jw2019
A person may work very hard for many years in order to achieve some materialistic goal he considers worth while.
Pidä haavastajw2019 jw2019
Because of the injustices that are not corrected, many of the oppressed people have fled to various newly formed, revolutionary kinds of organizations and have fallen victim to materialistic radicalism and atheistic communism.
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What blessings, what joys, came to Jesus because, at the age of thirty years, he chose to do God’s will instead of following a self-seeking materialistic course!
Miten sitä joutui nenään?jw2019 jw2019
Even if many Catholics still claim to be religious, it is obvious that material comforts have induced many to develop a materialistic outlook.
Vientimäärältään neljän otokseen valitun yrityksen osuus sitruunahapon kokonaisviennistä Kiinasta yhteisöön oli # prosenttia tutkimusajanjaksollajw2019 jw2019
He discovered that this system of things operates on a wrong set of values, being materialistic and selfish, and that even the religions of the world have held the people back from understanding the Bible and coming to know of God’s purposes.
käytetään tarvittaessa pienaakkosiajw2019 jw2019
By it he served this materialistic world and its god.
Et löydä oikeaa vastausta, jos kysyt vääriä kysymyksiäjw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 119:105) Let us examine some examples of youths who love God and who endeavor to remain spiritually strong in a pleasure-seeking and materialistic world.
Lähiaikoina olen ollut yksinjw2019 jw2019
Deny it as many materialistic, worldly-wise people may, the fact remains, and the evidence is there to show, that there are “world rulers of this darkness,” or, as An American Translation renders the Greek Bible text, “the master-spirits of this dark world.”
Määritelläkseen pitkäaikaishoidon tarpeen asteen toimivaltaisella laitoksella on oikeus teettää vakuutetun lääkärintarkastus valitsemallaan lääkärillä tai jollakin muulla asiantuntijallajw2019 jw2019
Christendom has produced a materialistically minded society.
Kukaan ei päässyt muuallejw2019 jw2019
Against it no materialistic philosophy is successful, for it can slash to pieces and lay bare the most clever arguments in favor of materialism.
Hän pitää orkideoista.Valkoisistajw2019 jw2019
It is because they have not really been instructed in the teachings of God’s Word, but have instead been regularly indoctrinated with materialistic philosophy.
Tuki voi koskea vain hallinnollisia toimenpiteitä kantakirjojen ja jalostusrekisterien käyttöönottamiseksi ja ylläpitämiseksijw2019 jw2019
By contrast, are those who are poor less likely to be materialistic and more likely to be spiritually inclined?
Aikasi on koittanutjw2019 jw2019
What attitude toward God does materialism produce in a greedy person, like that of the politicians, and why will the materialist not gain life from God?
Itse asiassa, ajattelimme samalla tavallajw2019 jw2019
Have you been affected by this materialistic “air”?
Hän sai haluamansajw2019 jw2019
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