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It is being constructed next to Prem Mandir, which will accommodate 25,000 people at a time.
Fyri at víga okkum til Jehova mugu vit avnokta okkum sjálvi, á sama hátt sum nøkur avnoktaðu seg sjálvi fyri at fylgja Jesusi. — Markus 8:34.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yet, to be a reliable guide, our conscience needs to be trained, as the next chapter will discuss.
Dómararnir, kapitlini 13 til 16.jw2019 jw2019
to the Service Meeting next week and to be prepared to discuss appropriate presentations for the local territory.
SÆRT tú dúgvuna ið kemur niður yvir høvdið á manninum?jw2019 jw2019
Raise a question to be answered on the next visit, and make definite arrangements to return.
Tú hevði kanska vunnið slagsmálið, men hin kundi jú komið aftur við nøkrum vinmonnum hjá sær.jw2019 jw2019
21 So following the resurrection of Christ, the 144,000 are the next to be raised.
Týðandi hendingar í lívi Jesusar á jørðini – Tænasta Jesusar í Galilea (partur 2)jw2019 jw2019
Also, attention may be drawn to the next issue of the magazine if it contains an article that discusses the same subject.
Teir stóðu nakað burturfrá.jw2019 jw2019
However, child-safety seats that can be secured in a seat next to the parents are acceptable.
Helst ikki.jw2019 jw2019
Her next album to be released would be Pizzazz.
Tá Gud skapti Ádam og Evu, setti hann tey í ein vakran urtagarð á einum øki, sum æt Eden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A great many of Elijah’s faithful colleagues had already been executed on her orders, and now, it seemed, he was to be next.
Hvørjir vóru fíggindarnir ið tóku hann?jw2019 jw2019
Monday is the prioritized make-up date, however, if it rains again on Monday, the race will be shifted to the next available day.
Vera arbeiðssom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under a mid-range sea level rise scenario, much of the remaining landmass is expected to be lost in the next 50 years and the town will likely need to be abandoned.
Fleiri upplýsingar um, hví Bábylon hin stóra má ímynda heimsveldið av følskum átrúnaði, eru at finna í uppískoytinum „Hvør er ’Bábylon hin stóra’?“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next step would be to get other publishers to go over your opening remarks with you in a practice session.
Hann sigur at Paulus verður fangaður í Jerúsalem.jw2019 jw2019
Then explain that you will be back to bring the next issues and perhaps discuss further what God has promised for obedient mankind.
Hann vildi vera kendur undir navni sínum, Jehova, í allar ævir.jw2019 jw2019
Be aggressive, insistent, or pushy or stand next to the display like a sentinel.
Fólk vóru ivaleyst ill um at hoyra hetta.jw2019 jw2019
4 At the end of each discussion, raise another question to be answered on the next visit.
Grundin løgd til seinna templiðjw2019 jw2019
Even if the householder is unreceptive, he may be more willing to listen the next time Jehovah’s Witnesses call at his door.
Griksku upprunaorðini sum vórðu nýtt at lýsa tann rørandi tilburðin vísa at tað tók Jesusi so fast at næri vinurin Lazarus var deyður og at síggja systir Lazarus gráta, at tárini spríktu fram.jw2019 jw2019
3 If you left the person with a question to be answered on the next call, write it down.
Men tað er býtt.jw2019 jw2019
When preparing your house-to-house presentation, include a follow-up question to be answered on the next visit.
Jósef sigur eisini: ’Tá tú kemur út, lat so Farao fáa at vita um meg, og hjálp mær at sleppa út higani.’jw2019 jw2019
When preparing your house-to-house presentation, also prepare a follow-up question to be answered on the next visit.
Áðrenn vit verða doypt, mugu vit fáa okkum kunnskap, sýna trúgv, fáa annað sinni, venda við og víga okkum til Jehova. — Jóhannes 17:3; Ápostlasøgan 3:19; 18:8.jw2019 jw2019
3 During your next Family Worship evening, it would be good to discuss your goals as a family.
(1 Mósebók 1:20, 24, Ny Verden-Oversættelsen) Í hesum brotinum verða fiskar, húsdýr og vill dýr øll nevnd „sálir“.jw2019 jw2019
Arlecchino could be graceful in movement, only in the next beat, to clumsily trip over his feet.
(Sálmur 19:8-10) Tú fært hug at siga tað sama við Gud sum Móses, ið var profetur fyri Jehova: „Er tað nú so, at eg havi funnið náði fyri eygum tínum, so vís mær vegir Tínar, so eg kann kenna Teg.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is expected that construction will continue for the next 2 years to be ready for the Albanian National Team's Euro 2020 qualifying home matches.
10 Skulu vit fáa greiðu á, hví Jehova loyvir líðingar, mugu vit fara aftur til tíðina, tá menniskjans líðingar byrjaðu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Commend him for what he did well, and offer practical suggestions that will help him to be even more effective next time.
Hetta kann samanberast við eitt skaðaendurgjald.jw2019 jw2019
Another option is to say, “Next time, I would like to discuss a Bible prophecy that is being fulfilled right now.”
Lívkyrtil við vovnum belti (2Mó 28:6, 8)jw2019 jw2019
However, we may be unsure of what to say to spark the next conversation.
(Jóhannes 7:16) Sum Jesus visti, vildi Faðir hansara, at menniskju skuldu frætta gleðiboðini um Ríkið.jw2019 jw2019
60 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.