alien oor Faroees


/ˈeɪlɪən/, /ˈeɪ.li.ən/, /ˈeɪljən/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
A person, animal, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization, or territory under consideration.

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Barclay: present at alien excavation.
Keypmannahavn, Forlagið Eksil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You came to understand that although you were born a sinner alienated from God, Jehovah through Christ opened the way for you to attain the perfection that Adam lost and to inherit everlasting life.
Tú skilti, at hóast tú vart føddur sum syndari og tí vart fremmandur fyri Gudi, so hevði Jehova við Kristusi slóðað vegin fyri, at tú kundi fáa fullkomileikan, sum Ádam misti, og arva ævigt lív.jw2019 jw2019
The catch is these aliens have a perfect truth detector, so the hero has to phrase his every comment very carefully so that he can pull off such a huge lie while being literally honest.
Frásøgufólkið letur hendan spurning hanga í luftini, soleiðis at lesarin sjálvur kann gera upp við seg sjálvan, um tað er rætt, at slíkt órættvísi fer fram, samstundis sum vit rópa okkum siviliserað menniskju.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other talks include “Continue as ‘Aliens and Temporary Residents’” and “Take Courage!
Nakrir av hinum fyrilestrunum hava heitini „Haldið fram at liva sum ’gestir og útlendingar’“ og „Ver hugreystur!jw2019 jw2019
All games feature a battle with aliens, with the third game featuring a wind machine threatening Earth.
Leikirnir eru ein fleiítróttastevna, har ið ítróttafólkini umboða olympisku í Evropa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Bates' story, aliens are the opposite, possessing a good moral character.
Eins og Buzz Aldrin vil Mattias vera nummar tvey, hann vil vera ókendur og liva eitt friðarligt og anonymt lív.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thinna drags her inside the spacecraft, while the other alien Malla elects to stay on in the earth for a while.
Súla (frøðiheiti - Morus bassanus) er sjófuglur, sum heldur seg úti á víðum havi, tá hon ikki er á landi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is generally only one step behind his alien quarry.
Í Føroyum er hann bara sæddur einar tríggjar ferðir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the story of a military misfit who successfully conducts a one-man psychological warfare operation against an alien race, with whom humans and allied races are at war.
Málið er sum oftast eitt tjóðskaparligt stríð fyri sjálvræði ella eitt stríð fyri at náa einum politiskum endamáli við at skapa ruðuleika í samfelagnum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These beings are governed by lords of unimaginable power and knowledge completely alien.
Upplýsingarnir har eru tó ikki alment tilgongiligir uttan víðari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During an alien invasion of Earth, the entire population of Earth is seemingly decimated.
Í einum fólkaræðisligum samfelagi hava allir landsins borgarar atkvøðurætt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 A famine in Israel had convinced Naomi’s husband, Elimelech, that he must move his wife and two sons away from their homeland and take up living in Moab as aliens.
5 Ein hungursneyð í Ísrael hevði fingið mannin hjá No’omi, Elimelek, at flyta úr heimlandi sínum til Móabsland at búgva har sum fremmandur við konu síni og báðum sonum sínum.jw2019 jw2019
Marx believes that alienation will be a feature of all society before communism.
Marx greiddi frá at sosialismu fyrsta stigi á leiðini til kommunismu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5:17) It helps us to see ourselves as “aliens and temporary residents” amid the present system of things.
5:17) Tí meta vit okkum sjálvi sum „gestir og útlendingar“ í hesi heimsskipanini.jw2019 jw2019
Being “alienated from the life that belongs to God,” they “are in darkness mentally.”
Tey eru ’gjørd lívi Guds fremmand’, og eru tí ’blindað í hugsanum sínum’.jw2019 jw2019
It is named after the heroine Ellen Ripley in the science-fiction/horror film Alien.
Hon er mest kend fyri at spæla leiklutin sum Ellen Ripley í filmsrøðini Alien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There, he stops the mining project before the aliens can succeed.
Annars syngur hann dúgliga uppiyvir, til ungarnir eru útkomnir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The disciples stop, their faces downcast, and Cleopas replies: “Are you dwelling as an alien by yourself in Jerusalem and so do not know the things that have occurred in her in these days?”
Lærisveinarnir steðga, andlitini er døpur tá Kleopas svarar: „Ert Tú einsamallur so fremmandur í Jerúsalem, at Tú veitst ikki, hvat har hevur hent hesar dagar?“jw2019 jw2019
2: Why True Christians Consider Themselves to Be “Aliens and Temporary Residents” in the World. —1 Pet.
2: Hví meta sonn kristin seg at vera „gestir og útlendingar“ í heiminum? — 1 Pæt.jw2019 jw2019
Tommy is awakened by the shouts of Kurt, who has trapped an alien in an adjacent room.
Hann verður settur av av einari tyrlu, og er síðani fangaður í einum shoppingsentri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To exist on Earth at all, magicians must summon sprits and force them to take some kind of form, something so alien that it causes all spirits pain.
Tað vil siga, at um alt slag av lendi verður tikið við, so hevur hvørt fólk so nógv pláss í part, sum svarar til uml.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
6:19) It moved Abraham and Sarah to accept Jehovah’s request to leave their home and ‘reside as aliens in the land of promise.’
6:19) Tað var vónin, ið fekk Ábraham og Sáru at akta Jehova og fara avstað og búseta seg sum ’útlendingar í landi lyftisins’.jw2019 jw2019
2 “The world” Jesus mentioned refers to all of mankind who are alienated from God, ruled by Satan, and enslaved to the selfish, prideful spirit that emanates from him.
2 Tá ið Jesus brúkti orðið ’heimur’, sipaði hann til tann partin av mannaættini, ið er fremmandur fyri Gudi, og sum verður stjórnaður av Satani og letur seg leiða av sjálvsøkna og stolta andanum, ið stavar frá honum.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible warns true worshipers against loving “the things in the world” —the way of life promoted by this world that is alienated from the true God.
Bíblian ávarar allar sannar tilbiðjarar um ikki at elska heimin og tað, „sum í heiminum er“, tað merkir liviháttin í hesum heimi, ið er Gudi fremmandur.jw2019 jw2019
The Strategic Hamlet Program was a failure, alienating more rural Vietnamese than it helped and contributing to the growth in influence of the Viet Cong.
Hjálpa londum í arbeiði teirra at avmarka hungur, m.a. við at stimbra staðbundna landbúnaðin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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