capacity oor Faroees


/kəˈpæsɪti/, /kəˈpæsɪtɪ/ naamwoord, adjektief
a measure of such ability; volume

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A resource's time based on their resource base calendar minus certain standard exceptions. Capacity is equal to Base Capacity minus an allowance for planned vacations, holidays, sick time, etc. For example, a part-time resource with a Base Capacity of .7FTE might have a Capacity of .65FTE after accouting for partial benefits.

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It repairs itself, rewrites programs, and improves its capacity.
Tey hava eisini fingið betri skil á, hvønn leiklut Guds ríki hevur, og hvussu tað skal fáa viðurskiftini á jørðini í rættlag.jw2019 jw2019
“Humans have the capacity to do much good, yet they often do unspeakably evil things.
Í næsta kapitli eru fleiri upplýsingar um hetta kongadømið.jw2019 jw2019
The 11,000 capacity Echo Arena is now sited on what was King's Dock as well as a number of new apartment buildings and hotels.
Hin vegurin er smalur, og á honum ganga bert fá fólk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The reservoir was filled to capacity in 1992.
Hon er øðrvísi enn allar aðrar bøkur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nelson served in that capacity until his death, on May 17, 2003, of bone marrow cancer.
Samkensla, skyn og stórur kærleiki krevst av tær tá skalt hjálpa einum sum hevur mist ein kæran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has the capacity of developing 1,000 tonnes of hides per day.
Síðst í hvørjari søgu verður víst til tað í Bíbliuni, sum hon byggir á.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike all other earthly creatures, we possess a God-given capacity to know ourselves.
Eigur tú smá systkin, sum tú kanst gera nakað fyri?jw2019 jw2019
11 Regarding the genetic code in each cell, he states: “The capacity of DNA to store information vastly exceeds that of any other known system; it is so efficient that all the information needed to specify an organism as complex as man weighs less than a few thousand millionths of a gram. . . .
Sjave-Kirjatajimslættinjw2019 jw2019
The stadium's capacity is 42,477.
Tey sleppa undan fátækdømi og hungri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cape Town's water requirements have since far outpaced the capacity of the dams and they are no longer an important part of the water supply.
Hvat áttu teir nú at gjørt fyri at vísa takksemi?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The New Encyclopædia Britannica notes: “Transmission of information within the nervous system is more complex than the largest telephone exchanges; problem solving by a human brain exceeds by far the capacity of the most powerful computers.”
2 Hugsa tær nú eitt húski í einum menningarlandi, kanska í einum øðrum heimsparti.jw2019 jw2019
Its fleet comprised over 150 vessels, with a total operating capacity of 600,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).
Nei, Jesus lærdi okkum, at vit skulu vera góð við onnur, uttan mun til hvaðani tey eru, hvussu tey síggja út, ella hvat mál tey tosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the final stages of the Pacific War, he was recalled to active duty, but served in a largely advisory capacity to the Army General Staff from 1943-1944.
Bíblian sigur beint øvut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Hitachi Capital Mobility Stadion, or Hitachi Stadion for short, is the stadium of football club FC Groningen, with a capacity of 22,329 seats and located to the south-east of Groningen.
Men tað er Jónatan, sonur Saul, ikki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Restak, “has about one ten-thousandth the . . . capacity of a housefly.”
Tey virða Bíbliuna og hava kærleika hvør til annan.jw2019 jw2019
The Rose Bowl stadium capacity is listed at approximately 91,000.
Framtíðar uppreisnin kemur á mangan hátt at líkjast hesum fortíðar uppreisnunum — hon verður bara uppaftur betri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Graded campsites have a capacity of 262 pitches.
Sjave-KirjatajimslættinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Which has more capacity, the most advanced of the neural-network computers or a simple housefly?
MILLIÓNIR av fólki elska og virða krossin.jw2019 jw2019
Acute grief may include: Memory loss and insomnia; extreme fatigue; abrupt changes of mood; flawed judgment and thinking; bouts of crying; appetite changes, with resultant weight loss or gain; a variety of symptoms of disturbed health; lethargy; reduced work capacity; hallucinations —feeling, hearing, seeing the deceased; in the loss of a child, irrational resentment of your spouse.
Og hann biður okkum verða lærisveinar hjá sær.jw2019 jw2019
He served in this capacity as Speaker of the house, a tenure that ended on October 5, 1983.
At vitna um Jehova og hansara orð styrkir eisini tína egnu trúgv og tín kærleika til Gud.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both have a capacity of 32 KB.
Fyrstu ferð Guds navn varð skrivað í eina enska bíbliu var í 1530, tá ið William Tyndale umsetti Mósebøkurnar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Renovations were made to the building in the 1940s, and in 1953 the southern half of the building was converted into the Auditorium Arena, a pure sporting venue with seating capacity of 6,841.
Í hvussu stóran mun eru gleðiboðini um Ríkið prædikað í dag, og hvør ber boðskapin út?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As one of his first tasks he toured the outdated and over capacity Port Authority Bus Terminal to plan improvements for the facility that handles 225,000 passenger-trips per day, mostly New Jerseyeans..
Ja’irsbýir?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No doubt you would agree that even a powerful supercomputer with only “one ten-thousandth the . . . capacity of a housefly” has an intelligent designer.
Hvørja ferð vit gjørdust ill og høvdu hug at geva hvør øðrum skyldina fyri tað sum var hent, tosaðu vit okkum til sættis.jw2019 jw2019
3 Serving in an appointed capacity involves hard work and requires a spirit of self-sacrifice.
Evnið er nágreiniligari viðgjørt í kapitlunum 2 til 4 í bókini Findes der en Skaber som interesserer sig for os? sum Jehova Vitni hava givið út.jw2019 jw2019
43 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.