New York City oor Faroees

New York City

/nu ˈjɔɹk ˌsɪt.i/ eienaam, naamwoord
New York, New York, the largest city in the United States of America. It consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. Situated at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York State.

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New York City

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New York

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8 December - John Lennon is shot dead outside his apartment building in New York City.
Aftrat tí hava tey havt sín egna ófullkomileika og allar møguligar sjúkur at stríðast við.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He graduated in 1961 and moved to New York City to pursue a journalism career.
Protein- parturWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peace was raised in New York City as the second oldest of four children.
23 Tað Farao droymdiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
IN A funeral parlor in New York City, friends and family quietly file by the open casket.
Í kapittul 10 fáa vit meir at vita um, hvat Bíblian sigur um henda eingilin, sum nevnist Satan Djevulin, og teir einglarnar, ið valdu at fylgja honum.jw2019 jw2019
1913 – Grand Central Terminal is opened in New York City.
So fortaldi hann konginum, hví hann var keddur,og spurdi, um hann ikki kundi fara til Jerúsalem at gera múrin aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
October 30 – P.T. Barnum's circus, The Greatest Show on Earth, debuts in New York City.
Hvussu?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The capital of the state is Albany and its most populous city is New York City.
Sjónarmiðini hjá teimum spegla í nógvum førum tann innblásta vísdómin í Bíbliuni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was also co-creator and co-producer of the show in New York City.
Tvær vikur seinni byrjaði burðurin — ov tíðliga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
January 9 – Thousands of onlookers watch as "The Human Fly" George Polley climbs New York City's Woolworth Building.
’Nú verða vit dripnir í bardaga, og kvinnurnar og børnini hjá okkum verða tikin fangar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was born on October 26, 1924, in New York City.
Hví er Jesus ein framúrskarandi kongur?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the time it was the company's second largest store, after the New York City flagship store.
Nei, hann hjálpti heldur ikki tí neyðstadda manninum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Currently, I have the pleasure of serving with a foreign-language group in New York City.
(2 Tessalonikabræv 1:6-9) Satan og hansara illu andar skulu ikki longur villleiða tjóðirnar.jw2019 jw2019
They immigrated to the United States when he was a child, settling in New York City.
Soleiðis gav Jehova við sínum profetum eina rættiliga neyva lýsing av tí, sum Messias skuldi gera, og tí, sum honum skuldi vera fyri í lívinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was founded in London in 1796, and has head offices in London and in New York City.
Eg vil eisini fegin tilbiðja tað.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He came back from the trips much wiser and secured a place in the New York City art community.
Sum tjóvur á nátt kemur hon óvart á tey flestu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a child he lived in Boston, New York City, Paris and Antibes, so he can speak fluent English.
Á sama hátt hevur nevndin, sum hevur umsett New World Translation, hildið tað vera skilagott at skriva „Jehova“, hóast tað ikki er heilt soleiðis, Guds navn varð úttalað á fornhebraiskum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I excelled in my studies and won a full scholarship to a well-respected private school in New York City.
Prestarnir vita ikki síni livandi ráð, tí teir kunnu ikki nokta at undurverkið er hent.jw2019 jw2019
The largest ever held in one location was in New York City’s Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds for eight days in 1958.
Og sigið at hann skal koma higar at búgva.’jw2019 jw2019
Sex and the City, an American show set in New York City, was viewed internationally and became popular among female workers in Thailand.
Men hvussu við eftirkomarunum, sum til dømis okkum?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dean was cast in the role and on April 8, 1954, left New York City and headed for Los Angeles to begin shooting.
Hvussu kundi Satan bjóða Jesusi øll ríki heimsins, um hann ikki átti tey?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In October 1951, following the encouragement of actor James Whitmore and the advice of his mentor Rogers Brackett, Dean moved to New York City.
Jesus gjørdi eisini nógv undurverk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The company found that Americans increasingly were buying its wares, so it began offering trunk shows at the Grand Hyatt in New York City.
Gud fer at læra teg, hvussu tú verður eydnuríkur og tryggur; hann sleppur tær undan nógvum skeivum trúarsetningum og skaðiligum vanum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, a person may be particularly proud to be from California or New York City, and may display clothing from a local sports team.
Hví krevst eingin ávísur kropsburður, tá vit biðja?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Executive functions in New York City are the responsibility of the Mayor of New York City, while legislative functions reside with the New York City Council.
Ja, hann er jú ’næsti’ tín, og tú mást hjálpa honum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2 Special Metropolitan Public Witnessing: As reported in the 2013 Yearbook on pages 16 and 17, a trial initiative for public witnessing began in New York City in November 2011.
At kunna venda sær til Gud í bøn er veruliga ein stórur heiður.jw2019 jw2019
33 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.