alternation oor Faroees


/ˈɔːl.tɚˌneɪ.ʃən/ naamwoord
The reciprocal succession of (normally two) things in time or place; the act of following and being followed by turns; alternate succession, performance, or occurrence; as, the alternation of day and night, cold and heat, summer and winter, hope and fear.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees


The substitution of one root vowel for another, thus indicating a corresponding modification of use or meaning, such as "get, gat, got"; "sing, song"; "hang, hung".

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alternating current


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We might imagine Abram and Sarai alternating between riding and walking, their conversation mingling with the tinkling of bells hanging from the animals’ harnesses.
Vit kunnu kanska ímynda okkum, at Ábraham og Sára skiftust ímillum at ríða og ganga, og at samrøðurnar teirra millum blandaðust við ljóðið av bjøllunum, sum hingu á kríatúrunum.jw2019 jw2019
(9) What should you want to be informed about regarding any transfusion alternative?
(9) Hvørjar upplýsingar skalt tú biðja um viðvíkjandi aðra viðgerð enn blóðflutning?jw2019 jw2019
The low-lying fens surrounding the island of Ely were formed, prior to the 17th century, by alternate fresh-water and sea-water incursions.
Niðurlendingar vóru fremstir í 17. øld á hesum øki, men í 18. øld vóru fraklendingar og onglendingar á odda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(4) Why is it rational and responsible to choose transfusion alternatives?
(4) Hví er tað ikki ábyrgdarleyst, men tvørturímóti skilagott at velja aðra læknavísindaliga viðgerð enn blóðflutning?jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 20:20) So “public” witnessing would be a more appropriate term than “alternative” witnessing.
(Áps. 20:20) So tað er meira hóskandi at brúka orðingina „almenn“ boðan enn „øðrvísi“ boðan.jw2019 jw2019
(6) What have many experts concluded regarding the benefits of transfusion alternatives?
(6) Hvørja niðurstøðu koma nógvir serfrøðingar fram til viðvíkjandi viðgerð uttan blóðflutning?jw2019 jw2019
We would also ask you to write to the Department of Health requesting evidence-based information for trusts and for patients with respect to alternative medicine.
Leggja dent á sjúklingatrygdina og sjúklinganøgdsemi við skipaðum kanningar- og eftirmetingarhættum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(6) What conclusion have many experts reached regarding the benefits of transfusion alternatives?
(6) Hvørja niðurstøðu koma nógvir serfrøðingar fram til viðvíkjandi viðgerð uttan blóðflutning?jw2019 jw2019
Many medical alternatives acceptable to Jehovah’s Witnesses have proved to be very effective and do not expose one to the hazards of blood transfusions.
Nógvir aðrir viðgerðarhættir, sum Jehova vitni kunnu góðtaka, hava víst seg munagóðar og hava spart sjúklingarnar fyri vandarnar við blóðførslu.jw2019 jw2019
Alternatively, stone cladding can be a natural stone that has been quarried and then cut into thin pieces to reduce weight.
Eitt tjaldursreiður er ein lítil kulla, ið kann verða fóðrað við smásteinum og skeljum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Formæli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This provides two alternatives to a prison sentence: conditional discharge or a probation order.
Føroyskt hevur tvey sløg av sambindingarorðum : tey javnskipandi- og undirskipandi sambindingarorðini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(6) What are the four principles of transfusion-alternative strategies?
(6) Hvørjar fýra bólkar kunnu alternativu verkætlanirnar fyri læknaviðgerð uttan blóðflutning býtast upp í?jw2019 jw2019
Have related or demonstrated one or two outstanding local experiences enjoyed doing alternative forms of witnessing.
Lat onkran siga frá ella vísa, hvussu tey fingu eina ella tvær góðar upplivingar í boðanini við at brúka øðrvísi mannagongdir.jw2019 jw2019
(10) Can transfusion alternatives work for young children or for people involved in life-threatening emergencies?
(10) Nyttar viðgerð uttan blóð hjá smábørnum og í traumustøðum?jw2019 jw2019
If for a time it is not possible for the entire family to sit down for a discussion of the day’s text, parents could think about alternative arrangements so that this important spiritual nourishment is not missed.
Um tað eina tíð ikki ber allari familjuni til at samlast um eina umrøðu av dagsins teksti, mugu foreldrini royna at finna eina aðra loysn, so familjan ikki missir hesa andaliga føðsluríku máltíð.jw2019 jw2019
4:14; Acts 15:28, 29) To help you, the video Transfusion-Alternative Health Care —Meeting Patient Needs and Rights has been produced.
4:14; Áps. 15:28, 29) Filmurin Transfusionsfri behandling imødekommer patienters behov og rettigheder er framleiddur sum ein hjálp til hetta.jw2019 jw2019
There is also a 2 player mode, where one player controls directions and the other controls actions, and an alternate story mode where characters and costumes are new and dance moves are harder.
Dansifilmar eru enn eitt sera nýtt og ungt fyribrigdi, og Memotekið er eitt alternativt boð uppá, hvat ein dansifilmur er og kann rúma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hence, he would seek such medical attention if that is available and would accept a variety of alternatives to blood.
Nógv læknavísindalig alternativ til blóðflutning eru til taks, og tey royna at verða viðgjørd við teimum, um tað ber til.jw2019 jw2019
Helpful information on this subject is found in the October 15, 2000, issue of The Watchtower, pages 30-1, and the Transfusion Alternatives —Documentary Series— On DVD.
Upplýsingar um evnið eru at finna í Vagttårnet fyri 15. oktober 2000, síðurnar 30-31, og í filminum Alternativer til transfusion — Dokumentarserie — På dvd.jw2019 jw2019
• Review articles on blood fractions and alternatives to blood.
• Les aftur greinir, sum umrøða, hvørji evni vit kunnu fáa ístaðin fyri blóðflutning.jw2019 jw2019
What procedures and transfusion alternatives may be included in “bloodless medicine”?
Hvørjir viðgerðarhættir og læknavísindalig alternativ til blóðflutning kunnu metast sum „viðgerð uttan blóðflutning“?jw2019 jw2019
For information on alternatives to blood transfusion, see the chapter entitled “Quality Alternatives to Transfusion” in the brochure How Can Blood Save Your Life? published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Fleiri upplýsingar um læknavísindalig alternativ til blóðflutning eru at finna í kapitlinum „Seriøse alternativer til transfusion“ í heftinum Hvordan kan blod redde dit liv?, sum Jehova Vitni hava givið út.jw2019 jw2019
(8) What should you want to be informed about regarding any transfusion alternative?
(8) Hvørjar upplýsingar skalt tú biðja um at fáa um tað, sum tú kanst fáa ístaðin fyri blóð?jw2019 jw2019
Alternative metal, Nu metal and metalcore gained wider popularity at that time.
Til endans kundi hann velja ímillum MetalMania og Metallica, har hann valdi tað seinna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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