tertiary sector of the economy oor Fins

tertiary sector of the economy

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In this context, it attaches particular importance to ensuring free access to information on the needs of the European labour market for skilled or unskilled workers in the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy.
Euroopan maatalouden ohjaus- ja tukirahaston tukiosastosta maksetut ennakot muunnetaan niiden myöntämistä seuraavan kuukauden #. päivän kurssiinEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Twenty-two million people across the EU work in commerce as part of the wider tertiary sector which is outperforming other parts of the European economy.
Jumala otti hänet minultaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Stresses the importance of devising and applying special programmes in regions where the dominant industrial activities are in decline, with a view to supporting economic reconstruction activities that are liable to significantly increase the weight of the tertiary sector in the economy;
Kuitenkin FBI oli paikalla minuuttien sisällä takavarikoimassa nauhat,- ja varoittamassa henkilökuntaa puhumasta näkemästäännot-set not-set
The growing share of the tertiary sector and the parallel decline of the secondary sector experienced in European economies further contribute to this effect.
Hän suojelee sinua paholaiseltaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The evolution of the Cypriot current account shows large disparities in the trade of goods and services reflecting a shift of the Cypriot economy towards the tertiary sector.
Haluan, että kaikki alkavat tutkia tätäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Committee emphasises the key role of the social economy and the tertiary sector, inter alia in integrating disadvantaged people into the labour market, as the March # European Council pointed out
Lupasit pitää minusta aina huoltaoj4 oj4
Accordingly, the Commission states that since this programme was also directed at undertakings in the tertiary sector, the Commission considers that it involved a part of the economy just as important as that covered by the EAVG.
Menetät hakkusiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Notes that the methodology concerning the current use of the HERMIN model poses major problems; is concerned that the current methodology does not allow sufficient account to be taken of the importance of the tertiary sector for some economies, such as tourism; fears that there will be serious difficulties for Structural Fund evaluation in the countries which joined the European Union in # because of the specific circumstances of their young market economies; calls on the Commission to demonstrate- before commencing the #-# evaluation- to what extent it has modified the methodology to take account of this criticism
yksittäisen haltijan perheenjäsenet (L/# ja Loj4 oj4
Notes that the methodology concerning the current use of the HERMIN model poses major problems; is concerned that the current methodology does not allow sufficient account to be taken of the importance of the tertiary sector for some economies, such as tourism; fears that there will be serious difficulties for Structural Fund evaluation in the countries which joined the European Union in # because of the specific circumstances of their young market economies; calls on the Commission to demonstrate- before commencing the #-# evaluation- to what extent it has modified the methodology to take account of this criticism
Se on harvinaisuus.Sain sen viime jouluna lahjaksioj4 oj4
268. Notes that the methodology concerning the current use of the HERMIN model poses major problems; is concerned that the current methodology does not allow sufficient account to be taken of the importance of the tertiary sector for some economies, such as tourism; fears that there will be serious difficulties for Structural Fund evaluation in the countries which joined the European Union in 2004 because of the specific circumstances of their young market economies; calls on the Commission to demonstrate — before commencing the 2000-2006 evaluation — to what extent it has modified the methodology to take account of this criticism;
Näytät ainakin häneltäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Notes that the methodology concerning the current use of the HERMIN model poses major problems; is concerned that the current methodology does not allow sufficient account to be taken of the importance of the tertiary sector for some economies, such as tourism; fears that there will be serious difficulties for Structural Fund evaluation in the countries which joined the European Union in 2004 because of the specific circumstances of their young market economies; calls on the Commission to demonstrate - before commencing the 2000-2006 evaluation - to what extent it has modified the methodology to take account of this criticism;
En taatustinot-set not-set
Notes that the methodology concerning the current use of the HERMIN model poses major problems; is concerned that the current methodology does not allow sufficient account to be taken of the importance of the tertiary sector for some economies, such as tourism; fears that there will be serious difficulties for Structural Fund evaluation in the countries which joined the European Union in 2004 because of the specific circumstances of their young market economies; calls on the Commission to demonstrate — before commencing the 2000-2006 evaluation — to what extent it has modified the methodology to take account of this criticism;
Valko-Venäjälle ei selvästikään ole paikkaa itäisessä kumppanuudessa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Optimising agri-environmental measures (conservation of high nature-value farmed environments, upkeep of historical landscape, extensification of farming) is of major importance to the balance and sustainable development of the regions concerned, in whose economy tourism and the tertiary sector also play a major role.
Oletko tosissasi?not-set not-set
Optimising agri-environmental measures (conservation of high nature-value farmed environments, upkeep of historical landscape, extensification of farming) is of major importance to the balance and sustainable development of the regions concerned, in whose economy tourism and the tertiary sector also play a major role.
Jos tämän direktiivin mukaisesti hyväksyttäväksi toimitettu ajoneuvo vastaa jäljempänä # kohdan vaatimuksia, on kyseiselle ajoneuvotyypille annettava tyyppihyväksyntänot-set not-set
Where a growth rate for the trading sector was in excess of the overall economic growth rate, the Commission has assessed the justification for assuming faster growth in the trading sector compared to the overall economy, in view of the ongoing structural shift in many Member States from the secondary to the tertiary sector.
Tämä metaboliitti erittyy suurimmaksi osaksi muuttumattomana sappeenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It shall also pioneer the development of reliable indicators able to meet the challenges of the 21st century, namely measuring environmental sustainability, quality of life and social cohesion, and record economic activity in the tertiary sector and the social economy.
Kinzalkomb # mg/# mg tabletit telmisartaani/hydroklooritiatsidieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It shall also pioneer the development of reliable indicators able to meet the challenges of the 21stt century, namely measuring environmental sustainability, quality of life and social cohesion, and record economic activity in the tertiary sector and the social economy.
Oliko laatikossa jotain?not-set not-set
The major role already occupied by this tertiary sector in Western economies presages what shall happen a few years from now in the economies of the South.
En nähnythäntä enääEurLex-2 EurLex-2
41 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.