alike oor Faroees


/əˈlaɪk/ adjektief, bywoord
Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.

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9:9-13) He tried to help both rich and poor alike.
9:9-13) Hann royndi at hjálpa bæði fátækum og ríkum.jw2019 jw2019
How were Adam and Jesus alike, and why was it so important that they were?
Hvussu var Jesus sum Ádam, og hví hevði tað so stóran týdning?jw2019 jw2019
All of us —traveling overseers and publishers alike— can participate in a joyful interchange of encouragement.
Vit kunnu øll — ferðandi umsjónarmenn eins væl og boðarar — lívga hvør annan.jw2019 jw2019
Official complaints to the Sublime Porte about the latter groups skyrocketed among Muslims, Christians and Jews alike.
Umframt hetta hevur økið havt ein átrúnaðarligan og mentanarligan týdning fyri bæði islam, kristindómin og jødadómin .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Young and old alike have transformed their thinking so as to conform their way of life to God’s requirements.
Ung eins og eldri hava broytt hugsanarhátt so tey hava verið før fyri at laga lívið eftir Guds reglum.jw2019 jw2019
Many publishers have helped parents and youths alike by presenting My Book of Bible Stories or Listening to the Great Teacher.
Nógvir boðarar hava hjálpt bæði foreldrum og børnum við at bjóða Mína Bíbliusøgubók ella Vit lýða á hin stóra Læraran.jw2019 jw2019
He was Noah, an example worthy of imitation by young and old alike.
Maðurin, hvørs navn er Nóa, er eitt fyridømi fyri bæði ung og eldri.jw2019 jw2019
They endeavor to get to know young and old alike, and they are eager to accompany us in the field ministry and on our Bible studies.
Tey royna at koma at kenna bæði ung og gomul, og tey vilja fegin fylgjast við okkum í boðanini og koma við, tá ið vit skulu lesa Bíbliuna við onkrum.jw2019 jw2019
The videos produced by Jehovah’s organization are having a strong impact on young and old alike.
Sjónbondini, sum Jehova Vitni gera, hava sterka ávirkan á bæði ung og gomul.jw2019 jw2019
Within the congregation, young and old alike care for a variety of assignments that benefit others.
Í samkomunum taka bæði ung og eldri sær av ymiskum uppgávum, øðrum at gagni.jw2019 jw2019
Later she became a martyr for both Jews and Muslims alike.
Hann verður hámettur av bæði jødum og muslimum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children and adults alike are always enthusiastic and cheerful when meeting foreigners.
Grannar og frændur komu at vitja og gleðast saman við teimum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everyone can promote a warm spirit of love and unity in the congregation by assisting new ones, young ones, and older ones alike. —Col.
Øll kunnu fremja anda kærleikans og einleikans í samkomuni við at hjálpa bæði nýggjum, ungum og eldri. — Kol.jw2019 jw2019
You will find that this book contains much of interest for young and old alike.
Ja, í hesi bókini er nógv áhugavert fyri bæði ung og gomul.jw2019 jw2019
“No doubt you would agree that the teenage years are especially challenging for teens and their parents alike.
„Vit kunnu óivað gerast samd um, at teenageárini eru ein serliga ring tíð hjá ungum og foreldrum teirra.jw2019 jw2019
9 Jehovah will bless our efforts as we help old and young alike to appreciate the value of God’s Word and its guidance in our life.—Ps.
9 Jehova vælsignar okkara royndir, tá vit hjálpa gomlum og ungum at virðismeta Guds orð og vegleiðing tess í lívi okkara. — Sl.jw2019 jw2019
5 Parents and children alike can reflect on the words of Joshua of old, who said: “As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.”
5 Bæði foreldur og børn kunnu hugsa um tað, sum Josva segði: „Eg og hús mítt, vit skulu tæna [Jehova]!“jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 1:26, 27) Yet, at death humans and animals alike return to the dust.
(1 Mósebók 1:26, 27) Men í deyðanum fara bæði menniskju og dýr aftur í moldina.jw2019 jw2019
How can young and old alike help people to benefit from God’s goodness?
Hvussu kunnu bæði ung og gomul hjálpa øðrum at fáa gagn av Guds kærleika?jw2019 jw2019
19 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.