trend setting oor Fins

trend setting

the initiating or popularizing of a trend or fashion

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Therefore, the trend set out in recital 33 of the provisional Regulation is hereby confirmed.
Casey asensi ainoastaan EM- #: siäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The number of disasters continues to increase globally; a trend set to continue with climate change.
Komissio tarkentaa tiedonsiirtotekniikan # artiklassa määrättyä menettelyä noudattaen ottaen huomioon # artiklan # kohdan määräyksetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
What do trend- setting entertainment centers, as represented by the above cities, really have to offer?
Lentokellon aikaa #, aloitamme suuren kokeen tällä sukkulalennollajw2019 jw2019
Therefore, the trend set out in recital 39 of the provisional Regulation is hereby confirmed.
Lopullinen määräaika on näin ollen #. joulukuutaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, the trend set out in recital # of the provisional Regulation is hereby confirmed
Kaikkien aikojen ensimmäinen kiinniottooj4 oj4
No, they were not; but there are trend-setting countries that do not feel sufficiently bound by the promises.
Alan kyllästyä sinuun.Saat potkut!Europarl8 Europarl8
Calls on the Ombudsman to continue the welcome trend set in previous years by further reducing the response-time for processing complaints;
Kliininen paraneminen, mukaan lukien vaikutuksen alkaminen # viikon sisällä, oli #mg Enbrelia saaneiden potilaiden osalta samankaltaista kuin edellä selvitetyissä tutkimuksessa ja säilyi # kuukauden ajannot-set not-set
All cooperating exporters have claimed that they were forced to follow the trend set by the Chinese in order to continue to sell.
Olet täällä, olemme yhdessä ja se kuin pääset vapaaksi vankilasta- korttiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The GOI commented on the increasing trends set out in Table 10 of the provisional Regulation but did not dispute the levels or trends themselves.
Älä ole huolissasiEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Knowledge Alliances, Sector Skills Alliances under Erasmus+, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology under Horizon 2020 are trend-setting in this respect.
Tukea voidaan myöntää yksinomaan valtakunnallisen tai aluetason julkisille viranomaisille tai toimielimille, jotka vastaavat yhtenäisten ja kattavien elinikäisen oppimisen strategioiden kehittämisestä ja toteuttamisestaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances under Erasmus+, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology under Horizon 2020 are trend-setting in this respect.
Hän maalaa maisemia.Äläjännitä kasvoja. Älä nauraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, the positive trend set in 1999 and 2000 for motor vehicle exports looks likely to continue with an increase of 9 % in 2001, which will boost Community production of new vehicles.
Tätä tukea on syytä jatkaa väliaikaisesti tuotannon lisäämiseksi nykyaikaisella ja laatutietoisella tuotannonalallaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Commends those Member States that have reached or passed #,#% GNI, whilst noting the worrying trend set by some to begin a process of decreasing aid levels, as well as abandoning previous commitments on timetables
Olet Luckupin miehiäoj4 oj4
Commends those Member States that have reached or passed 0.7% GNI, whilst noting the worrying trend set by some to begin a process of decreasing aid levels, as well as abandoning previous commitments on timetables;
Voin vain todeta, että tästä asiasta käydään kiivasta keskustelua komitean ulkopuolella, mutta ei komiteassa.not-set not-set
whereas in summer 2008 oil prices reached their all-time highest level in real terms, prices of other energy products also rose and consumer fuel prices followed the trend set by the crude oil price,
Haluan kotiinnot-set not-set
Commends those Member States that have reached or passed 0.7% GNI, whilst noting the worrying trend set by some to begin a process of decreasing aid levels, as well as abandoning previous commitments on timetables;
Tavaran tuonti-tai vientitullien määrä on määritettävä niillä määräytymisperusteilla, jotka koskevat tätä tavaraa sinä ajankohtana, jona tullivelka niiden osalta syntyy, jollei tässä koodeksissa nimenomaisesti toisin säädetä, ja sanotun rajoittamatta # kohdan soveltamistanot-set not-set
4.7 There should be no doubting that the trends set out – such as the concentration of not only public institutions, but also of companies – are directly or indirectly influenced by overall economic circumstances and political decisions.
Verimakkaraa?Et ole tosiaan paljon ilmoitellut itsestäsiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
12. Commends those Member States that have reached or passed 0,7% GNI, whilst noting the worrying trend set by some to begin a process of decreasing aid levels, as well as abandoning previous commitments on timetables;
Erosimme pari viikkoa sitten, jotta minä pystyisin opiskelemaan ja hän urheilemaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This trend was set in motion in 1985, and, as we can see, is still continuing.
Tuet.Joten olet kirjailija, vai?Europarl8 Europarl8
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