North Korea oor Faroees

North Korea

/noːɻθ.kə.ˈɹi.ə/ eienaam, naamwoord
Country in East Asia whose territory consists of the northern part of Korea. Official name: Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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It was submitted by North Korea and it means a wing.
Ein gift kvinna greiddi soleiðis frá tí: „Maður mín var eitt satt vónbrot.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
September 3 – North Korea conducts its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.
So eina náttina droymir Farao tveir løgnar dreymar, og hann undrast á hvat teir munnu hava at týða.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From 1994 to 1998, North Korea suffered a famine.
(Ápostlasøgan 9:3-19) Tí kundi Paulus eisini skriva: „Við tað at deyðin kom við einum menniskja [Ádami], er eisini uppreisn hinna deyðu komin við einum menniskja [Jesusi Kristi].WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is observed on October 9 in South Korea and on January 15 in North Korea.
Hví siga tey tað? — Tey siga tað, tí tú kanst verða yvirkoyrdur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the highest order of North Korea, along with the Order of Kim Il-sung.
Men hetta kann tó ikki í øllum førum forða vøggudeyðanum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Little information is available on North Korea’s internal legal system.
Sonur Manasse, Amon kongur, verður dripin av egnu tænarum sínum, og sonur hansara Josias verður kongur hjá teimum báðum ættunum í tí sunnara ríkinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"North Korea test-fires 'ballistic' missiles".
Bíblian sigur, at Ádam ’seldi’ seg sjálvan og eftirkomarar sínar til trældóm undir synd og deyða.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Personnel receives word that a U.S. Navy submarine has become disabled in international waters near North Korea.
Gert tú, sum mamma tín sigur, vísir tú, at tú líkist Jesusi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As for the South Korean abduction issue, North Korea has consistently claimed that there were no South Korean abductees in North Korea.
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February 10 – North Korea announces that it possesses nuclear weapons as a protection against the hostility it feels from the United States.
Annar parturin, 27 bøkur, sum nógv nevna Nýggja Testamenti, átti somuleiðis at itið Kristnu Griksku Skriftirnar, tí kristnir rithøvundar skrivaðu tær á grikskum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The choice of venue in Russia has been interpreted as a signal of hopes of strengthening economic ties between North Korea and Russia.
„Fattast onkrum av tykkum vísdóm, so biði hann til Gud um hetta, Hann, sum gevur øllum gjarna og brigslar ikki — so skal hann verða honum givin!“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There have been a few instances of similar balloon propaganda campaigns launched by North Korea to South Korea; however, campaigns on the Korean Peninsula primarily target North Korea.
Hann sigur við dreingin ið leiðir hann: ’Lat meg fáa nomið við stólparnar ið húsið hvílir á.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
North Korea replied in regard to the nuclear issue in order to draw attention to the “unique security environment” that is threatened and blackmailed by the largest nuclear state.
Og Pætur og Jóhannes, sum vóru lærisveinar hjá Jesusi og eisini skrivaðu nakað av Bíbliuni — teir vóru fiskimenn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shortly thereafter inconsistencies emerged between the North Korea initial declaration and the Agency's findings, centering on a mismatch between declared plutonium product and nuclear waste solutions and the results of the Agency's analysis.
Var sjúkan horvin, slapp hann aftur at liva samanvið frískum fólki. — 3 Mósebók 13:16, 17.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some said Trump could be setting himself up for failure, due to doubts over whether North Korea will willingly give up a formidable atomic arsenal that Kim Jong-un has made central to North Korea's standing in the world.
Leingi stjórnar Sálomo við vísdómi, og fólkið er lukkuligt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Having determined that the invasion of South Korea by forces from North Korea constituted a breach of the peace, the Council recommended that the members of the United Nations furnish such assistance to the South Korean state as may be necessary to repel the attack and restore peace and security to the area.
Við sínar lærisveinar segði Jesus: „Farið . . . út og gerið øll fólkasløg til lærisveinar, doypið teir.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both North and South Korea had survived the Korean War (1950–53).
Jesus segði ikki, at vit skuldu lata vera at arbeiða fyri at fáa til mat og klæði.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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