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What can be found in the section “Become Jehovah’s Friend”?
Nú, eitt ár seinni, er Paulus altso aftur í Lystra á aðru ferð síni.jw2019 jw2019
What will open up opportunities to make more friends, and where can they be found? —2 Cor.
Við sínum frumborna soni skapti Gud altso allar andaskapningar ella einglar ein og ein.jw2019 jw2019
Each year, hundreds of thousands who want to survive “the great tribulation” are being found. —Rev.
2 Eydnan í familjuni er fyrst og fremst treytað av, at vit viðurkenna, at familjuskipanin varð stovnað av Jehova, honum, sum Jesus nevnir „Faðir okkara“.jw2019 jw2019
4 In many of our publications, the answers to the printed questions can be found in the paragraphs.
(1 Mósebók 2:16, 17) At gera eftir boðnum var ikki torført.jw2019 jw2019
Ro 3:4 —How do we “let God be found true”?
So fóru fólk at flyta burtur úr Bábel.jw2019 jw2019
Many of its artefacts have been stolen, though cannons can still be found.
Guds fólk fer úr BábylonWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Let yourself be found by me.
Stutt alinjw2019 jw2019
The buildings resembled Futuro houses, some examples of which can be found elsewhere in Taiwan.
Mordokai verður illa við, tá hann hoyrir um lógina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A monogamous bird, pairs can be found together throughout the year.
Hvørjir eru teir?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The brother explained where this information could be found on the invitation.
(Hebrearabrævið 13:2) Vit mugu serstakliga minnast at vísa teimum sum syrgja gestablídni.jw2019 jw2019
We endeavor to reach people wherever they can be found.
Tí høvdu teir uppiborið at verða straffaðir.jw2019 jw2019
This magazine explains where trustworthy people can still be found.”
Á sama hátt sum ein maður, ið fyrr hevur skikkað sær væl og verið ærligur, knappliga verður tjóvur.jw2019 jw2019
What will open up opportunities to make more friends, and where can they be found? —2 Cor.
Eigur tú smá systkin, sum tú kanst gera nakað fyri?jw2019 jw2019
Explain that the satisfying answers to the other questions can be found just as easily as this one.
Hoyr nú hví.jw2019 jw2019
4 Modern-Day Examples of Faith: Outstanding examples of faith are to be found all around us!
(Matteus 24:7) Bardagar hava tey undanfarnu 100 árini kravt milliónir av mannalívum.jw2019 jw2019
However, no witnesses can be found who are in agreement in their testimony.
JÓSEF var bert 17 ár tá hann varð førdur til Egyptalands.jw2019 jw2019
He is nowhere to be found.
Á hvørjum ári doyggja fleiri milliónir í hungri.jw2019 jw2019
A Help That Is Readily to Be Found
Men nú gjørdist Ísakur ógvuliga góður við Rebekku, hann kom at elska hana og varð glaður aftur.jw2019 jw2019
Where can they be found during the day?
Og ísraelsmenn eru enn í oyðimørkini.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, may we fully accomplish our ministry by preaching to people wherever they may be found. —2 Tim.
Pløgingjw2019 jw2019
The best principles that can be found anywhere are those found in the Bible.
16 Trúgvir Guds tænarar hava nú á døgum tikið fasta avgerð um at fylgja hansara lóg viðvíkjandi blóðinum.jw2019 jw2019
Why should we be conscientious about preaching to people wherever they may be found?
(1 Mósebók 1:28-30; 3:8-13, 16-19; Ápostlasøgan 17:26-28) Tí lá óføra væl fyri hjá Ádami og konu hansara,Evu, at læra Jehova betur at kenna og menna inniligari samband við hann.jw2019 jw2019
Where can reliable guidance be found?
Síðani lærdi Jesus okkum, at vit kunnu biðja um at fáa mat hvønn dag.jw2019 jw2019
2 Can God be found in all religions?
Farao sigur Jósefi hvat hann droymdi: ’Eg sá sjey feitar og vakrar kýr.jw2019 jw2019
5 How can ‘the road to life’ be found?
Les til dømis, hvat Jóhannes skrivar víðari í kapittul 1, ørindi 18: „Eingin hevur nakrantíð sæð Gud [hin Alvalda].“jw2019 jw2019
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