senior citizens' home oor Fins

senior citizens' home

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So tomorrow we're going to the elmhurst senior citizens home.
Huomenna menemme vanhainkotiin ja annamme kaikkemme.

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Check out my new invention in senior citizen home protection
Hän suunnitteli järjestelmänopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
So tomorrow we're going to the elmhurst senior citizens home.
Etkö sinä ja Ryan...?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Development and providing of services in the field of health care, in particular for senior citizens, home nursing, care services, in particular for children and senior citizens
ei käytetä, kun tavaraeriä on vain yksitmClass tmClass
And in particular offering and introducing physicians of all specialities, non-medical practitioners, care services, senior citizens' homes, home helps, meals-on-wheels services, self-help groups, midwives, massage services, opticians, health insurance services
Meillä oli koti hyvällä alueella.Hyvät kouluttmClass tmClass
Support for older people/senior citizens in home care and home organisation, and with regard to nutrition planning
Somalian tilannetmClass tmClass
In-home support for senior citizens, Namely medical aid in the home
Joten tuo kuvakulma on lännestä itääntmClass tmClass
Provision of an internet platform for information relating to health and social issues, in particular for others and in cooperation with others, including towns, municipalities and other cooperation partners, and in particular offering and introducing physicians of all specialities, non-medical practitioners, care services, senior citizens' homes, home helps, meals-on-wheels services, self-help groups, midwives, massage services, opticians, health insurance services
Luettuani paljon ylistyksiä uudesta kokistanne,- tiedätkö mitä himoitsen?Vähän perspektiiviätmClass tmClass
Administrative management of housing developments, housing, temporary accommodation and homes for senior citizens
Kaikki kyselevät siitätmClass tmClass
Conducting of business and business administration for homes for senior citizens
Aloitimme kaikki jonain muunatmClass tmClass
Actually, it' s a nursing home for senior citizens
LOPPUSÄÄNNÖKSETopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Homes for senior citizens
Arvaa, kenelle puhuin pari tuntia sitten?ArvaatmClass tmClass
Financial management of real estate and homes for senior citizens
Isä, varjelkaa meitä meidän ystäviltämme.tmClass tmClass
It's a home for senior citizens.
Maatalous ja elintarviketurva, tavoitteena vahvistaa etenkin tutkimuksen ja innovoinnin avulla Afrikan maatalouden tuottavuutta ja tuotantotasoa, eläintautien torjuntaa ja elintarviketurvallisuutta CAADP:n (kokonaisvaltaisen Afrikan maatalouskehitysohjelman) yhteydessäOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rental of real estate and homes for senior citizens
Economic consultancy for older people/senior citizens, in particular with regard to home care
Harakat käyvät levottominatmClass tmClass
Rental of accommodation, apartments and houses located in homes for independent senior citizens
Päätöksen #/#/EY # artiklan # kohdassa tarkoitettu määräaika vahvistetaan kolmeksi kuukaudeksitmClass tmClass
A bus carrying a group of senior citizens from a local nursing home has crashed through a guard rail on the tristate freeway.
Kunhan teeskentelet olevasi hänen puolellaan, hän ei vahingoita sinuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Across Europe, many senior citizens are returning to their home countries having spent most of their working lives in another EU Member State.
Se sisältää sivuliikkeiden, tytär- ja osakkuusyritysten maksut emoyrityksille tai muille sidosyrityksille, kun maksut suoritetaan sivuliikkeiden, tytär- ja osakkuusyritysten osuutena hallinnon yleiskustannuksista (kuten suunnittelusta, organisoinnista ja valvonnasta), ja myös korvaukset emoyritysten suoraan maksamista kuluistanot-set not-set
That was how the director of a home for senior citizens in Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spain, recently described the visits of Jehovah’s Witnesses to his center.
Kaipaan sitä puuhaajw2019 jw2019
Home care for the senior citizens and people with disabilities
Istukaa hetkeksi odottamaantmClass tmClass
“Above all, just don’t sit home holding the cat,” senior citizens are admonished, “that’s the sure way to old age.”
Kolmas virhejw2019 jw2019
Could you offer to show the videos at a local nursing home or a center for senior citizens?
Arvoisa puhemies, noista panttivangeista kaksi on ollut vankina käytännöllisesti katsoen vuoden toistan: vuoden ja viisi muuta on siepattu yli kaksi kuukautta sitten!jw2019 jw2019
Elderly men and women in the Oshima Home for Senior Citizens were told to take refuge in an elementary school because of the eruption of Mount Mihara on November 21, 1986.
Hän on vanha tuttu, joten ei huoltajw2019 jw2019
Real estate promotion and establishment of buildings for use as homes and residences for senior citizens, namely promotion (financing) of real estate projects
EMA/AD/#: Hallintovirkamies (tieteellinen), valmistetietohallinto (ADtmClass tmClass
Disturbing news reports appear daily of deaths of senior citizens, operational difficulties and other problems in old people's homes.
Näin paljonko maksamme sähköstä?not-set not-set
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