welcomer oor Fins


someone who welcomes people, especially newcomers

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins

kunniaa tekevä henkilö

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tervehtivä henkilö

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tervehtivät ihmiset

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tervetulleeksi toivottava henkilö

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to My Nightmare
Welcome To My Nightmare
Welcome Swallow
Welcome to the World
Welcome to the World
welcome wagon
Welcome to Hell
Welcome to Hell
Welcome to Sky Valley
Welcome to Sky Valley
warmly welcome
lämpimästi tervetuloa
be welcomed


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This Commission initiative aimed at moving towards a more environment-friendly transport model in the EU is to be welcomed.
Siellä vesi on vihreää kuin uima- altaassanot-set not-set
Neither is the European Union ready to welcome these countries, and I am not referring here to the dangerous institutional conjecture by the Convention.
Olen ajan hermollaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Like the rapporteur, I welcome the Norwegian Government’s decision to impose by law a 40% quota for female representation on the boards of joint stock companies.
Sinäkin näytät minusta hyvältäEuroparl8 Europarl8
3. Welcomes the decision of the Commission to consult widely with the industry and with the Member States before forming an opinion on this important topic;
Keskus jatkaa tätä työtä, ja dokumentoinnin odotetaan valmistuvan vuoden # ensimmäisellä puoliskollaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Although I welcome the Commission’s proposal, I go along with the idea that the actions of the ESF should not be channelled exclusively into the regions belonging to the convergence objective.
Kuten tiedätte, muilta osin jo voimaan tulleessa Nizzan sopimuksessa määrätään, että yhteispäätösmenettelyä sovelletaan useisiin asioihin, ja neuvosto soveltaa näitä uusia sääntöjä kirjaimellisesti.Europarl8 Europarl8
In preparation for welcoming many more interested ones to our meetings, however, we were encouraged to refer to one another by family names.
Siksi meidän on aina muistettava miettiä, miten voimme parantaa suoriutumistamme. Juuri siinä tämä keskustelu on meitä auttanut.jw2019 jw2019
Welcomes the international agreement on decisions taken at the Tenth Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, including the Buenos Aires Programme of Work on Adaptation and Response Measures and the decision to start a dialogue on future responses to climate change under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol in May 2005;
Jäsenvaltiot tai EU:n toimielimet voivat tarvittaessa myös lähettää kansainvälistä siviilihenkilöstöä vähintään vuodeksinot-set not-set
The EESC welcomes the wide-ranging consultation of stakeholders conducted by the European Commission and fully endorses the desire to mainstream air quality objectives in other Community policies
Nyt eteen katkonaista ommeltaoj4 oj4
Not exactly a welcome mat.
Tämän direktiivin säännökset on vielä saatettava osaksi jäsenvaltioiden kansallista lainsäädäntöäOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Welcomes the EU Joint Action agreed in respect of the BTWC on 27 February 2006 and the Common Position adopted on 20 March 2006 to promote the universality of the BTWC (inter alia by means of implementation assistance) and to promote a pragmatic programme of work to strengthen implementation and compliance by its States Parties as well as by non-state actors, to be completed in time for 7th Review Conference in 2011;
Silmiin liittyviä häiriöitä, joita on harvoin raportoitu alfainterferonien käytön yhteydessä, ovat verkkokalvon häiriöt (mukaan lukien makulaarinen edeema), verkkokalvon verenvuodot, verkkokalvovaltimon tai-laskimon tukkeumat, pumpuliläiskät, näöntarkkuuden heikkeneminen tai näkökentän hämärtyminen, optinen neuriitti ja papilloedeema (ks. kohtanot-set not-set
Welcomes the new level of organisation and assertiveness of developing countries, which offers the prospect of the emergence of a new and fairer world order and, through the creation of a small number of negotiating blocs, potentially facilitates the task of reaching agreement among the WTO's # members
Hän oli sen vanhan sikarinpolttajanaisen kanssaoj4 oj4
This is how Vikings welcome guests
Kuuntele minuaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
13. Welcomes the measures taken by the ECA with regard to the use of official cars for Members, as outlined in its administrative decision of 15 June 2004; recognises that the new provisions are transparent and represent an improvement of the situation; notes that, with a view to reducing the administrative burden, the Court also defrays the cost for 15000 km, in addition to journeys authorised by travel order, and that the professional use of the car is recorded in the driver’s log;
Rommel tässäEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the presentation of the so-called 'Monti package' intended to complete the legislative framework (abolition of frontier controls, European company statute, protection of biotechnological inventions, regulatory framework for the information society) and hopes that its adoption and implementation can be accelerated, since unless appreciable progress is made in these areas serious obstacles to the smooth functioning of the internal market will remain;
Tuo on kaukana helpostaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the fact that the Commission has adopted virtually all of Parliament’s suggestions, particularly with regard to advertising, the information required to be given to patients, the greatest possible guarantees of the quality of implants, and the keeping of national registers;
Jos sai kotkan sulan, intiaanit uskoivat,- että se on merkki rakkaudesta, kiitollisuudesta- sekä suuresta kunnioituksestanot-set not-set
Welcomes the Commission's recognition of the special nature of the main features whereby SSGIs can be defined, which distinguish them from other types of services; considers, however, that the organisational criteria which, according to the Commission communication on SSGIs, are the distinguishing features of SSGIs, cannot be accepted except on a provisional and indicative basis, pending the emergence of more definitive conclusions from the consultation process which the Commission has undertaken to conduct with Member States and SSGI service providers and users
Kirjaa ehkä?oj4 oj4
I am sure many of us have already made a contribution through these organisations, as have large numbers of our fellow citizens in the Member States. Nevertheless, the sort of initiative you suggest is always welcome and worthy of commendation.
Muista lajeista peräisin oleva käsittelemätön ainesEuroparl8 Europarl8
Welcomes the fact that, following the entry into force of Regulation (EC) No 683/2008, most of the activities and assets related to the EGNOS and Galileo programmes were transferred to the Commission in December 2009; notes that the remaining part of the activities and assets had to be transferred in 2010;
MääräysosaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the 33rd EU-China Dialogue on Human Rights of 8 and 9 December 2014; notes that the dialogue, together with pressure from other international partners, has contributed to some concrete actions; stresses that the EU has made it clear on several occasions that it wanted the dialogue to achieve more tangible improvements in the human rights situation on the ground;
Tulehan esiin, kaverieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In this context, the ECB particularly welcomes Article # of the proposed Regulation, which requires the compilation of statistics on trade broken down by invoicing currency of exports and imports of goods to and from countries outside the EU
Mitä teemme?ECB ECB
Welcomes the project for the creation of a radio network broadcasting from Poland, Lithuania and possibly Ukraine, and calls on the Commission to support its implementation;
Sir, Whitley ei ole enää ongelmanot-set not-set
The rapporteur’s position The rapporteur welcomes the Commission proposal, and particularly supports its objective of harmonising the existing legislation.
Anteeksi.Unohdin sennot-set not-set
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, the Commission welcomes Mr Botz's comprehensive and balanced report and I hope that we will be able to translate most of its findings into practice.
Yhteisön tuen myöntämistä koskevassa päätöksessä olisi myös otettava huomioonEuroparl8 Europarl8
You're welcome.
Mieheni ovat aloittaneet varustamaan sisäänkäyntiä riittävällä tykistöllä,- tehdäkseen siitä viimeisen puolustuksemmeOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Takes the view, furthermore, that Member States and candidate countries need to be more mindful of potential flooding scenarios when considering new construction, urban development or infrastructure permits; welcomes the fact that Germany has this year tabled a new draft flood protection law, which prohibits new industrial or housing development in areas susceptible to flooding; considers that Member States should also include potential flooding scenarios as an integral part of any consideration of applications for authorisation of new construction, urban development or infrastructure projects;
Tarkistetaan poliisiakatemian toimien varainhoitojärjestelmää (muutetaan nykyisiä varainhoitoprosesseja) yhdenmukaisempaan ja tehokkaampaan suuntaannot-set not-set
205 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.