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writ of appeal

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17 Article 282 of that law provides for an appeal, by way of opposition, against a notary’s writ of execution and establishes the procedure for examining such appeals.
Olen Sothesbyllä juoksupoikanaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
43 In its Practical Handbook on the Operation of the Hague Service Convention (Wilson & Lafleur, Montreal, 2006, paragraphs 66 and 276), the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law distinguishes documents instituting proceedings from those in proceedings for the taking of evidence and states that ‘the phrase “equivalent document” includes documents that have identical effects to a writ of summons, such as a notice of appeal [or] a third-party impleader’.
Tiedän sinun tietävän paremmineurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
12 On 15 October 2007, the applicant addressed to the Board of Appeal a letter – the first – including an undated draft of a writ of summons, with a translation, in which a Benelux court competent for trade marks was petitioned to remove the intervener’s earlier Benelux mark from its register.
todistuksen voimassaoloaika, joka ei saa ylittää vakuutuksen tai muun rahavakuuden voimassaoloaikaaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, the Board of Appeal took the view that the request for suspension could not be granted since it was based only on a draft writ of summons before a court with jurisdiction for Benelux trade marks and there was no evidence that proceedings were actually brought before that court.
Sanoma- ja aikakausilehtitilauksetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It requires, first, that the defendant, without any fault on his part, did not have knowledge of the writ of summons in sufficient time to defend, or knowledge of the judgment delivered against him in sufficient time to appeal, second, that he has disclosed a prima facie defence to the action on the merits and third that his application for relief has been filed within a reasonable time after he had knowledge of the judgment.
Viimeistelyvalmisteet, valmisteet, jotka nopeuttavat värjäytymistä tai väriaineiden kiinnittymistä sekä muut tuotteet ja valmisteetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pleas in law: Infringement of Rules 19(2) and (3) in connection with Rule 98(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2868/95, as the Board of Appeal wrongly considered that the submitted documents containing WIPO INID codes are not in the language of the proceedings and/or taken together with the translation provided in the writ of 3 November 2008, do not constitute ‘translation’ within the meaning of Rule 98(1) CTMIR.
Delegoitu komission asetus (EU) N:o #/#, annettu # päivänä syyskuuta #, Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivin #/#/EY täydentämisestä televisioiden energiamerkinnän osaltaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given the new writ issued by the Madrid Supreme Court of Justice approving the application of precautionary measures for suspending work on the M‐501, the Autonomous Community has announced that it is making a fresh appeal.
Tapauksissa, joissa säänneltyjen markkinoiden toimiluvan haltija on oikeushenkilö ja joissa niitä hallinnoi tai niiden operaattorina toimii muu markkinaoperaattori kuin markkinoiden toimiluvan haltija itse, jäsenvaltioiden on määrättävä siitä, miten direktiivissä markkinaoperaattoreille asetetut velvollisuudet jaetaan säänneltyjen markkinoiden toimiluvan haltijan ja markkinaoperaattorin välillänot-set not-set
In addition, in cases where a writ of summons or an equivalent document must be transmitted abroad for the purpose of service, Article 16 of the convention requires contracting states to modify their rules on time-limits for appeal or setting aside of a judgment to deal with the possibility of a defendant only becoming aware of the proceedings after the judgment has been handed down.
Emme me osaa teidän laulujanneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Appeals regarding explanations of the meaning, of the scope or the application of the writ of execution may be lodged at anytime within the time limit for requesting enforcement.
siirryttäessä eläininsuliinista ihmisinsuliiniinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
10 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.