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part of theme

An entry in a thesaurus or dictionary that is associated with a theme

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins

on osa teemaa

An entry in a thesaurus or dictionary that is associated with a theme
Tesauruksen tai sanakirjan termi, joka liittyy johonkin teemaan.

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is part of theme
on osa teemaa


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This forms part of the main theme of the latter part of Isaiah’s prophecy.
Ripuloivien potilaiden painon seuranta on suositeltavaa mahdollisen liiallisenjw2019 jw2019
Some specific aspects of transit were however pursued usually as part of other themes.
Toistuvasta annostuksesta johtuva myrkyllisyyselitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
It's part of the theme, isn't it?
Valituslautakunnan ratkaisu: Riidanalaisen päätöksen kumoaminen, väitteen hylkääminen ja hakemuksen hyväksyminenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some specific aspects of transit were however pursued usually as part of other themes
Mikään ei siis voi estää meitäoj4 oj4
To what are all the singers looking forward, which also forms part of the theme of the new song?
KOROSTAA, että ennen kuin annetaan valtuutuksia kattavien sopimusten neuvottelemiseksi kolmansien maiden kanssa, olisi kussakin tapauksessa selvästi osoitettava tällaisen yhteisön tason sopimuksen lisäarvo ottaen huomioon erityisesti sellaiset merkittävät uudet mahdollisuudet, joita EU:n yritykset ja käyttäjät voisivat saada, sekä mahdollisuudet edistää sääntelyn lähentämistä tasapuolisten kilpailuedellytysten varmistamiseksijw2019 jw2019
Basic bio-medical research will be an integral part of this theme; multidisciplinary approaches are of particular importance in the health theme
Tämä on kaunistaoj4 oj4
Basic bio-medical research will be an integral part of this theme; multidisciplinary approaches are of particular importance in the health theme.
Se on vain vitsiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given their important contribution to future sustainable energy systems, renewables and end-use energy efficiency will be the major part of this Theme
Puhumme kaupoista silloin tällöin ja palaat aina Johannesburgiin pettyneenäoj4 oj4
Recognising their important contribution to future sustainable energy systems, renewables and end-use energy efficiency will be the major part of this theme
Eläviä kasveja ja elävien kasvien osia tuoreet hedelmät ja siemenet mukaan lukienoj4 oj4
Recognising their important contribution to future sustainable energy systems, renewables and end-use energy efficiency will be the major part of this theme.
Määräraha on tarkoitettu kattamaan myös Euroopan tietosuojavaltuutetun sekä jäsenvaltioiden ja Euroopan talousalueeseen (ETA) kuuluvien EFTA-maiden julkisen alan ja kansainvälisten järjestöjen välisestä henkilöstövaihdosta aiheutuvat menotEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given their important contribution to future sustainable energy systems, renewables and end-use energy efficiency will be the major part of this Theme.
Yhdistettynä #-fluorourasiili-ja foliinihappoboluksiin (#-FU/FA) yhteensä kuuden viikon ajan kunkin kahdeksan viikon jakson aikana (Roswell Park-hoito-ohjelma). • AVF#gEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- specific activities linked to the general objectives of the European Community's policy with regard to external relations, innovation and human resources which are not carried out as part of the themes of the first activity,
Saadaanko se varmasti hallintaan?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The programme will also address health determinants, disease prevention and health promotion as part of the theme "Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens".
Se on varmaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The third topic, the fight against corruption, investigation and return of illegally acquired public monies lodged in foreign banks, is part of the broader theme of economic governance.
- specific activities, including, where necessary, key actions, linked to the general objectives of the Community's policy with regard to external relations, innovation, SMEs and human resources which are not carried out as part of the themes of the first activity,
Tarjosit apuasi, jos annamme sinulle turvapaikanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- specific activities - including, where necessary, key actions - linked to the general objectives of the Community's policy with regard to external relations, innovation, SMEs and human resources which are not carried out as part of the themes of the first activity,
Pyydän äänestystäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Such vision is part of the closing theme of the Book of Freedom, the Bible.
Löytyi uusi alus, päällikköjw2019 jw2019
In part A. LIST OF THEMES AND PRODUCTS, the #th indent is replaced by the following
Entä Vaaleanpunaisessa paratiisissa?oj4 oj4
Part A. ‘List of themes and products’ is amended as follows:
Kaikki puhdasta, sirEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1.6. considers the statement in the Communication that equality will form part of an overall theme to be positive.
Haittaako se?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
International cooperation is an integral part of the Theme and is of particular importance for areas addressing global health problems, such as anti-microbial resistance, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and emerging pandemics.
Oletteko varma, ettei Gordon ollut laivalla?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
International cooperation is an integral part of the Theme and is of particular importance for areas addressing global health problems, such as anti-microbial resistance, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected diseases and emerging pandemics.
Luettelo maataloustuotteiden ja elintarvikkeiden maantieteellisistä merkinnöistäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the actions are within the scope of one of the themes, they will be supported as an integral part of the activities under that theme
Eli hän haluaa olla sielläoj4 oj4
816 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.