polyandry oor Fins


The having of a plurality of husbands at the same time; usually, the marriage of a woman to more than one man, or the practice of having several husbands, at the same time.

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plurality of husbands at the same time


plurality of husbands at the same time



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This source goes on to claim: “While the original form of marriage is lost in the oblivion of the prehistorical period, it is safe to say that during historical times some form of marriage has been present in all societies. . . . the main forms of marriage are polygymy [a man having more than one wife], polyandry [a woman having more than one husband] and monogamy [men and women having only one mate].”
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Fraternal polyandry and inheritance by primogeniture were common in Ladakh until the early 1940s when these were made illegal by the government of Jammu and Kashmir.
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Polyandry, the practice of one woman having multiple husbands at one time, was not accepted in the Greco-Roman world of the apostle’s time.
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Polyandry has not been tried under these conditions.
Ehkä minunkin on paras hankkia asianajajaLiterature Literature
For example, a conscience trained in an environment of crime, polygamy or polyandry accepts these practices without a twinge.
Milloin viet rahat?En tiedäjw2019 jw2019
Polygamy is permitted, but Polyandry is unknown.
Galvusta voidaan käyttää yhdessä metformiinin, tiatsolidiinidionin tai sulfonyyliurean kanssa, mutta sulfonyyliurean kanssa vain potilailla, jotka eivät voi käyttää metformiiniaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And this is the man who, from Tacitus’ report on the close relationship between maternal uncle and sister’s son among the Germans (Germania, Chap. 20), from Caesar’s report that the Britons in groups of ten or twelve possessed their wives in common, from all the other reports of classical authors on community of wives among barbarians, calmly draws the conclusion that all these peoples lived in a state of polyandry!
Hän ja minä olimme onnellisia yhdessäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Joseph Smith and polyandry
• Neulansuojusta ei tarvitse panna takaisin käytettyyn ruiskuun. • Pidä käytetyt ruiskut poissa lasten ulottuvilta ja näkyviltä. • Käytetty ruisku on hävitettävä paikallisten vaatimusten mukaisestiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
83:5.3 Group marriages gradually gave way before the emerging practices of polygamy -- polygyny and polyandry -- among the more advanced tribes.
Hyvä on, huomenna sittenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
83:5.3 (926-1) Group marriages gradually gave way before the emerging practices of polygamy ─ polygyny and polyandry ─ among the more advanced tribes.
SekstaiIitko Chicagossa vaimoni kanssa?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
McLennan knew only three forms of marriage: polygyny, polyandry and monogamy.
Tärkeät haittavaikutukset Myelosuppressio: dasatinibihoitoon voi liittyä anemiaa, neutropeniaa ja trombosytopeniaaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Distinguish polygyny (marriage of a man with several women) and polyandry (marriage of a woman with several men).
Tiettyjen käsittelyjen hyväksymisestä patogeenisten mikro-organismien kehittymisen estämiseksi simpukoissa ja merikotiloissa # päivänä lokakuuta # tehty komission päätös #/#/EY olisi otettava osaksi sopimustaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But polyandry was never general, being usually limited to queens and rich women; furthermore, it was customarily a family affair, one wife for several brothers.
Lasketaan maahanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And a second consequence of the scarcity of women within a tribe – a scarcity which polyandry mitigated, but did not remove – was precisely this systematic, forcible abduction of women from other tribes.
Ehkä tuolla vaaleallaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Above all in polygyny, the man is responsible for the provision of all of his wives and children, which keeps everything in order, while this is not the case in polyandry, thus impractical from any conceivable angle whatsoever.
Jos ei, missä määrin arvioinnissa on tarpeellista tai sallittua ottaa huomioon edellä kysymyksessä # mainitut seikat?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
926 Group marriages gradually gave way before the emerging practices of polygamy—polygyny and polyandry—among the more advanced tribes.
Mutta sydämeni on liian villiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.