alter oor Faroees


(transitive) To change the form or structure of

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Perhaps you can alter your opening question or work a different scripture into the conversation.
Tú kanst kanska seta ein annan spurning í innleiðsluni ella finna eitt nýtt skriftørindi.jw2019 jw2019
With growing popularity of custom cars in America many car enthusiasts were looking to alter the appearance of their vehicles in order to improve the performance characteristics or make a car look different from the others (styling statement).
Í Kalifornia, har flestir bilar eru í USA í mun til støddina á statinum, eru strangar reglur settar í verk, sum skulu gera, at akførini verða betri fyri umhvørvið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today, when you enter the chapel you will find a stark, elegant interior not much altered in over a century.
Í fyrsta umfarið skulu fólk velja eitt ráð, sum skal orða nýggja vallóg og lýsa tjóðartingsval innan eitt hálvt ár.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was elevated to a town in 1832 with the name of "Manaus", an altered spelling of the indigenous Manaós peoples, and legally transformed into a city on October 24, 1848, with the name of Cidade da Barra do Rio Negro, Portuguese for "The City of the Margins of the Black River".
Skansin gjørdist býur (town) í 1832 við navninum "Manaus", sum merkir "móðir gudanna" hetta til æru fyri upprunafólkinum Manaós, og varð formliga gjørdur til ein stórbý (city) hin 24. oktober 1848 við navninum Cidade da Barra do Rio Negro, Portugisiskt fyri "Býurin við markið á Svørtu Ánni".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She eventually worked her way up to selling and making alterations, becoming the shop's first black sales clerk and tailor.
Hann klárar seg við fyrifallandi arbeiði og við at selja tekningar og myndir til bløðini tey fyrstu árini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Halt stops their plan and also discovers that the golden alter is a fake.
Teir skolaðu áareyrin og vónaðu at gull var í honum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was responsible for the major alterations to the house by Romaine-Walker.
At ross hava verið nýtt sum ferðingarhestar ber týski býurin Rosenheim boð um.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Further wings to the east were added in 1968 and again in 1977 with the front entrance altered.
Norðoya Fornminnissavn varð stovnað í 1968 og yvirtók í 1974 gamla apotekið í Klaksvík.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Congregations with existing Kingdom Halls that bear a logo are not required to make immediate changes to signs or designs, since such changes may involve major alterations and much time, effort, and expense.
Hevur ein samkoma eitt slíkt búmerki á ríkissalinum ella á einum skelti, er ikki neyðugt at beina fyri tí alt fyri eitt, um tað krevur størri broytingar, nógva tíð, orku og pengar.jw2019 jw2019
How does the incident recorded at Ezekiel 21:18-22 show that neither humans nor demons can alter Jehovah’s purpose?
Hvussu vísir Ezekiel 21:18-22, at hvørki menniskju ella illir andar kunnu broyta ætlan Jehova?jw2019 jw2019
Even if a sample presentation is complete, publishers may choose to alter it or prepare their own.
Og sjálvt um eitt framløguuppskot er fullfíggjað, kunnu boðarar velja at broyta tað ella at gera sítt egna.jw2019 jw2019
The church was altered and restored again in both the 19th and 20th centuries.
Kirkjan var umbygd og útbygd í 19. og 20. øld.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
19 To keep ourselves physically clean, we need to avoid defiling habits and practices, such as smoking, abusing alcohol, and the nonmedical use of addictive or mind-altering substances.
19 Skulu vit vera bókstavliga, ella likamliga, rein, mugu vit halda okkum frá óreinum vanum og gerðum, eitt nú royking, alkoholmisnýtslu og vanabindandi evnum, ið ikki verða nýtt sum heilivágur.jw2019 jw2019
This does not alter the Bible’s definition of the soul as a person or an animal.
Hetta broytir kortini ikki allýsing Bíbliunnar av sálini sum verandi ein persónur ella eitt dýr.jw2019 jw2019
There is some undetermined movement that occurs or the tree structure may be altered so that the subject may be the sister of the verb.
Eitt politiskt orðaskifti verður, og lógaruppskotið verður samtykt um meirilutin eru fyri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Human alteration of the soil has resulted in 40% of the Gardens being classified as Urban Land, not assigned to an official soil series.
Sagt verður, at umleið 10 % av samlaða fólkatalinum flutti av landinum, nógv av hesum til Danmarkar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He did not let his sons’ faithless ways alter his own course one bit.
Hann læt ikki trúloysið hjá synunum ávirka sín egna atburð á nakran hátt.jw2019 jw2019
The report said that man’s life-threatening practices “may so alter the world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know.”
Frágreiðingin segði, at lívshóttandi atburðurin hjá menniskjanum „kann broyta heimin so mikið, at hann ikki longur kann uppihalda lívi, soleiðis sum vit kenna tað“.jw2019 jw2019
In areas where Brazilian pepper occurs, fire regimes have been altered greatly due to fire exclusion and human settlement.
Tað eru ikki bert íbúgvarnir í Beijing, sum eru í vanda orsakað av ógvusligu luftdálkingini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Did 13th-century interest in Aristotle’s teachings alter the stance of the church on the teaching of the immortality of the soul?
Broyttist kirkjunnar læra um ódeyðiligu sálina av tí vaksandi áhuganum fyri læru Aristotelesar í 13. øld?jw2019 jw2019
This rapid partitioning model is the most drastic alteration of the traditional vesicular trafficking point of view.
Árligi ársfundurin er hægsti myndugleiki Útnroðurráðsins.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Did Noah back off from this assignment, complain about its challenges, or alter the details to make it easier on himself?
Royndi Nóa at sleppa undan hesi uppgávuni, grenjaði hann um avbjóðingarnar, ella royndi hann at broyta nakað fyri at lætta um stríðið?jw2019 jw2019
The road level buildings remain as a private dwelling, considerably altered, but the cutting has been filled in.
Tá ið borgarakríggið brast á, minkaði ferðavinnan heilt nógv, men nú veksur hon aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Remind publishers that they should use their own words, and they can choose to alter the sample presentation or prepare another one.
Minn áhoyrararnar á, at teir skulu nýta síni egnu orð, at teir kunnu gera broytingar í uppskotunum ella nýta eina heilt aðra framløgu.jw2019 jw2019
24 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.