after all oor Faroees

after all

(idiomatic) In the end; anyway; referring to something that was believed to be the case, but has now been shown not to be.

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(Psalm 138:6) After all, he is “God Almighty.”
(Sálmur 138:6) Hann er jú „Gud hin Alvaldi“.jw2019 jw2019
After all her goons are gone, she can defeated simply by attacking her.
Har afturat má hon ansa eftir hvørjum orði, hon sigur við hann.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After all, he felt sorry for the plant only because it had benefited him personally.
Tá ið samanum kom, harmaðist hann bert um plantuna, tí hon hevði verið honum til nyttu.jw2019 jw2019
After all, he cares for us.
Hann hevur jú umsorgan fyri okkum.jw2019 jw2019
There is nothing wrong with a calmer, mellower Chris — after all, he's now a sober, fortysomething dad.
Hetta var ongantíð sæð fyrr av evropeum, tí í okkara hugaheimi er ein svanur hvítur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The author of Genesis may have had it right, after all.”
Hann sum skrivaði Fyrstu Mósebók hevði kanska rætt kortini.“jw2019 jw2019
After all, when Jesus was recently on trial for his life, Peter three times denied knowing him.
Undir sakarmálinum móti Jesusi noktaði Pætur hóast alt tríggjar ferðir at kennast við hann.jw2019 jw2019
After all, a gift tells you something about the giver —that he or she values your friendship.
Í veruleikanum fortelur ein gáva jú nakað um gevaran — at hann ella hon virðismetir vinalagið tykkara millum.jw2019 jw2019
After all, the trip would be hard on her.
Tað fór jú at vera ein trupul ferð hjá henni.jw2019 jw2019
Who of us, after all, has ever experienced life without the pressure of Satan’s corrupting influence?
Ja, hvør av okkum hevur nakrantíð upplivað eitt lív við ongari ávirkan frá spilta heimi Satans?jw2019 jw2019
After all, if we do not have faith, we urgently need to acquire it.
Tí um vit ikki hava trúgv, er tað alneyðugt, at vit fáa okkum trúgv.jw2019 jw2019
After all, communication also involves listening.
At samskifta er jú eisini at lurta.jw2019 jw2019
After all, they were hurting themselves as well as countless others in the land.
Teir vóru jú ikki bara sær sjálvum til skaða, men eisini óteljandi øðrum í landinum.jw2019 jw2019
After all, humans will be perfect and will have limitless time before them.
Menniskjuni verða jú fullkomin — og tey hava alla tíðina fyri sær.jw2019 jw2019
After all, we breathe, we eat, and we drink.
Vit anda jú, vit eta og drekka.jw2019 jw2019
After all, it has been the central doctrine of the churches for centuries.
Hon hevur jú í øldir verið høvuðslæran í kirkjunum.jw2019 jw2019
It turns out that Terry has been alive after all.
Sagt verður, at ternan kemur á halvarðsøku.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Grandma Was Right after All!: Practical Parenting Wisdom from the Good Old Days.
Bad Boy varð innspældur um somu tíð sum sangirnir til Help!-filmin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After all of this, had Jonah learned to show mercy to others?
Hevði Jónas eftir alt hetta lært at vísa øðrum miskunn?jw2019 jw2019
After all these many centuries of time, have they provided a satisfactory answer?
Hava teir givið nøktandi svar?jw2019 jw2019
After all, he had been judging those people on Jehovah’s behalf for decades.
Hann hevði hóast alt verið dómari hjá fólkinum fyri Jehova í fleiri áratíggju.jw2019 jw2019
Maybe being single isn't so bad after all.
Men heilt so einkult er tað ikki á føroyskum máli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After all, he had worked diligently to teach his adopted son to feel that way about Jehovah God.
Hann hevði jú gjørt sær stóran ómak at læra fostursonin at hava hetta tætta sambandið við Jehova Gud.jw2019 jw2019
After all, Jehovah is “the God of all comfort.”
Jehova er hóast alt „Gud alrar troystar“.jw2019 jw2019
After all, most people are not thinking about false worship when they observe holidays.
Satt at siga hugsa tey flestu jú ikki um falska tilbiðing, tá tey halda høgtíðir.jw2019 jw2019
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