troubleshoot oor Fins


To analyze or diagnose a problem to the point of determining a solution.

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to troubleshoot
ratkaista ongelma
Windows Troubleshooting
Windowsin vianmääritys
Program Compatibility troubleshooter
ohjelmien yhteensopivuuden vianmääritys
Performance troubleshooter
suorituskyvyn vianmääritys
korjaaja · sovittelija · vianmääritys
Windows Troubleshooting Platform
Windowsin vianmääritystoiminto
Windows Live Troubleshooting Data
Windows Liven vianmääritystiedot
HomeGroup troubleshooter
Kotiryhmän vianmääritys
Record Sound troubleshooter
äänen tallennuksen vianmääritys


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Home computer services, namely technical assistance, maintenance and troubleshooting in relation to computer software
Heidän tuskansa ei ole teidän viihdettännetmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing computer hardware and computer software problems in the mainframe environment, and installation, administration and troubleshooting of web and database applications in the mainframe environment
yhteistuotantoyksiköllä yksikköä, joka voi toimia yhteistuotannossatmClass tmClass
Client support, namely technical support in the nature of troubleshooting of computer software problems, monitoring of network services, providing back-up computer programs and facilities, computer disaster recovery planning, maintenance of computer software, customization of software, development of additional software to enhance operation or functions of software, installation of computer software, repair of computer software, updating of computer software for others, and consulting services, all in the field of lending and leasing software
Lopeta leikkiminentmClass tmClass
Conducting policy on individual and group equipment (hardware and software) or enterprise equipment (software), which comprises: technical support (updating hardware, troubleshooting, repairs), administrative support (deciding on hardware and software orders, overseeing deliveries, decommissioning), logistical support (purchases, deliveries, installation, storage, removals, managing the inventory, decommissioning), management of all enterprise software (corporate licences);
Saimme koodikirjat!eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for monitoring, reporting on and troubleshooting the performance and availability of web applications
Pystyt lopettamaan, Jake.- En pystytmClass tmClass
Computer software used to monitor, analyze, manage, assess and anticipate trends, troubleshoot, record, enhance, and the maintain security over and in computer networks, computer applications, network devices, network devices, data storage, and transfer of digital data
Olet yhä nuoritmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting through automated attendant services for retrieval of data
Arvioinnin ja sopimusten tekemisen viitteellinen aikataulutmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and computes software problems
Tarkoitan, katso häntätmClass tmClass
· The development of "troubleshooting" actions by forerunners and associations, designed to assist laggards in their efforts to catch up.
En ole isämmeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Application service provider featuring software for installing, monitoring, managing, troubleshooting, diagnosing, verifying, and supporting telecommunication networks and related network services
Kysy, tehoaako se todellatmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, updating and maintenance of computer software and troubleshooting support programs for diagnosis, and resolution of wireless connectivity devices and related computer software and hardware problems
Työ olivain väliaikainentmClass tmClass
Technical assistance,Namely troubleshooting and debugging, sales support in the sale of machines and systems
Hän sanoi että kaksi SAS: in miestätmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing computer hardware and software problems
Miksi sinä annoit hänelle minun Walkmanini?tmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems via telephone, email and in person
Chris, sinulletmClass tmClass
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computers, servers, and computer software problems
Olen nähnyt heitä paljon, suurimman osan vain kuvina seinällätmClass tmClass
Troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems via telephone, e-mail, in person and local and global computer information networks
Kuten silloin kun kutsuit minua lihavaksitmClass tmClass
Technical support by means of the repair and installation of computer hardware, in particular in troubleshooting relating to computer peripheral devices
Pystyt lopettamaan, Jake.- En pystytmClass tmClass
Back to Troubleshoot YouTube Premium member benefits.
Meneekö hyvin?
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware, computer software, mail processing systems and document processing systems
En olisi saanut tulla tännetmClass tmClass
Ensure safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks such as engine run, etc., if required.
Naisten hyveistä siisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(e)troubleshooting procedures
Kuten muodollisen tutkintamenettelyn aloittamisesta # päivänä huhtikuuta # tehdyssä päätöksessä todettiin, väliaikaisista suojajärjestelyistä annettu asetus ei ole enää voimassa eikä se voi olla uuden tuen arvioinnin oikeusperustaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Software for diagnostics and troubleshooting
Sen vuoksi äänestin tämän päätöslauselman puolesta, jossa hyväksytään vuosikertomus 2009 ja esitellään tulevaisuuden suuntaviivat.tmClass tmClass
Make sure that you’re using the product in the language in which you’d like to get support so that you will be connected with the right troubleshooting specialist.
ottaa huomioon tuontiin sovellettavasta yhteisestä järjestelmästä ja asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# kumoamisesta # päivänä joulukuuta # annetun neuvoston asetuksen (EY) N:o #/# ja erityisesti sen # artiklan #
This information shall include all diagnostic tool functions and all the links to repair information and troubleshooting instructions
Muistan kun saavuimme tähtiportin läpioj4 oj4
You really want me to use a $ 30 billion piece of technology to troubleshoot your printer?
Milloin niin kävi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
202 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.