set again oor Fins

set again

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins

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Romans set again upon rear position!
Annostusta munuaisten tai maksan vajaatoimintaa sairastaville lapsille ei ole tutkittuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Before the sun shall rise and set again, bring me his head that I may see it.""
Isä parka.Hänen täytyy kertoa kukista- ja- mehiläisistä jollekkin jolla on neljä kertaa parempi ÄOLiterature Literature
KMouseTool will run as a background application after you close this dialog. To change the settings again, restart KMouseTool or use the KDE system tray
Säätö voi tapahtuaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Thus, one can leave Europe after watching a sunset and arrive in the United States during daylight and watch the sun set again that same day!
Puhumme fiktiostajw2019 jw2019
You will need to set up the device, re-connect to Wi-Fi, and set up your Backdrop settings again (if applicable) after the FDR process is complete.
Ei ikinä arvaisi, ettei tarjolla ole mitää
The refunds were abolished by subsequent Regulation No 1521/95 of 29 June 1995 and set again at zero by Regulation No 1576/95 of 30 June 1995.
Populaatiofarmakokineettisessäanalyysissä ei havaittu viitteitä tupakoinnin tai alkoholin vaikutuksista ustekinumabin farmakokinetiikkaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Allow to set again in a level position, bore the holes and place in them exactly measured volumes of assay and standard solutions (between # and # ml per hole, according to the diameter
Herättäkää minut tästä kauheasta painajaisestaeurlex eurlex
If you can't unlock your phone, you can erase your phone, set it up again, and set a new screen lock.
Asia T-#/#: Kanne #.#.#- Transnational Company Kazchrome ja ENCR Marketing v.
If you can't unlock your phone, you can erase your phone, set it up again, and set a new screen lock.
yksinkertainen pullotus, tölkitys, pussitus, koteloihin tai rasioihin pakkaaminen, kartongille tai levyille kiinnittäminen ja kaikki muut yksinkertaiset
Allow to set again in a level position, bore the holes and place in them exactly measured volumes of assay and standard solutions (between 0 710 and 0 715 ml per hole, according to the diameter).
Leikitkö kuuroa?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The chair was set aside again.
Se on sairaanhoitajien käsikirjaLiterature Literature
‘It must be able to set off again the next day if necessary.’
Asevoimien erityinen sosiaaliturvajärjestelmäLiterature Literature
Then I will set out again for Hell.
sellaisten Euroopan kolmansien maiden rahoitusosuudesta, joiden kanssa yhteisö on tehnyt # artiklassa tarkoitetun sopimuksenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You want to watch out for Peeves, said Percy, as they set off again.
Ilmoitettu laitos arvioi laatujärjestelmän määrittääkseen, täyttääkö se #.# kohdassa tarkoitetut vaatimuksetLiterature Literature
I just got a three-year set off again about a week ago, so...
Missä ylpeytesi on, Jake?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At seven o’clock, Lupin dined and set out again.
Olin sinun, kun sanoit ' hei 'Literature Literature
Dude, I told you I never wanna see his ass on one of my sets ever again.
Hei, sä ansaitset senOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If, for any reason, you think the numbers were entered incorrectly, run the " Finish MRZP Set " program again
VaatimuksetQED QED
At six on Saturday we set off again.
Mitä he odottavat?Literature Literature
And get set up again?
Tänään olemme vain saattajia hänelleOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
...” He set off again at a run, entered the castle and called out: “Pierre!
Meidän on muun muassa varmistettava, että rekisteröintiveroveron jo maksaneet saavat asianmukaisen palautuksen.Literature Literature
This caused another loss of twenty minutes; but they set out again at a gallop.
Katso häntääsiLiterature Literature
The thus parametrized set is again a manifold, and it has a parameter representation (cf.
III Phare-ohjelma (kohdennettuLiterature Literature
I must set out again tomorrow evening.
Oliko tuo kohteliaisuus?- EiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Set off again?
Minä oIen Jerry LundegaardOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
3144 sinne gevind in 48 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.