be willing to oor Faroees

be willing to

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6 Would some of those whom you visit be willing to study by telephone?
Innihaldjw2019 jw2019
Why should you be willing to put forth any effort to please Jehovah?
(1 Korintbræv 10:13) Gud kann enntá geva okkum „ómetaliga kraft“.jw2019 jw2019
Why do we need to be willing to reach out to all sorts of people?
Og tá vit tæna Jehova, fara vit at biðja onnur gera tað sama.jw2019 jw2019
Mt 18:21, 22 —How many times should we be willing to forgive our brother?
Hvat er Guds ríki?jw2019 jw2019
Let all of us be willing to do our part.
Á sama hátt sum sambandið millum menniskju trívist við regluligum og opnum samskifti, soleiðis halda vit eisini samband okkara við Jehova inniligt og livandi við regluligum bønum.jw2019 jw2019
So when the Bible shows that what we are doing is bad, we should be willing to change.
Dávid er ólukkuligur um at hava borið seg so illa at, og tí letur Jehova hann sleppa undan at doyggja.jw2019 jw2019
He wanted them to be willing to serve others.
(2 Mósebók 34:6; 1 Jóhannes 4:8, 16) Hann er „góður og til reiðar at fyrigeva“.jw2019 jw2019
Then ask, “Would you be willing to accept a free home Bible study?”
Kongurin verður ovurhonds glaður.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 26:9) However, not all will be willing to conform to God’s will.
Hann varð føddur 10 ár eftir at Jehova gjørdi Saul til kong.jw2019 jw2019
We too must be willing to be different.
Vegurin til Surjw2019 jw2019
Will she be willing to submit to “the law of her husband”?
Eingilin sigur: ’Farið til templið og haldið áfram at tala til fólkið.’jw2019 jw2019
If not, he may be willing to listen “even another time.” —Acts 17:32.
Teir hava bert stutta tíð eftir at gera okkum fortreð. — Opinberingin 12:12.jw2019 jw2019
What will be done to Satan, and who will be used to accomplish this?
HVØNN týdning fær tað fyri teg, at tú lærir Jehova at kenna?jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, if you learn that you are doing what God says is wrong, will you be willing to change?
Pápin er ein mætur maður ið eitur Jairus.jw2019 jw2019
2:4) Why must you be willing to improve your personality, and who can help you to do that?
Pápi tín og eg hava verið so bangin um teg, tí vit funnu teg ikki.’jw2019 jw2019
Classical models of unemployment occurs when wages are too high for employers to be willing to hire more workers.
(Jóhannes 1:14, 18) Meðan hesin sonurin, Jesus Kristus, var á jørðini, líktist hann himmalska Faðir sínum so nógv, at tað at síggja og hoyra hann var sum at síggja og hoyra Jehova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He realized that even those with unsavory reputations might be willing to change if given the proper help and incentive.
Hvat er spádómskynstur?jw2019 jw2019
2:4) (3) Why should we be willing to improve our personality, and who can help us to do that?
(Lukas 21:34-36) Vit áttu at tikið orðini hjá Jesusi í álvara.jw2019 jw2019
In order to maintain a comfortable life-style, would I be willing to push service to God into second place?
læt Gud hondina skriva hesi orðini.’jw2019 jw2019
3 This requires that we be willing to talk about subjects other than those we had originally planned to discuss.
Jehova Gud, sum av fyrstan tíð setti menniskjað í ein vakran urtagarð, hevur lovað at endurreisa Paradísið her á jørðini undir himmalsku stjórn síni sum er litin upp í hendurnar á tí dýrmetta Jesusi Kristi.jw2019 jw2019
24:14) Knowing this, if you are able, would you be willing to move to where the need is greater?
Tað gjørdi Móses, og tá hann tók hondina útaftur, var hon hvít sum kavi!jw2019 jw2019
His presence likely indicates a measure of interest in the truth, and he may be willing to accept a Bible study.
Varandi linni fæst við at grunda yvir tað stórfingna Jehova fer at fremja. — Sálmur 1:2; 119:97.jw2019 jw2019
From time to time, what can we do to determine if those on our route might be willing to study the Bible?
Hevur tú persónliga vígt teg til Gud í bøn?jw2019 jw2019
Erie officials learned that the stockholders, many of whom needed cash to help them get through the depression, would be willing to sell.
Vit skulu ikki bara biðja hann um nakað, men eisini minnast til at takka honum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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