at some time oor Faroees

at some time

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“All of us have had our trust betrayed at some time.
„Vit hava ivaleyst øll upplivað, at onkur hevur svikið okkara álit.jw2019 jw2019
At some time in your life, you have likely asked, ‘Why all the suffering?’
Onkuntíð í lívinum hevur tú ivaleyst spurt: „Hví eru so nógvar líðingar?“jw2019 jw2019
Publicity surrounding the series was intense, and it was at some time during this series that the Ashes urn was crafted.
Ídnaðurin hevur ment seg skjótt, og nú á døgum arbeiðir ein triðingur av danska fólkinum í ídnaðinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
AT SOME time in your life, you may have asked: ‘If there is a God who really cares about us, why does he permit so much suffering?’
ONKUNTÍÐ í lívi tínum hevur tú kanska hugsað sum so: ’Um ein Gud er til sum leggur í okkum, hví loyvir hann tá so nógvari líðing?’jw2019 jw2019
2 At some time in life most people ask: Are we just to live a short time, get what we can out of life, and then die?
2 Onkuntíð í lívinum spyrja tey flestu: Er meiningin tann, at vit bert skulu liva heilt stutta tíð, fáa sum best burtur úr lívinum, og so doyggja?jw2019 jw2019
But the marriage was to take place in heaven at some unspecified time in the future.
Brúdleypið skuldi vera í himli seinni, nærri varð ikki sagt frá tíðini.jw2019 jw2019
6 The Resurrection Hope: Since at some time everyone has lost a loved one in death, it could be comforting to initiate conversations on the topic “Kingdom Rule to Restore Life to Dead Loved Ones Under Paradise Conditions.”
6 Óndskapurin verður burturbeindur: Fólk sum stúra fyri kriminaliteti, harðskapi og kríggi kunnu ávirkast um tú nýtir evnið „Et glædens paradis for hele menneskeheden“.jw2019 jw2019
At that time some of those resurrected will be people we knew before, including children.
Nøkur av teimum, sum tá fáa lívið aftur, verða menniskju, sum vit sjálvi hava kent, eisini børn.jw2019 jw2019
Postpone major decisions: If possible, wait for at least some time until you are thinking more clearly before you decide such things as whether to sell your house or to change your job.
Útset stórar avgerðir: Ber tað til, bíða so í minsta lagi til tú hugsar eitt sindur greiðari við at avgera um tú skalt selja húsini ella skifta arbeiði.jw2019 jw2019
Rather than cover all the material at one time, raise some questions to discuss later.
Í staðin fyri at viðgera alt tilfarið í senn, kanst tú seta nakrar spurningar sum tit kunnu tosa um onkuntíð seinni.jw2019 jw2019
After spending some time at an insurance office, he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) on a short-term commission.
Eftir studentsprógvið útlærdi hon seg til bankahjálparfólk, har hon eina tíð arbeiddi á eini herstøð hjá Royal Air Force.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
7 Some worry, at times, that it will be too hard to stick with Jehovah’s laws as the years pass.
7 Nøkur bera av og á ótta fyri, at tað kann gerast ov torført at halda seg til lógirnar hjá Jehova, sum árini ganga.jw2019 jw2019
3 Try at a Different Time: Perhaps some who were not at home during the workday may be home in the evening or on weekends.
3 Royn aðrar tíðir: Tey, sum ikki vóru heima um dagin, eru kanska at hitta um kvøldið ella í vikuskiftinum.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 4:1-11) At one time, some of Jesus’ own relatives did not put faith in him, even saying that he was “out of his mind.”
(Matteus 4:1-11) Einaferð søgdu skyldfólk hjá Jesusi, sum ikki trúðu á hann, enntá: „Hann er frá Sær sjálvum!“jw2019 jw2019
The mortality rate, at least in some sections of the diocese, is recorded at fifteen times the normal death rate.
Talið av fólki, sum liva í fátækradømi, er minkað við 15 % hetta sama tíðarskeiði.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In spite of the great rebellion some time later at Babel, true servants of God kept on using his name.
Hóast uppreistur seinni varð fingin í lag í Bábel, hildu Guds sonnu tænarar áfram at brúka navn hansara.jw2019 jw2019
18 Maybe at one time you shared in some practice of spiritism and you now want to break free.
18 Kanska hevur tú einaferð tikist við okkurt slag av spiritismu, og nú vilt tú fegin koma burtur úr tí.jw2019 jw2019
In comparison with most of the British population in India at the time Candler held some startlingly liberal and sympathetic views of Indian nationalism.
Fyri ikki so langari tíð síðan vóru flestu fólk í Kanada ættað frá bretskum og fronskum niðursetufólki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When sharing in field service, some publishers customarily stop at a certain time, perhaps at noon.
Summir boðarar steðga altíð í boðanini somu tíð, til dømis á døgurða.jw2019 jw2019
At that time the big scandal with some local communist leader burst out in the country.
Endamálið var at seta á stovn kommunistiskt stýri í landinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At times, you want to enjoy some recreation, but you realize that much of the entertainment available today is morally bad, even rotten.
Av og á hevur tú helst hug at taka tær av løttum, men tú veitst, at nógv undirhald í dag er siðiliga vánaligt, ja beinleiðis spilt.jw2019 jw2019
At the same time, you may need to take some practical steps to reach out and make new friends.
Men kanska noyðist tú eisini sjálvur at taka stig til at fáa nýggjar vinir.jw2019 jw2019
Much time is wasted at meetings for service if some individuals habitually come late.
Til samlingarnar fer nógv tíð til spillis um nøkur hava tikið sær fyri at koma ov seint.jw2019 jw2019
Of course, the circumstances of some may require that they end their field ministry at a specific time.
Sjálvandi kunnu summir boðarar hava umstøður, sum hava við sær, at tað er alneyðugt at steðga í boðanini eina ávísa klokkutíð.jw2019 jw2019
It was essentially a way of sharing their passion for sport with the youth of the community at the same time as transmitting some of the rich cultural heritage of Armenia, one of the oldest civilisations in the world.
Hann varð valdur sum fyrsti fólkaræðisliga valdi forsetin í Simbabvi, og Simbabvi var saman við Mugabe hálovað av altjóða miðlum í áravís sum eitt afrikanskt mynsturland.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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